Schwarzenegger Promotes Gas Guzzling Helicopter Ride over L.A. While Suing Oil Companies for Murder


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
There is not one Gorebal Warming alarmist who is not a total hypocrite.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Promotes Gas Guzzling Helicopter Ride over L.A. While Suing Oil Companies for ‘Murder.’

Here is his house. I have more solar panels and my house is the size of his kitchen

That idiot's brain was scrambled back in the 80's, when he took that Total Recall trip to Mars. Either that or too many steroids.

get-to-da-choppa_o_945239.jpg guys DO know that Ah-nohld is a Republican, right?
You know the definition of a RINO, right?

Wait...............sorry..................forgot.....................if someone doesn't move in lockstep with the way you think that the Republicans should act, you then eat your own.

No. We hold our own accountable, unlike the Democrats. They rarely if ever do or say anything contrary to the official Democrat party line, and vote as a hive.

Democrats are rather like ants or bees, if you want to know the truth. Why else do you think that there wasn't a single Democrat who spoke out against Obama's unlawful shenanigans for the whole 8 years?
They rarely if ever do or say anything contrary to the official Democrat party line, and vote as a hive.

Democrats are rather like ants or bees, if you want to know the truth.
Resistance is futile, they will tell you, even as the party collapses.
They rarely if ever do or say anything contrary to the official Democrat party line, and vote as a hive.

Democrats are rather like ants or bees, if you want to know the truth.
Resistance is futile, they will tell you, even as the party collapses.

That's another way of looking that them: Democrats are the Borg of political parties.

Where would the "terminator" movies have been without good old fossil fuel? H'wood slobs are nothing but hypocrites. guys DO know that Ah-nohld is a Republican, right?
You know the definition of a RINO, right?

LOL, The Republican Party wanted to revise Art II to allow Arnold to run for President for their party. Then Arnold impregnated his house keeper and he was tossed under the bus as a RINO.

Donald Trump has been accused of being a pervert and a predator by a large number of women, and the current Republican Party continues to support him. Even today Ryan spoke highly of Trump.

RINO's and what they consider to be real Republicans have this in common, they are F'ing HYPOCRITES and damn liars who won't sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, but support a lounge lizard to be their standard bearer. guys DO know that Ah-nohld is a Republican, right?
You know the definition of a RINO, right?

LOL, The Republican Party wanted to revise Art II to allow Arnold to run for President for their party. Then Arnold impregnated his house keeper and he was tossed under the bus as a RINO.

Donald Trump has been accused of being a pervert and a predator by a large number of women, and the current Republican Party continues to support him. Even today Ryan spoke highly of Trump.

RINO's and what they consider to be real Republicans have this in common, they are F'ing HYPOCRITES and damn liars who won't sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, but support a lounge lizard to be their standard bearer.
Al Gore's house. Who just the other day warned us of "flying rivers" because of Gorebal Warming.


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