School Shootings and white denial

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
I can think of no other way to say this, so here goes: white people need to pull our heads out of our collective ass

Two more white children are dead and thirteen are injured, and another "nice" community is scratching its blonde head, utterly perplexed at how a school shooting the likes of the one yesterday in Santee, California could happen. After all, as the Mayor of the town said in an interview with CNN: "We're a solid town, a good town, with good kids, a good church-going town…an All-American town." Yeah, well maybe that's the problem.

I said this after Columbine and no one listened so I'll say it again: white people live in an utter state of self-delusion. We think danger is black, brown and poor, and if we can just move far enough away from "those people" in the cities we'll be safe. If we can just find an "all-American" town, life will be better, because "things like this just don't happen here."

Well bullshit on that. In case you hadn't noticed, "here" is about the only place these kinds of things do happen. Oh sure, there is plenty of violence in urban communities and schools. But mass murder; wholesale slaughter; take-a-gun-and-see-how-many-you can-kill kinda craziness seems made for those safe places: the white suburbs or rural communities.

And yet once again, we hear the FBI insist there is no "profile" of a school shooter. Come again? White boy after white boy after white boy, with very few exceptions to that rule (and none in the mass shooting category), decides to use their classmates for target practice, and yet there is no profile? Imagine if all these killers had been black: would we still hesitate to put a racial face on the perpetrators? Doubtful.

Indeed, if any black child in America -- especially in the mostly white suburbs of Littleton, or Santee -- were to openly discuss their plans to murder fellow students, as happened both at Columbine and now Santana High, you can bet your ass that somebody would have turned them in, and the cops would have beat a path to their doorstep. But when whites discuss their murderous intentions, our stereotypes of what danger looks like cause us to ignore it -- they're just "talking" and won't really do anything. How many kids have to die before we rethink that nonsense? How many dazed and confused parents, Mayors and Sheriffs do we have to listen to, describing how "normal" and safe their community is, and how they just can't understand what went wrong?

School Shootings and White Denial
Everybody knows that the blacks are to blame. They brought their violence to the white kids with rap music. Oh, the humanity!!!!

Darn, I can't rep you again. LOL! What about that Korean student at Virginia Tech. There is no group that can be immune to blame. People have rage whether they be Black, White, Asian...These people have turned their rage outward. It's a shame that no one could help them before it was too late.
Darn, I can't rep you again. LOL! What about that Korean student at Virginia Tech. There is no group that can be immune to blame. People have rage whether they be Black, White, Asian...These people have turned their rage outward. It's a shame that no one could help them before it was too late.

I can't rep you, either. :eek: This is yet another Bush failure. DARN YOU BUSH!!!
Darn, I can't rep you again. LOL! What about that Korean student at Virginia Tech. There is no group that can be immune to blame. People have rage whether they be Black, White, Asian...These people have turned their rage outward. It's a shame that no one could help them before it was too late.

So with whites and Asians its rage, but with blacks they're just animalistic criminals?
It's a KID problem, not a color problem folks~

Some kids ( I use the term from 6-19) are desensitized from an early age with violence and such from video games and tv and movies, we all know that.

When the murders happen in small towns instead of big cities, they get more attention from the media.

With the age of the internet, any small town can be global. Facebook, myspace and websites and message boards can help these kids get their messed up agendas out there, and sometimes they aren't caught in time before the violence begins.

Small town America will never be small again.
Saying this is a white problem is nothing more than a racist comment in and of it's self.
I'm offended.

Its happening most with whites in all white communities, so called sahehavens and perfect places to raise children. When black kids commit a crime there's always some stupid, racist explanation for why it happens but when its whites, its always shock when the obvious goes on right under their noses. The problem is that alot of whites don't see bad in white it only exists in other colours.
Its happening most with whites in all white communities, so called sahehavens and perfect places to raise children. When black kids commit a crime there's always some stupid, racist explanation for why it happens but when its whites, its always shock when the obvious goes on right under their noses. The problem is that alot of whites don't see bad in white it only exists in other colours.

Its happening most with whites in all white communities, so called sahehavens and perfect places to raise children. When black kids commit a crime there's always some stupid, racist explanation for why it happens but when its whites, its always shock when the obvious goes on right under their noses. The problem is that alot of whites don't see bad in white it only exists in other colours.

but blacks aren't shocked when murders take place in black neighborhoods?
Sorry Bass--I guess it's just a white reaction to be shocked at murder when it hits close to home.
but blacks aren't shocked when murders take place in black neighborhoods?
Sorry Bass--I guess it's just a white reaction to be shocked at murder when it hits close to home.

Blacks aren't in denial about what goes on in their communities, its frequently talked about and discussed.
the cause of the shootings is psychotropic and narcoleptic drugs every case the without exception the children where on depression medications ..which have been proven to cause in many suicidal and homicidal thoughts
These boys had many issues. One of the benefits of living in a big city like New York is that because there is such a diversity of cultures and groups, even a weirdo wouldn't feel "left out." It is so important to adolescents to fit in and when the number of groups are limited, the feeling of isolation can be unbearable. I'm not justifying, but trying to understand in my terms why these kids did what they did. One of the kids, the Korean one, was off his meds when he went on the shooting rampage.
Its happening most with whites in all white communities, so called sahehavens and perfect places to raise children. When black kids commit a crime there's always some stupid, racist explanation for why it happens but when its whites, its always shock when the obvious goes on right under their noses. The problem is that alot of whites don't see bad in white it only exists in other colours.

You don't think that could have anything to do with the amount of crime seen in the "black" neighborhoods youre discussing - the ones that "don't panic" when violence strikes and the "white" neighborhoods dealing with the school shootings?

I'm guessing that in Columbine and many other communities - they weren't losing their young men in record numbers to gun violence caused by other young men.

I'm sorry, I don't think that being shocked and a bit panicked when a violent crime is committed in your otherwise peaceful community is a "wrong" reaction...I do think that violence being committed so frequently that the people in the community no longer are shocked or panicked is a much more disturbing trend.

I think that you would find the same reactions in a "black" community without crime...and a "white" community with frequent crime. It isn't racial...its about what people are used to.
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Difference is, when blacks shoot up the place, it's just daily business. When whites shoot up the place, it's a freak occurrence. Also, the hard truth is that if a few dozen black kids die in gangland gunfire, whites in the suburbs are actually relieved -- they figure that's a few less welfare dollars they'll have to spend or a few less jail-upkeep dollars they'll have to spend.
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These boys had many issues. One of the benefits of living in a big city like New York is that because there is such a diversity of cultures and groups, even a weirdo wouldn't feel "left out." It is so important to adolescents to fit in and when the number of groups are limited, the feeling of isolation can be unbearable. I'm not justifying, but trying to understand in my terms why these kids did what they did. One of the kids, the Korean one, was off his meds when he went on the shooting rampage.

he was making his plans ..and acting in a very disturbing manner while on medications..the combine kids where also medicated for a full year while planning the shootings
linois Shooter was Treated with Psych Meds Prior to Shooting Rampage
2/17/2008 - (NaturalNews) It comes as no surprise to anyone who's been following school shootings all the way back to the Colombine High massacre in Colorado: Every young, male shooter that has gone on a killing spree in the United States also has a history of treatment...

school shooting news and articles
linois Shooter was Treated with Psych Meds Prior to Shooting Rampage
2/17/2008 - (NaturalNews) It comes as no surprise to anyone who's been following school shootings all the way back to the Colombine High massacre in Colorado: Every young, male shooter that has gone on a killing spree in the United States also has a history of treatment...

school shooting news and articles

Excuses, excuses when it comes to whites and with blacks you whites assume that thats the way blacks are.

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