School Cafeteria Accused of Racism For Serving Fried Chicken during Black History Month.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
From two years ago, but becoming more prevalent in London.

One thing that has been made abundantly clear is that food with any kind of multicultural connotation is SERIOUS BUSINESS to the left. Do you like tacos? Or pasta? Or sushi? Unless you are Mexican, Italian, or Japanese, you are a dirty rotten RAAAAAAACIST! You evil cultural appropriator, you!

And apparently we can add fried chicken to the list of forbidden-unless-you’re-a-certain-ethnic-group foods. (Darn… and I really wanted KFC for lunch…)

According to this, a high school in New Jersey is being forced to apologize for serving fried chicken, sweet potato casserole, corn bread, and other types of “soul food” during Black History Month. Because… how DARE you serve a lunch meant to celebrate a certain minority group during the month that we’re supposed to celebrate a certain minority group!

Apparently, Eating Fried Chicken Is 'Cultural Appropriation.' Or Something.
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same with Fuzzy Zoeller
they are out of their cotton picking minds with race
Fuzzy Zoeller: My Tiger Woods comment was joke gone awry
The Fuzz never knew what hit him the PC Gestapo erupted so quickly everywhere around him. And it stands to this day as one of the all-time greatest mountains ever made out of a molehill.

Don’t recall now who said it but someone made an interesting analogy that had Fuzzy or some other Masters winner quipped that for their annual dinner, if hosted by someone of Irish ancestry, they should expect to dine on corned beef and cabbage would not have raised even a eyebrow among the PC maniacs.

Their dealer’s shoe is and endless line of race cards...

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