School administrator draws on kid's head with a marker


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
School Principal Suspended For Using a Marker to Fill in Black Student's Hair Cut Design

What really surprises me about this is that there is dress code for haircuts. I can't believe how far we've gotten that we are now emulating North Korea.

When I was in HS there were some kids with punk haircuts. The other kids and administrators were dicks about it, but there was no rule as to how you can have your hair. There were also some kids with long hair.

Not that I don't want to discuss that the kid was black, I just think that kind of rule is idiotic. I get that it can lead to discrimination against blacks, I get that they had no right to scribble on his head, but it's just as bad if they apply it to whites. The idiot assistant principal has been suspended at least.
You know, I don't really think that the school should be telling kids what they can and can't do with their hair styling. That should be left up to the parents and the kid to decide.

And yes, it has been done to other kids as well.
They released the name of the child but not the name of the school administrator who was suspended? I guess they have a strong teachers union in the great State of Texas.
Well... we've all been there.


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