Scholar's Report: University Indoctrination


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A report released by the California Association of Scholars after two years of study:
"A CRISIS OF COMPETENCE- The Corrupting Effect of Political Activism
in the University of California"

1. A sharp increase in faculty members who self-identify as radicals. This has led to ‘one-party’ academic departments, such as at Berkeley, where left-of-center faculty members outnumber their right-of-center colleagues in Political Science by a ratio of 28:2, in English 29:1 and in History 31:1.

2. Curricula that promote political activism, in violation of UC regulations. Critical Race Studies at UCLA’s School of Law, for example, aims to be a “training ground” for “advocates committed to racial justice theory and practice.”

3. Departments that erase the study of Western tradition. History majors are not required to take a survey course in Western civilization on any of the nine University of California undergraduate campuses.

4. Suppression of free speech. Speakers at UC Berkeley who have been shouted down by protesters include Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

Yet...there is no revelation here...
a. Those of us on the Right will recognize just what we have been saying for some time, and

b. those on the Left will merely shrug.
There's always one of the fine "christian" universities, no indoctrination there.

<Shrugging >
5.4 The Decline of Respect for Academic Research
When the academy is what it should be – an unpoliticized arena, and a calm space where complex
and controversial issues can be analyzed in an unprejudiced way – it performs an enormously valuable
service to society at large. Matters that stir political passions can be analyzed with care and with
partisanship minimized. Take the example of the minimum wage: the two major parties differ sharply
as to its usefulness, but both claim that their preferred solution benefits the poor. The left thinks that
inequality is lessened by raising the minimum wage; the right that this hurts the poor by reducing the
supply of entry level jobs that are the first step on the ladder to better things. Though ideology largely
determines who takes what position, the issue itself turns on matters of fact that are capable of precise
empirical study. Society needs a place where that study can be done without prejudice, and universities
have been such a place. But a one-party campus can neither keep partisanship in check, nor maintain
public confidence in the objectivity of its work. As a result, academic research no longer has automatic
credibility in the wider world.
-- id.

A fine example, one way or the other.

Good read. Good OP.
A report released by the California Association of Scholars after two years of study:
"A CRISIS OF COMPETENCE- The Corrupting Effect of Political Activism
in the University of California"

No surprise here. As many of you know I teach at the college level and I can assure you this is absolutely true. Instructors who lean to the right are an endangered species in universities. I got hammered frequently because I refused to push an agenda at all. I gave both sides of the issue and let my students debate and reach their own conclusions. I took a lot of heat for that. I have pointed out in several threads what the dean told me once: "We don't want the students to think for themselves. We want them to think what we tell them to think."
If a student entering college does not have a sound base and sense of who they are they will become mesmerized by activist professor's and peer pressure. Upon graduation they will learn the true meaning of the travail of liberalism and failings of progressive theory. As a friend said, "my daughter left college a flaming nut case, married a like minded mush head and after paying taxes for a few years they discovered reality".
If a student entering college does not have a sound base and sense of who they are they will become mesmerized by activist professor's and peer pressure. Upon graduation they will learn the true meaning of the travail of liberalism and failings of progressive theory. As a friend said, "my daughter left college a flaming nut case, married a like minded mush head and after paying taxes for a few years they discovered reality".

Well that's the truth too. I can't tell you how many times I had a student pound the liberal line on taxation and then when I see them at graduation or run into them a couple years later they have a completely different perspective. In other words they are all for high taxes until they start getting taxed. Then suddenly they are endorsing the Republican position.

This is exactly why I say that Democrats have no incentive to get people out of poverty. The minute they become tax payers instead of tax receivers they run the risk of them shifting their political allegiance. In short, there is absolutely nothing good for the Democratic Party that comes from someone getting out of poverty.

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