Trump Schiff nails the Great Groper


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
A great response by Schiff to the nasty tweet by the Groper. Basically told him to turn off the tv and work on the funding crisis. But, really a waste of breath; take away the Groper's tv and you take away his life.

I wish Schiff had asked him why, if he has been "totally vindicated," two investigations by Republicans are continuing. Vindicated? LMAO!!!
Something is very wrong with the mind of Donald Trump. He thinks like a dysfunctional child.
Democrats pick the oddest heros.. Schiff is a flunky for the left wing parasite news..

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A great response by Schiff to the nasty tweet by the Groper. Basically told him to turn off the tv and work on the funding crisis. But, really a waste of breath; take away the Groper's tv and you take away his life.

I wish Schiff had asked him why, if he has been "totally vindicated," two investigations by Republicans are continuing. Vindicated? LMAO!!!
Right-wing hero Trey Gowdy supports further investigations into Trump's suspicious entanglements with the Russians.
Something is very wrong with the mind of Donald Trump. He thinks like a dysfunctional child.

He's got Democrats in a pickle, they can't prove anyone lied about anything without releasing the facts for the American people to decide on their own, something Schiff has refused/obstructed for the past year at least..

Nunes has 5 more memo's to release on varied topics and is willing to have the back-up information released to the public after necessary security redaction's, Schiff and the resistance Democrats... not so much, all they have is hysteria and parasite news spewing Democratic Party talking points and foaming up the lemmings.
You bet Shiffty wants Trump to move onto something else. Anything else but Shiff's own part in the corruption being exposed.
Drain baby drain
Do you know how obvious it is that you are following the commands of the cult? Trump speaks and you follow.
A great response by Schiff to the nasty tweet by the Groper. Basically told him to turn off the tv and work on the funding crisis. But, really a waste of breath; take away the Groper's tv and you take away his life.

I wish Schiff had asked him why, if he has been "totally vindicated," two investigations by Republicans are continuing. Vindicated? LMAO!!!
Right-wing hero Trey Gowdy supports further investigations into Trump's suspicious entanglements with the Russians.

He supports the Mueller investigation continuing for a time, if that's what you mean.

So far, it looks like a huge waste of money, many Americans will starve thanks to this Democrat distraction...:ack-1:
You bet Shiffty wants Trump to move onto something else. Anything else but Shiff's own part in the corruption being exposed.
Drain baby drain
Do you know how obvious it is that you are following the commands of the cult? Trump speaks and you follow.

Poor fellow... you're stuck justifying BS on the biased hearsay of parasite news and loony Chuck and Nancy.. et al
You bet Shiffty wants Trump to move onto something else. Anything else but Shiff's own part in the corruption being exposed.
Drain baby drain
Do you know how obvious it is that you are following the commands of the cult? Trump speaks and you follow.

I feel no need to micromanage Trump's decisions. And you have cult confused with support. America voted this man into office. So, if by cult you are referring to the Americans that voted him in, wait until next time. Black cultists are going back to work, cultish women too. Then there are the culters that are getting bigger paychecks. Lots more cult members voting against the UN Democrats next time. :eusa_dance:
Schiff is your new hero? He was the guy claiming the release of the Nunes Memo would threaten national security. Anyone with a 4th grade reading level can surmise there is NOTHING in the Nunes Memo that threatens national security. What it does is put the spotlight on an FBI that is a water carrier for the Democratic Party.

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