
I'm sure Trump is tired of Democrats accusing him of stuff they never complained about when Obama was doing it.

This is according to the Clinton playbook: Deny, deny, deny, and make counter accusations.
Best way to inoculate yourself is to either act like you're fighting against corrupt acts or claim your opponents are guilty of that which you have already done. This puts them on the defensive.

Actually they had no problem when Trump did it either, until he touched on their sensitive zone that included Biden.

Sekulow: Trump has withheld foreign aid 'a number of times,' not just for Ukraine
Yeah, I'm thinking he lies. I can't find any proof of that either at your link or anywhere else.

So your claim is he went on national television, lied about everything he said, and nobody called him out on it?
Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much all the defense team does, isn't it?

So what fact are you having a problem with? I'll find it if thats' what you want. You'll have to accept whatever source I find because what he said Trump did is what every President does at one time or another during their terms, so it's not a big deal and probably not reported very much unless it was a very slow news day.
I hadn't noticed any facts. That's what I just said. Sorry you had a hard time understanding it.

I'm sure Trump is tired of Democrats accusing him of stuff they never complained about when Obama was doing it.

This is according to the Clinton playbook: Deny, deny, deny, and make counter accusations.
Best way to inoculate yourself is to either act like you're fighting against corrupt acts or claim your opponents are guilty of that which you have already done. This puts them on the defensive.

Actually they had no problem when Trump did it either, until he touched on their sensitive zone that included Biden.

Sekulow: Trump has withheld foreign aid 'a number of times,' not just for Ukraine
Yeah, I'm thinking he lies. I can't find any proof of that either at your link or anywhere else.

So your claim is he went on national television, lied about everything he said, and nobody called him out on it?
Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much all the defense team does, isn't it?
Show Evidence? To Exonerate and Acquit their Falsely Accused Client?

Evidence like this that shows The Whistleblower's Lawyers, Zaid, and Bakaj a ex CIA, and Eric Ciaramella, CIA operative associated with BIDEN kicked out of The White House for leaking classified information. Plotted Impeachment, plotted to start a COUP. All three are Muslims, and all three are associated with BOTH Clapper, Brennan, and have close ties to Obama, Clinton and The Democrat Party.


Mark S. Zaid


#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers
Non Sequitur.
Schiff, Nadler and Schumer have made their mark in our history as the most crooked cretins in American politics.
This Coupeachment is an obscene greed for power and a total disregard for ethics and honesty.

It truly is. Trump’s lawyers have gone from saying that he didn’t do anything wrong to saying that when the President does something illegal, if it’s even partially for the good of the country, it can’t be illegal.

The Presidents lawyers lied about the Bidens, promoted Russian propaganda, and are covering up for a criminal President.

Trump didn't do anything illegal. In this forum, if you repeat a lie over and over again, it doesn't become truth. It's still a lie.
That's what liars do. They are deluded by the lies they tell, then their souls become polluted, and then they are incapable of telling the truth or hearing it.
Actually they had no problem when Trump did it either, until he touched on their sensitive zone that included Biden.

Sekulow: Trump has withheld foreign aid 'a number of times,' not just for Ukraine
Yeah, I'm thinking he lies. I can't find any proof of that either at your link or anywhere else.

So your claim is he went on national television, lied about everything he said, and nobody called him out on it?
Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much all the defense team does, isn't it?
Show Evidence? To Exonerate and Acquit their Falsely Accused Client?

Evidence like this that shows The Whistleblower's Lawyers, Zaid, and Bakaj a ex CIA, and Eric Ciaramella, CIA operative associated with BIDEN kicked out of The White House for leaking classified information. Plotted Impeachment, plotted to start a COUP. All three are Muslims, and all three are associated with BOTH Clapper, Brennan, and have close ties to Obama, Clinton and The Democrat Party.


Mark S. Zaid


#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers
Non Sequitur.
Surrender Accepted
Actually they had no problem when Trump did it either, until he touched on their sensitive zone that included Biden.

Sekulow: Trump has withheld foreign aid 'a number of times,' not just for Ukraine
Yeah, I'm thinking he lies. I can't find any proof of that either at your link or anywhere else.

So your claim is he went on national television, lied about everything he said, and nobody called him out on it?
Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much all the defense team does, isn't it?

So what fact are you having a problem with? I'll find it if thats' what you want. You'll have to accept whatever source I find because what he said Trump did is what every President does at one time or another during their terms, so it's not a big deal and probably not reported very much unless it was a very slow news day.
I hadn't noticed any facts. That's what I just said. Sorry you had a hard time understanding it.

Oh, so word games now? Then allow me to be more simplistic for you: what did he say happened that you couldn't find on the internet? Just one thing. I'll find it for you.
Yeah, I'm thinking he lies. I can't find any proof of that either at your link or anywhere else.

So your claim is he went on national television, lied about everything he said, and nobody called him out on it?
Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much all the defense team does, isn't it?

So what fact are you having a problem with? I'll find it if thats' what you want. You'll have to accept whatever source I find because what he said Trump did is what every President does at one time or another during their terms, so it's not a big deal and probably not reported very much unless it was a very slow news day.
I hadn't noticed any facts. That's what I just said. Sorry you had a hard time understanding it.

Oh, so word games now? Then allow me to be more simplistic for you: what did he say happened that you couldn't find on the internet? Just one thing. I'll find it for you.
That's all they have are word games, change the subject or then resort to labeling.
Schiff is killing Dershowitz. Dershowitz’s opinion is an out-lier.

Schiff couldn't out-argue my dead grandmother.
He out argued Dershowitz. What does that say about Dershowitz then?

Uh...no he didn't.

What does that say about you ?
Dershowitz’s credibility is nearly zero. He quoted scholar Bowie saying he agrees with his position when Bowie wrote an op-Ed essentially calling Dershowitz an idiot.

Opinion | Don’t Be Confused by Trump’s Defense. What He Is Accused of Are Crimes.

Dershowitz came across as desperate. Dershowitz says hie is impartial when he was at the White House paring Pompeo, Dershowitz’s opinion was bought and paid for. Most constitutional scholars would not prostitute themselves like that. Even Jonathan Turley indicated Dershowitz was full of shit.
Total and complete bullshit.
Schiff is killing Dershowitz. Dershowitz’s opinion is an out-lier.

Schiff couldn't out-argue my dead grandmother.
He out argued Dershowitz. What does that say about Dershowitz then?

Uh...no he didn't.

What does that say about you ?
Dershowitz’s credibility is nearly zero. He quoted scholar Bowie saying he agrees with his position when Bowie wrote an op-Ed essentially calling Dershowitz an idiot.

Opinion | Don’t Be Confused by Trump’s Defense. What He Is Accused of Are Crimes.

Dershowitz came across as desperate. Dershowitz says hie is impartial when he was at the White House paring Pompeo, Dershowitz’s opinion was bought and paid for. Most constitutional scholars would not prostitute themselves like that. Even Jonathan Turley indicated Dershowitz was full of shit.
Total and complete bullshit.
What a misguided poster. I am amazed at how little people know about The Law and Constitution.
No, what he said is that "if" Trump did that (and there is no evidence he did) that it still falls out of the definition of impeachment.
Because why?

Because impeachment is for those who commit high crimes, misdemeanors, bribery or treason. That's why.
Which is Trump
Obviously.....now Obama actually committed treason and bribery....but he gets a pass because he's a Democrat.
View attachment 303420

Typical tRumpling bullshit.

"Obama did it too".

Fuckin' liar.
Non sequitur .
Because impeachment is for those who commit high crimes, misdemeanors, bribery or treason. That's why.
Which is Trump
Obviously.....now Obama actually committed treason and bribery....but he gets a pass because he's a Democrat.

<sob>. But........But......
What about OweBama?

I'm sure Trump is tired of Democrats accusing him of stuff they never complained about when Obama was doing it.

This is according to the Clinton playbook: Deny, deny, deny, and make counter accusations.
Best way to inoculate yourself is to either act like you're fighting against corrupt acts or claim your opponents are guilty of that which you have already done. This puts them on the defensive.
Rare to use the same gif twice in ten minutes but...

View attachment 303424
Non sequitur
Since when does this pencil-necked geek speak for everyone in America?

That bug eyed douche nipple no more speaks for ME, than does this worthless cat over here at my in law’s house. Hell, I trust that cat more than I do him!
After Dershowitz smashes the leftist commie narrative, Adam Schiff calls him a liar.

And there you have it. Stick a fork in it when you have to do that in desperation.

Discuss: Schiff hurts, not helps The Impeachment COUP!

Dershowitz hasn't smashed anything but what was left of his once great reputation. Everything he is currently arguing against, he was for during the Clinton impeachment. Dersch has defended every heinous criminal in recent history including OJ and Jeffrey Epstein. He's become a desperate attention-seeking whore who will make up any phony consitutional argument necessary to get some crook off. He has even admitted that other constitutional scholars disagree with his arguments.

And Tree, an Impeachment is the direct opposite of a coup. A coup is an illegal removal of a President. An impeachment is a constitutionally mandated remedy for a lawless President, harming the nation.

None of which exists.

You continue to ignore the fact that you wanted to impeach him and have spent the last three years looking for an excuse.

It's all over the place.

You really deny that ?
She is a Canadian. She is basically trolling.

I don't really care that she is a Canadian.....but the fact that she is a Leftist, they don't come more Leftists than her.......grrrrrrrrrr.....I do care about that.

I despise that fact actually.

What you despise is that I come here and consistently expose your lies, your fallacies, and your utter failure to display any of the characteristics of genuine Christians.

Your constant lying is a problem Tree. You come here and post that you''re a righteous man, and then you slander other posters, lies about your President, and blather meaningless scripture. The level of demonization and anger you spew, utter puts the lie to the idea that you're a Christian.

Judge not lest you be judged. Tree.

Are you referring to me, why did you quote me? if that's the case my name is skye and not Tree.:smile:
Time and time again, Schiffty Schiff has been proven a liar… you don’t restart an investigation in the middle of a trial. And I hope senators see that and move us past this national nightmare of impeachment
"if he ever wanna be called Senator again, Doug Jones better vote in favor of Trump" - Trey Gowdy to FOX News
Yeah, I'm thinking he lies. I can't find any proof of that either at your link or anywhere else.

So your claim is he went on national television, lied about everything he said, and nobody called him out on it?
Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much all the defense team does, isn't it?
Show Evidence? To Exonerate and Acquit their Falsely Accused Client?

Evidence like this that shows The Whistleblower's Lawyers, Zaid, and Bakaj a ex CIA, and Eric Ciaramella, CIA operative associated with BIDEN kicked out of The White House for leaking classified information. Plotted Impeachment, plotted to start a COUP. All three are Muslims, and all three are associated with BOTH Clapper, Brennan, and have close ties to Obama, Clinton and The Democrat Party.


Mark S. Zaid


#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers
Non Sequitur.
Surrender Accepted
So, you don't know what "non Sequitur" means then.

Duly noted.

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