SC Woman arrested for cheering at daughters HS graduation ceremony


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
SC mom arrested for cheering too loudly at graduation - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

In one of the nations worst areas for public education (The "Corridor of Shame" in SC, Senator Robert Ford (D)'s district ironically), one woman couldnt hide her joy and pride seeing her daughter graduate high school!!! She cheered "My baby made it, yes!"

And the govt, of course, cracked down, sent the men with guns up there and put her into handcuffs and off to jail.

When this young lady got her diploma, she went out to find her mother and celebrate. She found a police van, in handcuffs. She was not allowed to see or speak with her mom, who was being held in the van until transported to the jail.

Government in action. Gotta love it.
Rules are pesky things.

Hell, that girl was probably the first one in 6 generations to graduate. Can't blame the mom.

"I'm a remember. She gonna remember for the rest of her life. My mama went to jail on my graduation day."

Shanaynay made through all 12 years know how crazy black women get when they are happy.
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I understand "rules", which our society has gone fucking nuts with. We're gonna have a "rule" on how many times per minute I can breathe in order to conserve oxygen soon.

It just seems there has to be a better way to do some shit. Like locking a woman up for having a messy yard, which happened in SC last year. Now locking up a woman for cheering for her kid graduating. Sure, it's the rule. Escort her out. 99% of people follow the rules like that. But JAIL???? REALLY? I say this as a former cop, who thinks we have a LOT of chicken shit laws that get dumped on cops to enforce, and put them into shitty situations like this when we as a society should grow the fuck up, behave ourselves, and stop running to the govt to do shit we should be doing on our own.
I'd be mad if she wasn't forewarned, but she was.

This is what our democratically-held elections are for.
It was, obviously, the school board that made this rule. Yes it's a dumb rule.
But they were elected to make these decisions.

We can be heard at meetings and PTA conferences if certain rules are dumb.

But we can't just up and say, "Well, that's a dumb rule. I'm not going to follow it" and then be surprised when there are consequences.

She was probably more disruptive than the article suggests. But, serves the Afro-shit right, for being a supporter of tyrannical Democrat candidates.
Things are to the point of ridiculous.

Family's graduation celebration costs Mt. Healthy student | |

This kid personally did nothing wrong and should IMO sue the school that is holding him responsible for others behavior.
To request tickets, parents sign a letter saying, in part: “I understand that I am responsible for the conduct of myself, child and guests. Any disruptive behavior will result in my child’s diploma being held, and 20 additional hours of community service (must be) completed until it is awarded.”

Seems pretty simple.

If you don't like the rules, change them. Don't just decide which ones to follow
I'd be mad if she wasn't forewarned, but she was.

This is what our democratically-held elections are for.
It was, obviously, the school board that made this rule. Yes it's a dumb rule.
But they were elected to make these decisions.

We can be heard at meetings and PTA conferences if certain rules are dumb.

But we can't just up and say, "Well, that's a dumb rule. I'm not going to follow it" and then be surprised when there are consequences.


My understanding was that all those in the audience were warned that if they cheered loudly, they would be escorted out. I did not hear anything about a warning that one would be subject to an arrest for disturbing the peace.

That being said, I must assume that she resisted being escorted out...and that would warrant police action...

However, the rule in itself is rediculous. One should be able to show as much jubilation at their childs graduation as they wish.
Things are to the point of ridiculous.

Family's graduation celebration costs Mt. Healthy student | |

This kid personally did nothing wrong and should IMO sue the school that is holding him responsible for others behavior.
To request tickets, parents sign a letter saying, in part: “I understand that I am responsible for the conduct of myself, child and guests. Any disruptive behavior will result in my child’s diploma being held, and 20 additional hours of community service (must be) completed until it is awarded.”

Seems pretty simple.

If you don't like the rules, change them. Don't just decide which ones to follow

I agree. No matter how rediculous a rule is, one is expected to follow it....THEN do what one can to have the rule changed.

But no one should have the right to decide which rules to follow.
I'd be mad if she wasn't forewarned, but she was.

This is what our democratically-held elections are for.
It was, obviously, the school board that made this rule. Yes it's a dumb rule.
But they were elected to make these decisions.

We can be heard at meetings and PTA conferences if certain rules are dumb.

But we can't just up and say, "Well, that's a dumb rule. I'm not going to follow it" and then be surprised when there are consequences.


My understanding was that all those in the audience were warned that if they cheered loudly, they would be escorted out. I did not hear anything about a warning that one would be subject to an arrest for disturbing the peace.

That being said, I must assume that she resisted being escorted out...and that would warrant police action...

However, the rule in itself is rediculous. One should be able to show as much jubilation at their childs graduation as they wish.

Multiply that time 300 graduates and the ceremony would take days to finish
If we let one mother cheer, then we have to let all mothers cheer at graduation. And then the fathers will insist on being given equal cheering rights. Before you know it, graduations would be giant, noisy, gay, festive, happy affairs.

Can't have that!

There will be somberness, and anyone tossing their mortarboard in the air will be fined $500 for ocular endangerment.
I'd have to hear all of the facts. Was she simply cheering? Did she refuse to stop cheering after told not to? Did she fight with the teachers and administrators after they asked her to calm down? I think there is more to this story.
South Carolina....*shrug

Whats wrong with SC? And....may I ask what state you reside in? As one of the most pro-military states in the union, I'd have thought you would be more supportive of this great state.
SC Woman arrested for cheering at daughters HS graduation ceremony

Loud black people are annoying. Main reason I do not go to public movie theaters.

I hate to say you're right.......but man, I dont do movies anymore either. However, they dont deserve to go to jail for it, as much as I daydreamed of it in a few movies. Loud people of any race are annoying too. Ever try having a drink with a bunch of Italian or Irish morons? It's why I no longer do bars either.
We need to get control of this country back. Everyone in that auditorium should have stood up and cheered through the whole graduation and just looked at the police like "Fuck off, you gonna arrest all of us?". Until people start fighting back at stupidity like this they will continue to push us further.
My guess is that graduations past have gotten out of control.

When parents haven't got the sense to behave with a certain modicom of restraint and proper decorum at one of the most important moments of a kid's life, is it any wonder our young people are such abject losers?

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