SC starts a court that would excuse govt employees accused of crimes; Bias treatment?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Special courts aim to keep vets clean, out of jail - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Apparantly there are more than 100 of these types of courts in the country. This one takes current or former government employees accused of non-violent crimes, like drugs, and instead of jail time, gives them a chance to get excused and avoid jail or fines if they follow the ordered tasks the special court assigns.

This is only for government workers of a certain type. These are charges that, if any normal Joe Blow got charged with, would be heard in a regular court, and the law and court would hand down the appropriate sentence.

But because these folks worked for the government, they get special treatment and get treated....different than the rest of us. They get a break and leniancy that the rest of us wouldn't get.

You would think they would be held to a "higher standard"....not a standard thats lower than the one the rest of us are held to.

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