Say It Isn't So!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Juan Williams’ Wife: NPR Liberals Are Hypocrites

1. Delise Williams, the wife of Fox News contributor Juan Williams, tells Newsmax that “so-called liberals” at NPR treated her — a light-skinned African-American — as if she didn’t exist. “The NPR people were hypocrites because they are supposed to be the liberals who are accepting of all kinds of people and inclusive, and they were the most exclusive group in my experience of going to events related to work that I have ever seen,” says Delise, a former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor.

2. Juan Williams’ book “Muzzled: The Assault on Honest Debate” hits bookstores next week. It reveals that for years before NPR fired him, NPR executives harassed him over what he did or did not say on the air.

3. NewsmaxTV interviewed Juan about the book, including how Fox News President Roger Ailes expanded Juan's role at Fox and made sure he would not suffer a pay cut because NPR had fired him over what he had said on Fox.

Juan Williams

Oh....I can't go on!
This can't be true of liberals!!!!!

Everything I learned on the board!! Nooooooooooo.......

Whatever you do....don't let Ms.Truthie see this....she'll have the vapors!
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Juan Williams’ Wife: NPR Liberals Are Hypocrites

1. Delise Williams, the wife of Fox News contributor Juan Williams, tells Newsmax that “so-called liberals” at NPR treated her — a light-skinned African-American — as if she didn’t exist. “The NPR people were hypocrites because they are supposed to be the liberals who are accepting of all kinds of people and inclusive, and they were the most exclusive group in my experience of going to events related to work that I have ever seen,” says Delise, a former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor.

2. Juan Williams’ book “Muzzled: The Assault on Honest Debate” hits bookstores next week. It reveals that for years before NPR fired him, NPR executives harassed him over what he did or did not say on the air.

3. NewsmaxTV interviewed Juan about the book, including how Fox News President Roger Ailes expanded Juan's role at Fox and made sure he would not suffer a pay cut because NPR had fired him over what he had said on Fox.

4. In the meantime, Delise says that she and Juan were the only blacks at NPR parties, a point confirmed by Juan. In general, both say, African-Americans were found only in low level jobs such as security guards.

5. Juan ...and Delise are invited to top parties at the White House and elsewhere. But because she felt NPR personnel treated her like a second-class citizen, she says she stopped going to NPR social gatherings.

6. In contrast to NPR, “Even though politically I’m on the other side, the Fox people, included me much more in the interactions and in the gatherings, and I never felt like I was on the outside,” Delise says.

7. “The Fox gatherings are much diverse,” she says. “They have both African-American and whites. It’s great because when I sometimes go down to Fox and wait for Juan in the green room, they all speak to me as if they know me and are very friendly. I feel very comfortable there. With the NPR people, I did not feel comfortable.”

8. Fox News has never told Juan what he could or could not say, she says. In contrast, NPR constantly criticized him when he expressed views that diverged from what they thought a black man should think, Delise says.

9. At Fox, “They encourage debate, and I’ve even gotten my friends to watch Fox,” Delise says. “It gives you information about what is happening in both political parties, information on both sides."

10. NPR consists of “pseudo-liberals,” Delise says. “I think liberal means being tolerant. You may have a certain set of beliefs, but you do not reject someone who may have a different set of beliefs or who looks different.”
Juan Williams

Oh....I can't go on!
This can't be true of liberals!!!!!

Everything I learned on the board!! Nooooooooooo.......

Whatever you do....don't let Ms.Truthie see this....she'll have the vapors!

The timing of her comments ought to give pause to a discerning audience; the PR Dept. at Fox must be on overtime.

PS, I wonder if a trip to Hawaii or another nice vacation spot is in the offing for the " light-skinned African-American former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor" (and why was that information relevant to the 'story'?).
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NPR consists of “pseudo-liberals,” Delise says. “I think liberal means being tolerant. You may have a certain set of beliefs, but you do not reject someone who may have a different set of beliefs or who looks different.”

At Fox, “They encourage debate, and I’ve even gotten my friends to watch Fox,” Delise says. “It gives you information about what is happening in both political parties, information on both sides."

NPR consists of “pseudo-liberals,” Delise says. “I think liberal means being tolerant. You may have a certain set of beliefs, but you do not reject someone who may have a different set of beliefs or who looks different.”
Juan Williams’ Wife: NPR Liberals Are Hypocrites

1. Delise Williams, the wife of Fox News contributor Juan Williams, tells Newsmax that “so-called liberals” at NPR treated her — a light-skinned African-American — as if she didn’t exist. “The NPR people were hypocrites because they are supposed to be the liberals who are accepting of all kinds of people and inclusive, and they were the most exclusive group in my experience of going to events related to work that I have ever seen,” says Delise, a former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor.

2. Juan Williams’ book “Muzzled: The Assault on Honest Debate” hits bookstores next week. It reveals that for years before NPR fired him, NPR executives harassed him over what he did or did not say on the air.

3. NewsmaxTV interviewed Juan about the book, including how Fox News President Roger Ailes expanded Juan's role at Fox and made sure he would not suffer a pay cut because NPR had fired him over what he had said on Fox.

4. In the meantime, Delise says that she and Juan were the only blacks at NPR parties, a point confirmed by Juan. In general, both say, African-Americans were found only in low level jobs such as security guards.

5. Juan ...and Delise are invited to top parties at the White House and elsewhere. But because she felt NPR personnel treated her like a second-class citizen, she says she stopped going to NPR social gatherings.

6. In contrast to NPR, “Even though politically I’m on the other side, the Fox people, included me much more in the interactions and in the gatherings, and I never felt like I was on the outside,” Delise says.

7. “The Fox gatherings are much diverse,” she says. “They have both African-American and whites. It’s great because when I sometimes go down to Fox and wait for Juan in the green room, they all speak to me as if they know me and are very friendly. I feel very comfortable there. With the NPR people, I did not feel comfortable.”

8. Fox News has never told Juan what he could or could not say, she says. In contrast, NPR constantly criticized him when he expressed views that diverged from what they thought a black man should think, Delise says.

9. At Fox, “They encourage debate, and I’ve even gotten my friends to watch Fox,” Delise says. “It gives you information about what is happening in both political parties, information on both sides."

10. NPR consists of “pseudo-liberals,” Delise says. “I think liberal means being tolerant. You may have a certain set of beliefs, but you do not reject someone who may have a different set of beliefs or who looks different.”
Juan Williams

Oh....I can't go on!
This can't be true of liberals!!!!!

Everything I learned on the board!! Nooooooooooo.......

Whatever you do....don't let Ms.Truthie see this....she'll have the vapors!

The timing of her comments ought to give pause to a discerning audience; the PR Dept. at Fox must be on overtime.

So, by astute and 'discerning' consideration of all the facts, you have decided that Ms. Williams' perceptions are ...untrue?....befuddled?.....purchased?

And, if that is your view, would it be identical, had she been praising the hypocrites at NPR?

And if not, wouldn't that indict you as a hypocrite?
Re the Juan Williams affair with NPR - what else is new? The leftwing tries to shut down opposition speech. That, shilling for obama, and defamation is their whole stock in trade.
Re the Juan Williams affair with NPR - what else is new? The leftwing tries to shut down opposition speech. That, shilling for obama, and defamation is their whole stock in trade.

But don't you see the revelations, that the house organ for the liberal community turns out to be intolerant as shocking,...and perhaps a reason for those who lean left to question closely held beliefs?

It may move some folks towards an epiphany that has been coming for a long time.
Juan Williams’ Wife: NPR Liberals Are Hypocrites

1. Delise Williams, the wife of Fox News contributor Juan Williams, tells Newsmax that “so-called liberals” at NPR treated her — a light-skinned African-American — as if she didn’t exist. “The NPR people were hypocrites because they are supposed to be the liberals who are accepting of all kinds of people and inclusive, and they were the most exclusive group in my experience of going to events related to work that I have ever seen,” says Delise, a former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor.

2. Juan Williams’ book “Muzzled: The Assault on Honest Debate” hits bookstores next week. It reveals that for years before NPR fired him, NPR executives harassed him over what he did or did not say on the air.

3. NewsmaxTV interviewed Juan about the book, including how Fox News President Roger Ailes expanded Juan's role at Fox and made sure he would not suffer a pay cut because NPR had fired him over what he had said on Fox.

4. In the meantime, Delise says that she and Juan were the only blacks at NPR parties, a point confirmed by Juan. In general, both say, African-Americans were found only in low level jobs such as security guards.

5. Juan ...and Delise are invited to top parties at the White House and elsewhere. But because she felt NPR personnel treated her like a second-class citizen, she says she stopped going to NPR social gatherings.

6. In contrast to NPR, “Even though politically I’m on the other side, the Fox people, included me much more in the interactions and in the gatherings, and I never felt like I was on the outside,” Delise says.

7. “The Fox gatherings are much diverse,” she says. “They have both African-American and whites. It’s great because when I sometimes go down to Fox and wait for Juan in the green room, they all speak to me as if they know me and are very friendly. I feel very comfortable there. With the NPR people, I did not feel comfortable.”

8. Fox News has never told Juan what he could or could not say, she says. In contrast, NPR constantly criticized him when he expressed views that diverged from what they thought a black man should think, Delise says.

9. At Fox, “They encourage debate, and I’ve even gotten my friends to watch Fox,” Delise says. “It gives you information about what is happening in both political parties, information on both sides."

10. NPR consists of “pseudo-liberals,” Delise says. “I think liberal means being tolerant. You may have a certain set of beliefs, but you do not reject someone who may have a different set of beliefs or who looks different.”
Juan Williams

Oh....I can't go on!
This can't be true of liberals!!!!!

Everything I learned on the board!! Nooooooooooo.......

Whatever you do....don't let Ms.Truthie see this....she'll have the vapors!

The timing of her comments ought to give pause to a discerning audience; the PR Dept. at Fox must be on overtime.

So, by astute and 'discerning' consideration of all the facts, you have decided that Ms. Williams' perceptions are ...untrue?....befuddled?.....purchased?

And, if that is your view, would it be identical, had she been praising the hypocrites at NPR?

And if not, wouldn't that indict you as a hypocrite?

LOL, would it be patronizing of me to define discerning for you? Discerning does not mean decided, dear (well, as long as I'm patronizing - lol) it means using good judgment, and given what has transpired over the past two weeks it is not surprising Fox would be a bit defensive and into image protection and deflection, some things a discerning viewer might consider, as well as more details, before deciding.
Another boring cut and paste from another boring conservative gutter-rag by PoliticalHacc! :eek:
The timing of her comments ought to give pause to a discerning audience; the PR Dept. at Fox must be on overtime.

So, by astute and 'discerning' consideration of all the facts, you have decided that Ms. Williams' perceptions are ...untrue?....befuddled?.....purchased?

And, if that is your view, would it be identical, had she been praising the hypocrites at NPR?

And if not, wouldn't that indict you as a hypocrite?

LOL, would it be patronizing of me to define discerning for you? Discerning does not mean decided, dear (well, as long as I'm patronizing - lol) it means using good judgment, and given what has transpired over the past two weeks it is not surprising Fox would be a bit defensive and into image protection and deflection, some things a discerning viewer might consider, as well as more details, before deciding.

No, it was hardly necessary to define any words for me...

...but, I was wondering if you would entertain this question...

I understand that opinion is the coin of the realm here, but considering that Ms. Williams was relating her experience, is there any basis beside an inveterate hated of the right that produced such an avalanche of imagination, such as:

1. That her testimony had been written for her by "the PR Dept. at Fox"

2. That her words had been prompted by a "trip to Hawaii"

3. "...or another nice vacation spot..."

What exactly was the indicia that propelled you to said 'discernment'?
Simply bias?

4. Now, as to your query,why " light-skinned African-American former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor" (and why was that information relevant to the 'story'?).' was critical....let me help.

a. it documents her standing to discuss the racial intolerance of the NPR liberals toward blacks.

b. it suggests a level of education that might obviate a defense by the intolerant liberals at NPR who chose not to converse with her, i.e., that she was too stupid to hold a conversation.

c. There are folks who might simply make things you did when you accused her of prostituting herself when she told a personal recollection, that of racial intolerance by the hypocritical liberals at NPR.

Now, don't you feel better, now that I have disabused you of your misunderstandings?
Juan Williams’ Wife: NPR Liberals Are Hypocrites

1. Delise Williams, the wife of Fox News contributor Juan Williams, tells Newsmax that “so-called liberals” at NPR treated her — a light-skinned African-American — as if she didn’t exist. “The NPR people were hypocrites because they are supposed to be the liberals who are accepting of all kinds of people and inclusive, and they were the most exclusive group in my experience of going to events related to work that I have ever seen,” says Delise, a former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor.

2. Juan Williams’ book “Muzzled: The Assault on Honest Debate” hits bookstores next week. It reveals that for years before NPR fired him, NPR executives harassed him over what he did or did not say on the air.

3. NewsmaxTV interviewed Juan about the book, including how Fox News President Roger Ailes expanded Juan's role at Fox and made sure he would not suffer a pay cut because NPR had fired him over what he had said on Fox.

Juan Williams

Oh....I can't go on!
This can't be true of liberals!!!!!

Everything I learned on the board!! Nooooooooooo.......

Whatever you do....don't let Ms.Truthie see this....she'll have the vapors!

Maybe they just ignored her because she's an idiot.
1. People iin the media business are super egotists in the first place.
2. Every radio station I worked at prompted me and made me memorize what I was going to say and how. Nothing new.
Another boring cut and paste from another boring conservative gutter-rag by PoliticalHacc! :eek:

Shreddy! Is that you??

Did you mistake this for the incontinence hotline?

Or did you actually have a point to make?
Didn't understand the OP?

I know you have the title of "Poster Without A Shred of Intelligence," but I have
even more good news for you:
You’d make a damn fine organ donor…

Now, get on down to that dumpster before you miss dinner!
Juan Williams’ Wife: NPR Liberals Are Hypocrites

1. Delise Williams, the wife of Fox News contributor Juan Williams, tells Newsmax that “so-called liberals” at NPR treated her — a light-skinned African-American — as if she didn’t exist. “The NPR people were hypocrites because they are supposed to be the liberals who are accepting of all kinds of people and inclusive, and they were the most exclusive group in my experience of going to events related to work that I have ever seen,” says Delise, a former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor.

2. Juan Williams’ book “Muzzled: The Assault on Honest Debate” hits bookstores next week. It reveals that for years before NPR fired him, NPR executives harassed him over what he did or did not say on the air.

3. NewsmaxTV interviewed Juan about the book, including how Fox News President Roger Ailes expanded Juan's role at Fox and made sure he would not suffer a pay cut because NPR had fired him over what he had said on Fox.

Juan Williams

Oh....I can't go on!
This can't be true of liberals!!!!!

Everything I learned on the board!! Nooooooooooo.......

Whatever you do....don't let Ms.Truthie see this....she'll have the vapors!

Maybe they just ignored her because she's an idiot.

Is that what happened to you??

Hint: People might take you more seriously if you’d walk instead of skip.
1. People iin the media business are super egotists in the first place.
2. Every radio station I worked at prompted me and made me memorize what I was going to say and how. Nothing new.

Didn't you read the OP?
It made the point that Fox did not do so.

Do you understand that your post has absolutely no relevance?

Are you trying to take Shreddy's title???
So, by astute and 'discerning' consideration of all the facts, you have decided that Ms. Williams' perceptions are ...untrue?....befuddled?.....purchased?

And, if that is your view, would it be identical, had she been praising the hypocrites at NPR?

And if not, wouldn't that indict you as a hypocrite?

LOL, would it be patronizing of me to define discerning for you? Discerning does not mean decided, dear (well, as long as I'm patronizing - lol) it means using good judgment, and given what has transpired over the past two weeks it is not surprising Fox would be a bit defensive and into image protection and deflection, some things a discerning viewer might consider, as well as more details, before deciding.

No, it was hardly necessary to define any words for me...

...but, I was wondering if you would entertain this question...

I understand that opinion is the coin of the realm here, but considering that Ms. Williams was relating her experience, is there any basis beside an inveterate hated of the right that produced such an avalanche of imagination, such as:

1. That her testimony had been written for her by "the PR Dept. at Fox"

2. That her words had been prompted by a "trip to Hawaii"

3. "...or another nice vacation spot..."

What exactly was the indicia that propelled you to said 'discernment'?
Simply bias?

4. Now, as to your query,why " light-skinned African-American former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor" (and why was that information relevant to the 'story'?).' was critical....let me help.

a. it documents her standing to discuss the racial intolerance of the NPR liberals toward blacks.

b. it suggests a level of education that might obviate a defense by the intolerant liberals at NPR who chose not to converse with her, i.e., that she was too stupid to hold a conversation.

c. There are folks who might simply make things you did when you accused her of prostituting herself when she told a personal recollection, that of racial intolerance by the hypocritical liberals at NPR.

Now, don't you feel better, now that I have disabused you of your misunderstandings?

Feel better? I never felt bad. I simply wondered why someone who had been involved with such dirty nasty mean and intolerant liberals would wait so long to expose them as dirty nasty mean and bigoted. It was the timing that gave me pause.

Notice, I didn't call the light skinned daughter of a doctor a liar, or suggest she prostituted herself. I simply asked why now. And, I might ask the same queston of you. Of course you troll regularly, but that aside, why attack NPR now? Tossing mud at NPR does not make Murdoch&Co or Fox look cleaner; it simply made you appear more silly than usual.

Of course that may not have been your intent. I in no way or manner want to prejudge your motives. Simply post it was not your intent and I will cease and desist from wondering about your motives, in this instance. Of course if you lie it will be all over between us.
LOL, would it be patronizing of me to define discerning for you? Discerning does not mean decided, dear (well, as long as I'm patronizing - lol) it means using good judgment, and given what has transpired over the past two weeks it is not surprising Fox would be a bit defensive and into image protection and deflection, some things a discerning viewer might consider, as well as more details, before deciding.

No, it was hardly necessary to define any words for me...

...but, I was wondering if you would entertain this question...

I understand that opinion is the coin of the realm here, but considering that Ms. Williams was relating her experience, is there any basis beside an inveterate hated of the right that produced such an avalanche of imagination, such as:

1. That her testimony had been written for her by "the PR Dept. at Fox"

2. That her words had been prompted by a "trip to Hawaii"

3. "...or another nice vacation spot..."

What exactly was the indicia that propelled you to said 'discernment'?
Simply bias?

4. Now, as to your query,why " light-skinned African-American former social worker who is the daughter of a doctor" (and why was that information relevant to the 'story'?).' was critical....let me help.

a. it documents her standing to discuss the racial intolerance of the NPR liberals toward blacks.

b. it suggests a level of education that might obviate a defense by the intolerant liberals at NPR who chose not to converse with her, i.e., that she was too stupid to hold a conversation.

c. There are folks who might simply make things you did when you accused her of prostituting herself when she told a personal recollection, that of racial intolerance by the hypocritical liberals at NPR.

Now, don't you feel better, now that I have disabused you of your misunderstandings?

Feel better? I never felt bad. I simply wondered why someone who had been involved with such dirty nasty mean and intolerant liberals would wait so long to expose them as dirty nasty mean and bigoted. It was the timing that gave me pause.

Notice, I didn't call the light skinned daughter of a doctor a liar, or suggest she prostituted herself. I simply asked why now. And, I might ask the same queston of you. Of course you troll regularly, but that aside, why attack NPR now? Tossing mud at NPR does not make Murdoch&Co or Fox look cleaner; it simply made you appear more silly than usual.

Of course that may not have been your intent. I in no way or manner want to prejudge your motives. Simply post it was not your intent and I will cease and desist from wondering about your motives, in this instance. Of course if you lie it will be all over between us.

1. "...why someone who had been involved with such dirty nasty mean and intolerant liberals would wait so long..."
As fella who leaps to conclusions about the veracity of Ms. Williams, and you have no clue as to why she waited....??
...this from the OP: "Fox News President Roger Ailes expanded Juan's role at Fox and made sure he would not suffer a pay cut because NPR had fired him..."
Couldn't you have hypothesized that there might have been several $million reasons??? I recall Fox giving him something like $2 million. Probably more than NPR did, but he was doing alright over there.

2. "Notice, I didn't call the light skinned daughter of a doctor a liar, or suggest she prostituted herself. "
Come now, you're being far too kind to yourself. The above was certainly the implication.

3. "Of course you troll regularly, but that aside, why attack NPR now?"
Now, here is a word you certainly could define for me, as I never use it: troll.
If it means engender debate, well, gulity as charged.
As for "why attack NPR"...I didn't. All of the words were from the article.
But if you see the revelation as an "attack," well, good for you: you are showing discernment. It revealed the liberal frauds at NPR.

4. "Tossing mud at NPR does not make Murdoch&Co or Fox look cleaner;..."
See, your imagination has gotten you into trouble again!
Search the board...and you know that I am not shy or parsimonious with my will find neither threads nor posts on the Murdoch-Fox situation from me.
I thought you would be more insightful: it is the light in which it puts liberals that interests me!

5. "Of course if you lie it will be all over between us."
I never, ever lie.

6. So, what have you learned today?
You should only open your mouth to change feet.
Okay, she's light-skinned. But does she speak with a Negro dialect?

As to the timing, it could all be coincidental. They're basically on your run-of-the-mill book tour giving tease interviews to hype interest in Juan's book, due out in a week. Normally, book market intros are planned months ahead.

A story would be if the publisher pushed the release date in order to take advantage of what's been in the news? And if they did, so what? It's business.

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