Saw This Guy at National Cemetery This Weekend


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
He was in Service Dress Whites (chokers) - FLAG rank. 2-star.

Just walking around the headstones. Clearly a veteran of the past.

Spoke with him and holy crap - did he have some WW2 sea stories!!!!! My Dad was a Pacific Theatre Boatswain's Mate - so we had something in common.

But my God - they don't make men like this anymore.

Memorial Day is my FAVORITE day.
Nice.... you should have gone out for a drink....

The old guy was a classic.

This was his time to get out and walk among those fallen. Not much more activity past that.

At least he was still up for it. Amazing.

Vet cemeteries - my favorite place to be this past weekend.
My wife shot some great photos there on Sunday. The emotions from the visitors went anywhere from grief to almost a party atmosphere. For example, one couple dressed a grave marker with a leather vest and motorcycle helmet. They took each others picture and were laughing. They were celebrating the departed ones life with items he loved. One family was so distraught that I wonder if they were even able to drive out of the cemetary. And the majority of visitors were like us, just paying respects to those that have served and passed on.

Even though I did 26 years with the Navy/Marine Corps team, I still consider myself to be obligated to the service of this great country. Paying respects and giving a little here and there when I can is good for the soul. Memorial Day has a different meaning and feel now that my son has taken over the watch. The contrast of pride and fear is indescribable. He and the country are in good hands though. The U.S. Marines and their brothers and sisters in arms in the other services are as well-trained and motivated as any other time in our history.
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Went to an Arlington funeral for a retired Navy Admiral related my wife last April. They send Admirals off on a horse drawn caisson with a company of Navy personnel. The grave site ceremony was awesome with the bugle and gun salute. They even had cannon fire from a distance. The Flag folding was a sight to behold. It was truly inspiring. I noticed an old timer at the reception at the Army/Navy club with the twin Dolphins on his collar and remarked that I always admired Submariners. He asked me if I served in the Navy and I told him I was a Marine. The old guy smiled and said "I always admired Marines">
My wife shot some great photos there on Sunday. The emotions from the visitors went anywhere from grief to almost a party atmosphere. For example, one couple dressed a grave marker with a leather vest and motorcycle helmet. They took each others picture and were laughing. They were celebrating the departed ones life with items he loved. One family was so distraught that I wonder if they were even able to drive out of the cemetary. And the majority of visitors were like us, just paying respects to those that have served and passed on.

Even though I did 26 years with the Navy/Marine Corps team, I still consider myself to be obligated to the service of this great country. Paying respects and giving a little here and there when I can is good for the soul. Memorial Day has a different meaning and feel now that my son has taken over the watch. The contrast of pride and fear is indescribable. He and the country are in good hands though. The U.S. Marines and their brothers and sisters in arms in the other services are as well-trained and motivated as any other time in our history.

You are a great American Old Navy! Thank you for my freedom sir!:cool:
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He was in Service Dress Whites (chokers) - FLAG rank. 2-star.

Just walking around the headstones. Clearly a veteran of the past.

Spoke with him and holy crap - did he have some WW2 sea stories!!!!! My Dad was a Pacific Theatre Boatswain's Mate - so we had something in common.

But my God - they don't make men like this anymore.

Memorial Day is my FAVORITE day.


Wouldn't have been anywhere else.........
Went to an Arlington funeral for a retired Navy Admiral related my wife last April. They send Admirals off on a horse drawn caisson with a company of Navy personnel. The grave site ceremony was awesome with the bugle and gun salute. They even had cannon fire from a distance. The Flag folding was a sight to behold. It was truly inspiring. I noticed an old timer at the reception at the Army/Navy club with the twin Dolphins on his collar and remarked that I always admired Submariners. He asked me if I served in the Navy and I told him I was a Marine. The old guy smiled and said "I always admired Marines">

Those dolphins were "Dolphins in a Shitcan" I believe....

Never did the Silent Service.

Had a cousin (TM) who did on Scorpion. He was on the crew that was ASHORE when she went down - God rest their souls.
I'm a Civil War historian, so I went to an old cemetery and placed Confederate flags on the Confederate graves and US flags on the Union graves.

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