Saw on MSNBC that Axelrod said the House looks better


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Saw on MSNBC that Axelrod said the House looks better for the Dems, but now they are worried about the Senate. No link, but I guess it will be there soon.
Saw on MSNBC that Axelrod said the House looks better for the Dems, but now they are worried about the Senate. No link, but I guess it will be there soon.

The Big House, you mean.

Wow. Either he really believes that. In which case he's a deluded moron. Or he's just saying that to make everyone feel better and energize his voters. In which case he's a cynical liar.
Which is it?
Well, it wouldn't exactly be PC for the Axe to go on TV and tell everyone they're poised to get their asses kicked and lose control of the House and maybe even the Senate. Granted it would be honest, but incredibly awkward and destructive. Why vote if it's already a lost cause? At this point his phony optimism is all they've got.

Who'd a thunk it only two short years ago? Gosh, it sure feels good though.
Gee, one would think that Jim H expected Axlerod to say that the Democrats are in a world of hurt, from which there's no escape. :lol:

I'm thinking 4 weeks is enough time for many things to happen, but I do not expect pigs to fly anytime soon, not one from the Democrat or Republican parties.
They've been saying it on Morning Joe as well. The races are tightening now all they need is a good old fashioned October Surprise and a high turnout.
They've been saying it on Morning Joe as well. The races are tightening now all they need is a good old fashioned October Surprise and a high turnout.

Time to let Bin Laden our of the closet! But even with no surprise, the GOP Contract sucked and people are beginning to realize that all the GOP wants to do it roll back time. You want to start the recession over?
Well, it wouldn't exactly be PC for the Axe to go on TV and tell everyone they're poised to get their asses kicked and lose control of the House and maybe even the Senate. Granted it would be honest, but incredibly awkward and destructive. Why vote if it's already a lost cause? At this point his phony optimism is all they've got.

Who'd a thunk it only two short years ago? Gosh, it sure feels good though.

LOL... that was great!

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