Sarah Palin A Real Feminist?


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
From the LA Times and liberal feminist author Meghan Daum...


...It may not be Gloria Steinem's feminism, but shouldn't there be room for everyone in the movement?

After struggling with its definition and connotations, Sarah Palin has apparently made peace with the "F-word." She freely used it in a May 14 speech for the Susan B. Anthony List, a PAC for antiabortion female congressional candidates. And given Palin's extraordinary influence in certain circles, you can bet untold numbers of women who might once have never considered it will now be dropping the F-bomb with alacrity

...Using grizzly bears as a metaphor, Palin seemed to imply that the tenets of feminism — or at least the word itself — need not apply solely to liberal, abortion-rights supporting (and, by implication, gun-eschewing, gay-marriage-advocating, reusable-eco-bag-toting, dangling-earring-wearing) women. Red-state PTA moms with a love of God and country can get in on the empowerment act too.

"The mama grizzlies, they rise up," Palin said, adding that such women "can give their child life, in addition to pursuing career and education and avocations. Society wants to tell these young women otherwise. These feminist groups want to tell these women that, 'No, you're not capable of doing both.' "

Now, there are a lot of ways in which this logic is contorted, not least of all the suggestion that supporting the right to choose represents a no-confidence vote for the idea of mothers leading fulfilling professional and personal lives. But putting that aside, I feel a duty (a feminist duty, in fact) to say this about Palin's declaration: If she has the guts to call herself a feminist, then she's entitled to be accepted as one.

Sarah Palin, feminist -
I love how she has the support of the Pro-Life Susan B. Anthony group. Too bad that group didn't realize that Anthony was a Socialist. :eek:
LA NOW Prez on Palin: 'America, This is What a Feminist Looks Like'

"Make no mistake," Mandell said. "I'm a life-long Democrat ... I don't agree with Gov. Palin on several issues." And yet, she said, "I know Sarah Palin cares about women’s rights, she cares about equality, she cares about equal pay, and as Vice President she will fight for it. She cares about our children and she cares about women's lives. She's an athlete and she knows what Title Nine did for girls like her."

"It is an honor to call her sister," Mandell said as she handed the microphone over to Palin, who would accuse Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., of "palling around with terrorists."

“America," Mandell said, "this is what a feminist looks like."

Sarah Palin, feminist -
I basically just want her to be real and continue speaking her mind, whether PC or not. This is the only way we can come to know anyone.....
I basically just want her to be real and continue speaking her mind, whether PC or not. This is the only way we can come to know anyone.....

Just like Ran Paul. I had NO idea how he felt about segregation until last night. I hope they all keep talking!
LA NOW Prez on Palin: 'America, This is What a Feminist Looks Like'

"Make no mistake," Mandell said. "I'm a life-long Democrat ... I don't agree with Gov. Palin on several issues." And yet, she said, "I know Sarah Palin cares about women’s rights, she cares about equality, she cares about equal pay, and as Vice President she will fight for it. She cares about our children and she cares about women's lives. She's an athlete and she knows what Title Nine did for girls like her."
No doubt.

It still gave bubbleheaded-bimbos the Choice o' goin' the pageant-track.....

[ame=]YouTube - SARAH PALIN SWIMSUIT COMPETITION!! Miss Alaska Pageant 1984 ...[/ame]

.......when it was all-too-obvious (back-then) that academic-pursuits weren't (even) a consideration.

[ame=]YouTube - Palin On Foreign Policy[/ame]

Without the freedom of choice women are nothing more than slaves who dont own their own bodies.

No one can call themself a feminist and insist women can not chose.
"I hope they all keep talking!"

Yes, it is the quickest way to the light.
To be a "real" feminist is to deny your own womanhood. That is my opinion and I am sticking to it :eusa_angel:
I basically just want her to be real and continue speaking her mind.....
I'm pretty-certain the folks, who're financing her script-writers, would prefer to avoid ALL costs!!

Face facts....she's being managed by the same-intere$t$ (and, more-than-likely, a lot o' the same-people), who managed ReRon Reagan & Lil' Dumbya!!


There're TWO-things that corporate-America has down, to a science:

1. How to reel-in suckers.

2. What bait to use.

Donna, Texas at 8:35 AM May 20, 2010

I had this discussion about myself with some male friends. I called myself a feminist and they thought that HAD to mean I was a Democrat. I used a version of your definition of the word and explained to them that I am a Conservative Feminist. They told me that was an Oxymoron. Thank you for this article. We are not required to have all the same political views to believe women are equal to men and should be treated as such.

Sarah Palin, feminist -

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