Santuary Cities and Drug Cartels connected?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
It does appear that there could very likely be a connection.

Keeping America Safe / Politics
Why are Sanctuary Cities Helping Mexican Heroin Cartels?

Posted Monday, October 23, 2017

About 14 of the 284 rejected Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer requests for illegal aliens by local law enforcement were individuals on narcotics charges, including trafficking, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Judicial Watch from the Department of Homeland Security has revealed. The period covered the first three months of 2017.

When an ICE detainer request is rejected, the criminal gets released prior to interception by the ICE agents, and is back on the street. No word on if they ever turn up for their court dates — why would they bother? — but leaving that aside, the real question is why are local law enforcement entities refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities in cases that would result in drug dealers being deported?

So far, we’ve seen excuses that ICE detainer requests are not legally binding — because Congress has not set forth that local law enforcement must comply with the requests — or that is simply the policy or law (as is the case now in California and Illinois) of that jurisdiction not to allow illegal immigrants to be deported, even if they’re drug traffickers.

But with now 13,000 heroin overdose deaths a year as of 2015, a significant and growing portion of the now 33,000 annual opioid overdose deaths, according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data, considered by all to be a crisis facing communities across the country, allowing some of these dealers back out onto the street who could be removed from the country appears inexplicable.

It is so inexplicable, it may be time for the Justice Department to start looking into the possibility that sanctuary jurisdictions are not harboring illegal aliens simply because they are liberal do-gooders who believe in open borders and non-enforcement of immigration law. Maybe they are being bribed by the cartels. Or worse, infiltrated........................................................more at link plus a well worth reading comment

Just how old IS the DRUG WAR, and WHO Profits ?!?! - ncoic
In reality, the history of British occupation of India and Britain's Opium Wars are ..... Committee of 300 just as their forbears sat on the Council of 300 who ran the ..... elite: the Delanos, Forbes, Appletons, Bacons, Boylestons, Perkins, Russells, ...

Opium Throughout History | The Opium Kings | FRONTLINE | PBS
Opium disappears for two hundred years from European historical record. Opium ... Astor would later leave the China opium trade and sell solely to England.
Missing: elitist

Then progressives complain about firearms.

*****SAD SMILE*****


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