Santorum, Kiss Your Good Reputation Bye-bye: Romney to get More 'Aggressive'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Romney promises to get more aggressive with Santorum -

'Get more aggressive' in Romney-speech means lie, slander, frame, spread rumor and smear by any and every means possible.

Palin, Bachman, Perry, Cain, Gingrich, and Paul have all been kookified one way or another by Romney's hired character assassins, and now it looks like it's finally Santorums turn. All the mentioned are legitimate conservatives smeared into infamy by a closet Massacusettes liberal (who ran to the left of Ted Kenedy, remember?).

Watch what happens to Santorums reputation over the next few weeks and we can all see why so many of us have come to fear a Romney Presidency far more than another four years of Obama.

You will also realize why so many liberals regard conservatives as pliable, stupid fools as so many of them swing over to embrace the 'inevitable' Romney who will do no less than consolidate everything Obama has done up to now if he actually wins the Oval Office.

Unless conservatives wake up and realize that it is better to have an honest enemy in control of the country than a lying fraud in control of both the country AND your own political party from which would normally come any hope to redeem our nation from the leftist hordes.
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CPAC starts today. Should be interesting to see what happens. I believe the chairman just said Romney exited the race at CPAC last year.
Repubs eating themselves - fantastic

Very fantastic. It is EXACTLY what is going to happen in the main and if you think that coddling the hopefuls now will help in the main election you are insane. Getting this shit out there now is the ONLY way that any of them stand a snowballs chance in hell of competing with Obama. When his massive cash is released, the puny squabbling you see now will look like fields of flowers by comparison.
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We'll see if Mitt finally jumps the shark here. His lead is tenuous as it is, if he tries to do to Santorum what he did to Gingrich, that may be it.

I agree as Santorum has a very good reputation among evangelicals and social conservatives. If Romney smears him like he did all the others, then I think he kills any hope of winning over social conservatives and evangelicals, both of whom are major GOP voting blocks.

The circus continues. Somewhere Tim Pawlenty is kicking himself.

Well, if he gets tired of doing that, I would be happy to step in for him and take a few kicks myslelf. I'd be good for an hour or two at least.
CPAC starts today. Should be interesting to see what happens.

Yep, talk about TIMING.


CPAC, oh, thats right, isnt that the Gay Marriage promoting libertarian freakfest?

Social Conservatives Wrestle with Attending CPAC over Gay Group, Christian News

What is conservative about promoting sodomy?

That CPAC is still taken seriously by wannabe conservatives just shows why they are wannabes.

Reflective conservatism starts with embracing Judeo-Christian values and in that system of values there is no right to sodomize anyone.
Romney is showing to be a real slime ball. He somehow thinks he is owed this election and has done nothing but go negative.
Romney is showing to be a real slime ball. He somehow thinks he is owed this election and has done nothing but go negative.


Sweetie..this guy used other people's money to break apart companies and pocketed the profit.

I can't think of a more slime ball thing to do.

[ame=]Gordon Gekko "Greed is Good" Speech - YouTube[/ame]
I think that the things you could criticize Santorum for aren't things Romney can be the one to bring up.

Simply, the wrong audience for that sort of thing.

Much like the Bain Stuff doesn't get a lot of traction with Republican audiences, neither would the religious kook stuff against Santorum.
The guy gives award to kiddie ass rapers and plays with dead babies..

What's not to love?

1) He didn't "play" with the baby, he brought it home and gave it a funeral, which is what the organization that supports people who have stillborn children recommend.

2) No one knew Sandusky was doing what he was doing. Not even Obama would go that low.

Honestly, I find it amusing you guys on the far left are like doing a scramble to find your Santorum Slander File...
Romney promises to get more aggressive with Santorum -

'Get more aggressive' in Romney-speech means lie, slander, frame, spread rumor and smear by any and every means possible.

Palin, Bachman, Perry, Cain, Gingrich, and Paul have all been kookified one way or another by Romney's hired character assassins, and now it looks like it's finally Santorums turn. All the mentioned are legitimate conservatives smeared into infamy by a closet Massacusettes liberal (who ran to the left of Ted Kenedy, remember?).

Watch what happens to Santorums reputation over the next few weeks and we can all see why so many of us have come to fear a Romney Presidency far more than another four years of Obama.

You will also realize why so many liberals regard conservatives as pliable, stupid fools as so many of them swing over to embrace the 'inevitable' Romney who will do no less than consolidate everything Obama has done up to now if he actually wins the Oval Office.

Unless conservatives wake up and realize that it is better to have an honest enemy in control of the country than a lying fraud in control of both the country AND your own political party from which would normally come any hope to redeem our nation from the leftist hordes.

Obama: :party: :popcorn:
I think that the things you could criticize Santorum for aren't things Romney can be the one to bring up.

Simply, the wrong audience for that sort of thing.

Much like the Bain Stuff doesn't get a lot of traction with Republican audiences, neither would the religious kook stuff against Santorum.

Absolutely correct on both points. Which is why this piss and vinegar fight is going to make for a great general election..

For Democrats. :lol:
Romney is showing to be a real slime ball. He somehow thinks he is owed this election and has done nothing but go negative.


Sweetie..this guy used other people's money to break apart companies and pocketed the profit.

I can't think of a more slime ball thing to do.

[ame=]Gordon Gekko "Greed is Good" Speech - YouTube[/ame]

your Dear Leader is nothing to brag you should talk
I think that the things you could criticize Santorum for aren't things Romney can be the one to bring up.

Simply, the wrong audience for that sort of thing.

Much like the Bain Stuff doesn't get a lot of traction with Republican audiences, neither would the religious kook stuff against Santorum.

Absolutely correct on both points. Which is why this piss and vinegar fight is going to make for a great general election..

For Democrats. :lol:

Not really. Most of this will be forgotten by November.

Here's the bottom line. If the economy is better, Obama wins, because teh incumbant usually does.

if the economy gets worse because Europe Collapses, because Israel wrecks the oil market by bombing Iran, or one of half a dozen other things, he loses, no matter how many working folks Romney's slimed or how kind of out there Santorum's religion is.
I think that the things you could criticize Santorum for aren't things Romney can be the one to bring up.

Simply, the wrong audience for that sort of thing.

Much like the Bain Stuff doesn't get a lot of traction with Republican audiences, neither would the religious kook stuff against Santorum.

Absolutely correct on both points. Which is why this piss and vinegar fight is going to make for a great general election..

For Democrats. :lol:

Not really. Most of this will be forgotten by November.

Here's the bottom line. If the economy is better, Obama wins, because teh incumbant usually does.

if the economy gets worse because Europe Collapses, because Israel wrecks the oil market by bombing Iran, or one of half a dozen other things, he loses, no matter how many working folks Romney's slimed or how kind of out there Santorum's religion is.

Well the economy has been getting better..and dramatically so. Reagan won with 7% unemployment his second time to bat and against a stronger candidate then Romney.

Despite the wishful thinking of Conservatives it's highly unlikely Europe will collapse or Israel will bomb Iran.
Absolutely correct on both points. Which is why this piss and vinegar fight is going to make for a great general election..

For Democrats. :lol:

Not really. Most of this will be forgotten by November.

Here's the bottom line. If the economy is better, Obama wins, because teh incumbant usually does.

if the economy gets worse because Europe Collapses, because Israel wrecks the oil market by bombing Iran, or one of half a dozen other things, he loses, no matter how many working folks Romney's slimed or how kind of out there Santorum's religion is.

Well the economy has been getting better..and dramatically so. Reagan won with 7% unemployment his second time to bat and against a stronger candidate then Romney.

Despite the wishful thinking of Conservatives it's highly unlikely Europe will collapse or Israel will bomb Iran.

People are getting sick and tired of hearing this shit..

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