Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions don’t work


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions don’t work
Jerusalem Post ^ | 01/10/2012 | HILARY LEILA KRIEGER

Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions... JPost - International
NASHUA, New Hampshire – Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said Monday the US should use surgical strikes like those employed by Israel against Syrian and Iraqi nuclear facilities to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Santorum told more than 100 New Hampshire voters gathered in a Salem Elks Lodge on the last day before the nation’s first-in-the-nation GOP primary Tuesday that as president he would first implement more sanctions, covert operations and assistance for pro-democracy forces.

But, he continued, if that doesn’t work, “then we set a deadline and we say if you don’t meet that deadline and open up this facility and begin to dismantle it, we’re going to take it out for you. Declare war? No. But take out [this facility] with tactical strikes...

Just like the Israelis did with the Syrians. Just like the Israelis did to the Iraqis.”

He declared, “We can’t let Iran get a nuclear weapon, because Iran is different than any other country in the history of the world world that’s gotten a nuclear weapon.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Does this moron really believe that if we strike Iran that they wouldn't attack back? Who the fuck do we think we're telling a nation NOT to do something? Iran is zero threat to us and doesn't have the ability or the insanity. What we learned from the last two wars is that unless the population rises up and does something...We have to do it. More boots on the ground and more nation building. Leave it the fuck alone.

You just can't bomb another country and expect it not to start firing at our interest. :cuckoo: Sandorum is insane. This nation building bull shit must end! It must end NOW.
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interesting article I found about this topic. Comparing Ron Pauls view on this topic and Santorums outlines:

Unfortunately I am not able to post links yet. It is in the washington post. If you are interested you might just check out a google news search on the topic.

Even if not being to fond of any military action in or around Iran at all myself. I wouldn't agree on the "Insanity" point you made. Is there any government in the middle east you would call more insane?
Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions don’t work
Jerusalem Post ^ | 01/10/2012 | HILARY LEILA KRIEGER

Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions... JPost - International
NASHUA, New Hampshire – Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said Monday the US should use surgical strikes like those employed by Israel against Syrian and Iraqi nuclear facilities to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Santorum told more than 100 New Hampshire voters gathered in a Salem Elks Lodge on the last day before the nation’s first-in-the-nation GOP primary Tuesday that as president he would first implement more sanctions, covert operations and assistance for pro-democracy forces.

But, he continued, if that doesn’t work, “then we set a deadline and we say if you don’t meet that deadline and open up this facility and begin to dismantle it, we’re going to take it out for you. Declare war? No. But take out [this facility] with tactical strikes...

Just like the Israelis did with the Syrians. Just like the Israelis did to the Iraqis.”

He declared, “We can’t let Iran get a nuclear weapon, because Iran is different than any other country in the history of the world world that’s gotten a nuclear weapon.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Does this moron really believe that if we strike Iran that they wouldn't attack back? Who the fuck do we think we're telling a nation NOT to do something? Iran is zero threat to us and doesn't have the ability or the insanity. What we learned from the last two wars is that unless the population rises up and does something...We have to do it. More boots on the ground and more nation building. Leave it the fuck alone.

You just can't bomb another country and expect it not to start firing at our interest. :cuckoo: Sandorum is insane. This nation building bull shit must end! It must end NOW.

First Paul denied Iran was engaged in building a bomb. Now it comes out they are enriching uranium. So now the call is, well they can't hurt us anyway.
Newsflash: This is not the 18th century. Any nation can attack us, anywhere, anytime. We have ties to regimes in the middle east, and stability there is in our own self interest. Anyone who takes military action off the table with Iran has basically capitulated without the first shot being fired. An IRanian hegemony in the middle east,backed up by nuclear threats, is unacceptable and detrimental to us.
The Paul-bots are a bunch of idiots. Like that needed demonstration.
watch oil prices surge.... can we say increase

How about if the USA buys natural resources from others instead of spending trillions of OUR tax dollars trying to steal the oil and natural gas from others?
watch oil prices surge.... can we say increase

How about if the USA buys natural resources from others instead of spending trillions of OUR tax dollars trying to steal the oil and natural gas from others?

Ages ago I worked as a paralegal in a mid sized law firm. One of the senior people was among the biggest assholes I've ever met. His name was Merrill. He was so bad I nicknamed my morning bowel movement Merrill. I see I was on to something.
Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions don’t work
Jerusalem Post ^ | 01/10/2012 | HILARY LEILA KRIEGER

Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions... JPost - International
NASHUA, New Hampshire – Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said Monday the US should use surgical strikes like those employed by Israel against Syrian and Iraqi nuclear facilities to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Santorum told more than 100 New Hampshire voters gathered in a Salem Elks Lodge on the last day before the nation’s first-in-the-nation GOP primary Tuesday that as president he would first implement more sanctions, covert operations and assistance for pro-democracy forces.

But, he continued, if that doesn’t work, “then we set a deadline and we say if you don’t meet that deadline and open up this facility and begin to dismantle it, we’re going to take it out for you. Declare war? No. But take out [this facility] with tactical strikes...

Just like the Israelis did with the Syrians. Just like the Israelis did to the Iraqis.”

He declared, “We can’t let Iran get a nuclear weapon, because Iran is different than any other country in the history of the world world that’s gotten a nuclear weapon.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Does this moron really believe that if we strike Iran that they wouldn't attack back? Who the fuck do we think we're telling a nation NOT to do something? Iran is zero threat to us and doesn't have the ability or the insanity. What we learned from the last two wars is that unless the population rises up and does something...We have to do it. More boots on the ground and more nation building. Leave it the fuck alone.

You just can't bomb another country and expect it not to start firing at our interest. :cuckoo: Sandorum is insane. This nation building bull shit must end! It must end NOW.

Does he allow military recruiters to come to his home school?... :lol: :lol:
interesting article I found about this topic. Comparing Ron Pauls view on this topic and Santorums outlines:

Unfortunately I am not able to post links yet. It is in the washington post. If you are interested you might just check out a google news search on the topic.

Even if not being to fond of any military action in or around Iran at all myself. I wouldn't agree on the "Insanity" point you made. Is there any government in the middle east you would call more insane?
We need to mind our OWN goddamned-business....and, allow Iran to work-out THEIR problems!!!!


[ame=]Iranian Youth Ditch Oppressive Islam - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Another Revolution In IRAN - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Another Brick In The Wall (Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!) - YouTube[/ame]​
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Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions don’t work
Jerusalem Post ^ | 01/10/2012 | HILARY LEILA KRIEGER

Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions... JPost - International
NASHUA, New Hampshire – Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said Monday the US should use surgical strikes like those employed by Israel against Syrian and Iraqi nuclear facilities to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Santorum told more than 100 New Hampshire voters gathered in a Salem Elks Lodge on the last day before the nation’s first-in-the-nation GOP primary Tuesday that as president he would first implement more sanctions, covert operations and assistance for pro-democracy forces.

But, he continued, if that doesn’t work, “then we set a deadline and we say if you don’t meet that deadline and open up this facility and begin to dismantle it, we’re going to take it out for you. Declare war? No. But take out [this facility] with tactical strikes...

Just like the Israelis did with the Syrians. Just like the Israelis did to the Iraqis.”

He declared, “We can’t let Iran get a nuclear weapon, because Iran is different than any other country in the history of the world world that’s gotten a nuclear weapon.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Does this moron really believe that if we strike Iran that they wouldn't attack back? Who the fuck do we think we're telling a nation NOT to do something? Iran is zero threat to us and doesn't have the ability or the insanity. What we learned from the last two wars is that unless the population rises up and does something...We have to do it. More boots on the ground and more nation building. Leave it the fuck alone.

You just can't bomb another country and expect it not to start firing at our interest. :cuckoo: Sandorum is insane. This nation building bull shit must end! It must end NOW.

First Paul denied Iran was engaged in building a bomb. Now it comes out they are enriching uranium. So now the call is, well they can't hurt us anyway.
Newsflash: This is not the 18th century. Any nation can attack us, anywhere, anytime. We have ties to regimes in the middle east, and stability there is in our own self interest. Anyone who takes military action off the table with Iran has basically capitulated without the first shot being fired. many times have we heard THAT.....


"We're lucky that, for the time being anyway, we're fighting Iraq and not Iran because Iran is four times as big as Iraq and we're having enough trouble with the little country."

Hey, great idea Rick.

How about you and every one of your male family members get suited up, grab a gun and be the tip of the spear for this idea? You're very brave with the lives of others, I'm sure you're just as brave with your own. Plus, the military can always use more great leaders.


Not having a clue about foreign policy is merely one of Rickey's many talents.

He's a creepy little pervert who obsesses about other people's sex lives.
what we did in 1957 in iran is really coming back to haunt us.
Ya' really want to "bother" the Teabaggers/"moralists" with any......

i have to hope that people are just too young (and simply don't understand the chain of events that our meddling started in '57). any calm, rational person should be able to see the irony (and negative effects) of US involvement in the internal affairs of iran (in the past) and possible future US involvement in internal iranian affairs (air strikes).

like i've said many times before. at some point in the future, all countries will have nukes and methods of delivery. what are we gonna do when these countries come looking for payback for our past actions? i suggest that we shouldn't have any past actions for these people to want revenge for. but that's too much to ask in our country with our mindset. we think it's our right to control the parts of the world we want to control through military might. it's gonna be our kids/grand kids/great grand kids that will potentially pay the price.
Hey, great idea Rick.

How about you and every one of your male family members get suited up, grab a gun and be the tip of the spear for this idea? You're very brave with the lives of others, I'm sure you're just as brave with your own. Plus, the military can always use more great leaders.



Yes. Perry should be the commander in chief. Thanks for your endorsement.
He served in the military, btw. What's your excuse?
Rick Santorum has been banging the war drum since day one so this isn't surprising. I think he is barking up the wrong tree though. There is too much anti-war sentiment right now and I think people are still jaded over Iraq being such a huge lie and the quagmire that resulted. Maybe there is really a wolf this time but a lot of people aren't buying it.
Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions don’t work
Jerusalem Post ^ | 01/10/2012 | HILARY LEILA KRIEGER

Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions... JPost - International
NASHUA, New Hampshire – Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said Monday the US should use surgical strikes like those employed by Israel against Syrian and Iraqi nuclear facilities to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Santorum told more than 100 New Hampshire voters gathered in a Salem Elks Lodge on the last day before the nation’s first-in-the-nation GOP primary Tuesday that as president he would first implement more sanctions, covert operations and assistance for pro-democracy forces.

But, he continued, if that doesn’t work, “then we set a deadline and we say if you don’t meet that deadline and open up this facility and begin to dismantle it, we’re going to take it out for you. Declare war? No. But take out [this facility] with tactical strikes...

Just like the Israelis did with the Syrians. Just like the Israelis did to the Iraqis.”

He declared, “We can’t let Iran get a nuclear weapon, because Iran is different than any other country in the history of the world world that’s gotten a nuclear weapon.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Does this moron really believe that if we strike Iran that they wouldn't attack back? Who the fuck do we think we're telling a nation NOT to do something? Iran is zero threat to us and doesn't have the ability or the insanity. What we learned from the last two wars is that unless the population rises up and does something...We have to do it. More boots on the ground and more nation building. Leave it the fuck alone.

You just can't bomb another country and expect it not to start firing at our interest. :cuckoo: Sandorum is insane. This nation building bull shit must end! It must end NOW.

First Paul denied Iran was engaged in building a bomb. Now it comes out they are enriching uranium. So now the call is, well they can't hurt us anyway.
Newsflash: This is not the 18th century. Any nation can attack us, anywhere, anytime. We have ties to regimes in the middle east, and stability there is in our own self interest. Anyone who takes military action off the table with Iran has basically capitulated without the first shot being fired. An IRanian hegemony in the middle east,backed up by nuclear threats, is unacceptable and detrimental to us.
The Paul-bots are a bunch of idiots. Like that needed demonstration.

Tell me how you plan to pay for this war... I wana hear you tell us all where the money will come from.

Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions don’t work
Jerusalem Post ^ | 01/10/2012 | HILARY LEILA KRIEGER

Santorum favors Iran strike if sanctions... JPost - International
NASHUA, New Hampshire – Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said Monday the US should use surgical strikes like those employed by Israel against Syrian and Iraqi nuclear facilities to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Santorum told more than 100 New Hampshire voters gathered in a Salem Elks Lodge on the last day before the nation’s first-in-the-nation GOP primary Tuesday that as president he would first implement more sanctions, covert operations and assistance for pro-democracy forces.

But, he continued, if that doesn’t work, “then we set a deadline and we say if you don’t meet that deadline and open up this facility and begin to dismantle it, we’re going to take it out for you. Declare war? No. But take out [this facility] with tactical strikes...

Just like the Israelis did with the Syrians. Just like the Israelis did to the Iraqis.”

He declared, “We can’t let Iran get a nuclear weapon, because Iran is different than any other country in the history of the world world that’s gotten a nuclear weapon.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Does this moron really believe that if we strike Iran that they wouldn't attack back? Who the fuck do we think we're telling a nation NOT to do something? Iran is zero threat to us and doesn't have the ability or the insanity. What we learned from the last two wars is that unless the population rises up and does something...We have to do it. More boots on the ground and more nation building. Leave it the fuck alone.

You just can't bomb another country and expect it not to start firing at our interest. :cuckoo: Sandorum is insane. This nation building bull shit must end! It must end NOW.

First Paul denied Iran was engaged in building a bomb. Now it comes out they are enriching uranium. So now the call is, well they can't hurt us anyway.
Newsflash: This is not the 18th century. Any nation can attack us, anywhere, anytime. We have ties to regimes in the middle east, and stability there is in our own self interest. Anyone who takes military action off the table with Iran has basically capitulated without the first shot being fired. An IRanian hegemony in the middle east,backed up by nuclear threats, is unacceptable and detrimental to us.
The Paul-bots are a bunch of idiots. Like that needed demonstration.

Tell me how you plan to pay for this war... I wana hear you tell us all where the money will come from.


Same way we paid for WW2.

ETA: if you need to go to war coming up with the money to do so is the last issue.
By his statement he is already planning on circumventing the constitution and initiating a war without congressional approval. How do you feel about that Rabbi? Attacking facilities in another country is an act of war and he would be inviting reprisals.

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