Santorum CORRUPT--used EARMARKS in pay to play for campaign donations.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
The announcements flowed out of Rick Santorum’s Senate office: a $3.5 million federal grant to Piasecki Aircraft to help it test a new helicopter propeller technology; another $3.5 million to JLG Industries to bolster its bid to build all-terrain forklifts for the military; $1.4 million to Medico Industries to upgrade equipment for its munitions work.

JLG Industries
While in office, Rick Santorum secured millions of dollars in earmarks for companies like JLG Industries, which makes lift equipment.

Piasecki Aircraft, which develops aerospace technology, was one of the companies that received millions of dollars in earmarks.
Each of the news releases represented an earmark or, in some cases, multiple ones — the practice by which members of Congress set aside money in federal spending bills for what critics often denounce as pet projects back home.

Mr. Santorum, who picked up the endorsement of a group of prominent Christian conservative leaders on Saturday, has been trying to persuade conservatives to coalesce behind his candidacy. His rivals for the Republican presidential nomination have seized upon his spending record in an effort to cast doubt on his fiscal conservative bona fides.

But an examination of Mr. Santorum’s earmark record sheds light on another aspect of his political personality, one that is at odds with the reformer image he has tried to convey on the trail: his prowess as a Washington insider.

A review of some of his earmarks, viewed alongside his political donations, suggests that the river of federal money Mr. Santorum helped direct to Pennsylvania paid off handsomely in the form of campaign cash.

Earmarks, long a hallmark of a pay-to-play culture in Washington, have become largely taboo among lawmakers of both parties. But that element of Mr. Santorum’s record has mostly gone unexplored, in part because transparency rules governing earmarks did not go into effect until after he left office.

Studying Rick Santorum's actual voting record it appears that the only conservative he is--is a way too far right SOCIAL conservative-(wanting to prohibit women from getting an abortion even in the instance of rape or incest)--and of course continually making offensive remarks toward homosexuals. Rick Santorum is certainly no FISCAL conservative.

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What's that old saying? Something like: "the lesser of the evils". That's really the only choice there's ever been. Right now, any of the republican candidates would be a better choice than Obama. It's time to send him packing.
What's that old saying? Something like: "the lesser of the evils". That's really the only choice there's ever been. Right now, any of the republican candidates would be a better choice than Obama. It's time to send him packing.

You're not going to send Obama packing with Rick Santorum as our nominee. Santorum is ONLY conservative on SOCIAL ISSUES--which is way too far right to attract women voters.

Santorum is against abortion--even in the instance of a woman that gets brutally attacked (lucky to be alive) instances of rape and the young girl that was assaulted by a relative. Even conservative pro-life women understand these circumstances--and would vote against him.

His remarks toward gays in this country is way-way over the top--in one recent comment referring to bestiality. There are many conservative republican and independent households in this country that have gays in their families and or have friends that are gay that find Santorum's comments just as offensive as gays do.

[ame=]Santorum: No Rape or Incest Exceptions - YouTube[/ame]
You're really pissed that Newt went down in flames huh?

All you've pointed out here is how broken our system is. Santorum is no different than any other politician in his abuse of the system. It is bad, but they all do it and it is legal.
You're really pissed that Newt went down in flames huh?

All you've pointed out here is how broken our system is. Santorum is no different than any other politician in his abuse of the system. It is bad, but they all do it and it is legal.

No, I am not pissed--I am pissed that people are stupid enough to vote for a candidate that has absolutely NO CHANCE of beating Barack Obama--out of stupidity--and I will give you an example of why I know that.

Judging from the results of our caucas on Tuesday night--it appears that most of the Colorado caucas voters have already forgotten about our 2010 midterm (painful) loss in the senate race between republican Ken Buck and incumbent democrat Michael Bennet. Ken Buck showing a lead in all polling data, a race where it was his to lose, managed to lose it in the final weeks leading up to the election. Why? Because of his too far right stance on abortion, and his statement on Face the Nation about gays--stating that homosexuality is like a disease similar to alcoholism. I saw this immediately go global on all political boards across the nation. Ken Buck was one of the top topics on these political boards for the final two weeks leading up to the election. We have Rick Santorum who can even be rougher in his comments regarding homosexuality, with his recent statements regarding bestiality. Apparently they are oblivious to the fact that there are many conservative republican households in this country that have gays in their families or friends, who are just as offended by these type comments as gays are.

After the election was over, some astounding figures about the vote came out. Ken Buck lost the female vote in Colorado, including large sections of the El Paso county female vote, a district that is considered one of the more conservative districts in this state, headquarters to Focus on the Family. Indicating that conservative pro-life females were either voting for Michael Bennet, or they weren't casting a vote in the senate race.

This state just voted in our caucas a person very similar to Ken Buck in Rick Santorum. He also is too far to the right on abortion issues. Stating in the below video that he is against abortion, even in the instance of a brutal rape or incest. You see even pro-life conservative women understand that it would be wrong to prohibit an abortion to a woman who has been brutally raped or to a young girl who has been a victim of incest.

Sarah Palin said it best. "That she would hope that a victim would choose life", but would understand an abortion in the instance of rape or incest. Now if you cannot convince pro-life conservative women of Rick Santorum's too far right stance on this issue, then can you possibly imagine what women across this nation will be doing in November 2012. A Rick Santorum nominee has no chance of beating Barack Obama.

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You have some freakin audacity to accuse Santorum of being corrupt while supporting NEWT.
You have some freakin audacity to accuse Santorum of being corrupt while supporting NEWT.

You show me a record of when Newt Gingrich used EARMARKS in pay for play? He has the only PROVEN record of CUTTING the Federal budget for 4 consecutive years in a row--and being able to work with Bill Clinton in doing it--which left us with a projected budget surplus.
That is his record.

Compare that with Santorum's voting record.
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You're really pissed that Newt went down in flames huh?

All you've pointed out here is how broken our system is. Santorum is no different than any other politician in his abuse of the system. It is bad, but they all do it and it is legal.

No, I am not pissed--I am pissed that people are stupid enough to vote for a candidate that has absolutely NO CHANCE of beating Barack Obama--out of stupidity--and I will give you an example of why I know that.

Judging from the results of our caucas on Tuesday night--it appears that most of the Colorado caucas voters have already forgotten about our 2010 midterm (painful) loss in the senate race between republican Ken Buck and incumbent democrat Michael Bennet. Ken Buck showing a lead in all polling data, a race where it was his to lose, managed to lose it in the final weeks leading up to the election. Why? Because of his too far right stance on abortion, and his statement on Face the Nation about gays--stating that homosexuality is like a disease similar to alcoholism. I saw this immediately go global on all political boards across the nation. Ken Buck was one of the top topics on these political boards for the final two weeks leading up to the election. We have Rick Santorum who can even be rougher in his comments regarding homosexuality, with his recent statements regarding bestiality. Apparently they are oblivious to the fact that there are many conservative republican households in this country that have gays in their families or friends, who are just as offended by these type comments as gays are.

After the election was over, some astounding figures about the vote came out. Ken Buck lost the female vote in Colorado, including large sections of the El Paso county female vote, a district that is considered one of the more conservative districts in this state, headquarters to Focus on the Family. Indicating that conservative pro-life females were either voting for Michael Bennet, or they weren't casting a vote in the senate race.

This state just voted in our caucas a person very similar to Ken Buck in Rick Santorum. He also is too far to the right on abortion issues. Stating in the below video that he is against abortion, even in the instance of a brutal rape or incest. You see even pro-life conservative women understand that it would be wrong to prohibit an abortion to a woman who has been brutally raped or to a young girl who has been a victim of incest.

Sarah Palin said it best. "That she would hope that a victim would choose life", but would understand an abortion in the instance of rape or incest. Now if you cannot convince pro-life conservative women of Rick Santorum's too far right stance on this issue, then can you possibly imagine what women across this nation will be doing in November 2012. A Rick Santorum nominee has no chance of beating Barack Obama.

let's be real here. Many people said the same thing about Newt not being able to beat Obama. Now you're simply playing the same game.

And he can beat Obama. Any of our candidates can.

New poll: Santorum beats Obama « The Deacon's Bench

Elections are about perceptions and it is plenty early for any of our candidates to shape the minds and perceptions of the undeclared voters. And that's where every election is decided.

You seem more like Newt to me, just getting even for perceived wrongs. Newt sank his own boat. Deal with it or be perpetually pissed.
You're really pissed that Newt went down in flames huh?

All you've pointed out here is how broken our system is. Santorum is no different than any other politician in his abuse of the system. It is bad, but they all do it and it is legal.

No, I am not pissed--I am pissed that people are stupid enough to vote for a candidate that has absolutely NO CHANCE of beating Barack Obama--out of stupidity--and I will give you an example of why I know that.

Judging from the results of our caucas on Tuesday night--it appears that most of the Colorado caucas voters have already forgotten about our 2010 midterm (painful) loss in the senate race between republican Ken Buck and incumbent democrat Michael Bennet. Ken Buck showing a lead in all polling data, a race where it was his to lose, managed to lose it in the final weeks leading up to the election. Why? Because of his too far right stance on abortion, and his statement on Face the Nation about gays--stating that homosexuality is like a disease similar to alcoholism. I saw this immediately go global on all political boards across the nation. Ken Buck was one of the top topics on these political boards for the final two weeks leading up to the election. We have Rick Santorum who can even be rougher in his comments regarding homosexuality, with his recent statements regarding bestiality. Apparently they are oblivious to the fact that there are many conservative republican households in this country that have gays in their families or friends, who are just as offended by these type comments as gays are.

After the election was over, some astounding figures about the vote came out. Ken Buck lost the female vote in Colorado, including large sections of the El Paso county female vote, a district that is considered one of the more conservative districts in this state, headquarters to Focus on the Family. Indicating that conservative pro-life females were either voting for Michael Bennet, or they weren't casting a vote in the senate race.

This state just voted in our caucas a person very similar to Ken Buck in Rick Santorum. He also is too far to the right on abortion issues. Stating in the below video that he is against abortion, even in the instance of a brutal rape or incest. You see even pro-life conservative women understand that it would be wrong to prohibit an abortion to a woman who has been brutally raped or to a young girl who has been a victim of incest.

Sarah Palin said it best. "That she would hope that a victim would choose life", but would understand an abortion in the instance of rape or incest. Now if you cannot convince pro-life conservative women of Rick Santorum's too far right stance on this issue, then can you possibly imagine what women across this nation will be doing in November 2012. A Rick Santorum nominee has no chance of beating Barack Obama.

let's be real here. Many people said the same thing about Newt not being able to beat Obama. Now you're simply playing the same game.

And he can beat Obama. Any of our candidates can.

New poll: Santorum beats Obama « The Deacon's Bench

Elections are about perceptions and it is plenty early for any of our candidates to shape the minds and perceptions of the undeclared voters. And that's where every election is decided.

You seem more like Newt to me, just getting even for perceived wrongs. Newt sank his own boat. Deal with it or be perpetually pissed.

Santorum cannot beat Barack Obama--it was proven in conservative districts of Colorado--those are the facts of what happened in the mid-term election of 2010 there. Same type candidate--one race that was republicans to lose managed to do it with a too far right on social issues candidate.

Here Santorum on video--telling WOMEN - victims of rape and incest--how they're going to feel if they get an abortion--LOL "It will traumatize them." WTF--a man telling a woman how she is going to feel after some guy brutally beat her up--held a gun or knife to their heads--(lucky to be alive)--and this MORON is trying to tell them how they're going to be "traumatized"--you've got to be freaking joking right!

Now if you cannot convince conservative pro-life women of your too far right stance--prohibiting abortions to victims of rape or incest---how do you think it will go over with women all over this country in November 2012?--- :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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No, I am not pissed--I am pissed that people are stupid enough to vote for a candidate that has absolutely NO CHANCE of beating Barack Obama--out of stupidity--and I will give you an example of why I know that.

let's be real here. Many people said the same thing about Newt not being able to beat Obama. Now you're simply playing the same game.

And he can beat Obama. Any of our candidates can.

New poll: Santorum beats Obama « The Deacon's Bench

Elections are about perceptions and it is plenty early for any of our candidates to shape the minds and perceptions of the undeclared voters. And that's where every election is decided.

You seem more like Newt to me, just getting even for perceived wrongs. Newt sank his own boat. Deal with it or be perpetually pissed.

Santorum cannot beat Barack Obama--it was proven in conservative districts of Colorado--those are the facts of what happened in the mid-term election of 2010 there. Same type candidate--one race that was republicans to lose managed to do it with a too far right on social issues candidate.

Now if you cannot convince conservative pro-life women of your too far right stance--prohibiting abortions to victims of rape or incest---how do you think it will go over with women all over this country in November 2012?--- :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The left will try to make it an issue, just like you are right now. The difference is "open minded" voters that want the truth will listen to Santorums own words. Just like today on meet the press. He was quite clear that his own personal views are just that, personal views. He has 0 intention of trying to impose his personal views on everyone else. He is watching Obama do that right now and we've all seen the resulting reversal this week. This election will be a referendum on Obamas policies. Obama will try to divert to nonsensical issues like this one but will only be successful if he has help from our own party fighting amongst themselves. Besides that you know damn well that only congress can pass laws that further restrict abortion and that isn't going to happen.

Aim your fucking ammo where its needed. Don't like samtorum? Fair enough vote for Romney. Problem solved. I have yet to decide who I want to win but tearing one down to raise another is counter productive.

Abortion will only be an issue for the extremes of both parties.
I hope there's dirt on Santorum since too many people are being duped that he can beat Obamination.

There are Republicans that won't vote for Romney over his religion. As a Protestant I could care less about his weird religion, I just care about his experience and promises to overturn what Obamination has done in 4 years.

Also, Romney will win over the moderate vote that picked Obamination last time, they most likely won't vote at all if Santorum is the nominee.
let's be real here. Many people said the same thing about Newt not being able to beat Obama. Now you're simply playing the same game.

And he can beat Obama. Any of our candidates can.

New poll: Santorum beats Obama « The Deacon's Bench

Elections are about perceptions and it is plenty early for any of our candidates to shape the minds and perceptions of the undeclared voters. And that's where every election is decided.

You seem more like Newt to me, just getting even for perceived wrongs. Newt sank his own boat. Deal with it or be perpetually pissed.

Santorum cannot beat Barack Obama--it was proven in conservative districts of Colorado--those are the facts of what happened in the mid-term election of 2010 there. Same type candidate--one race that was republicans to lose managed to do it with a too far right on social issues candidate.

Now if you cannot convince conservative pro-life women of your too far right stance--prohibiting abortions to victims of rape or incest---how do you think it will go over with women all over this country in November 2012?--- :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The left will try to make it an issue, just like you are right now. The difference is "open minded" voters that want the truth will listen to Santorums own words. Just like today on meet the press. He was quite clear that his own personal views are just that, personal views. He has 0 intention of trying to impose his personal views on everyone else. He is watching Obama do that right now and we've all seen the resulting reversal this week. This election will be a referendum on Obamas policies. Obama will try to divert to nonsensical issues like this one but will only be successful if he has help from our own party fighting amongst themselves. Besides that you know damn well that only congress can pass laws that further restrict abortion and that isn't going to happen.

Aim your fucking ammo where its needed. Don't like samtorum? Fair enough vote for Romney. Problem solved. I have yet to decide who I want to win but tearing one down to raise another is counter productive.

Abortion will only be an issue for the extremes of both parties.

IT IS AN ISSUE: Conservative candidates can be pro-life like many democrats are. But when they go OVER THE TOP--on things that the overwhelming majority of women including conservative pro-life women-cannot support--THEY LOSE. That was proven in Colorado in a very conservative district--home to Focus on the Family in the 2010 midterm election cycle.

Rick Santorum--brings FAMILY VALUES up at every single debate & is often boooed over a lot of his stances. No one needs to bring it up to him.--LOL
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Those investments seem alot more productive than the current administration's "stimulus" that funded studies of chimp masterbation and some other crazy stuff.
Santorum cannot beat Barack Obama--it was proven in conservative districts of Colorado--those are the facts of what happened in the mid-term election of 2010 there. Same type candidate--one race that was republicans to lose managed to do it with a too far right on social issues candidate.

Now if you cannot convince conservative pro-life women of your too far right stance--prohibiting abortions to victims of rape or incest---how do you think it will go over with women all over this country in November 2012?--- :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The left will try to make it an issue, just like you are right now. The difference is "open minded" voters that want the truth will listen to Santorums own words. Just like today on meet the press. He was quite clear that his own personal views are just that, personal views. He has 0 intention of trying to impose his personal views on everyone else. He is watching Obama do that right now and we've all seen the resulting reversal this week. This election will be a referendum on Obamas policies. Obama will try to divert to nonsensical issues like this one but will only be successful if he has help from our own party fighting amongst themselves. Besides that you know damn well that only congress can pass laws that further restrict abortion and that isn't going to happen.

Aim your fucking ammo where its needed. Don't like samtorum? Fair enough vote for Romney. Problem solved. I have yet to decide who I want to win but tearing one down to raise another is counter productive.

Abortion will only be an issue for the extremes of both parties.

IT IS AN ISSUE: Conservative candidates can be pro-life like many democrats are. But when they go OVER THE TOP--on things that the overwhelming majority of women including conservative pro-life women--THEY LOSE.

What part of his comment that its his personal belief and not his public policy stance did you not understand?
Those investments seem alot more productive than the current administration's "stimulus" that funded studies of chimp masterbation and some other crazy stuff.

Yeah--there is corruption and government waste at every corner in the Federal Government--but I really don't think we want to send someone up there that has a WRITTEN history of it--:lol::lol:

Rick Santorum on video bashing the Tea Party Movement 2 years ago.

[ame=]Santorum against the Tea-Party (Big Surprise huh) - YouTube[/ame]

His campaign put out a statement that Santorum was the Tea Party before the Tea Party existed---:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Here is Santorum's voting record which is probably why he was against the Tea Party movement--titled what a BIG GOVERNMENT CONSERVATIVE LOOKS LIKE.

What A Big Government Conservative Looks Like | RedState

SANTORUM has also spent the last many years as a LOBBYIST in Washington D.C.

A one-time Senate aide turned lobbyist who pleaded guilty to fraud in the wake of the Jack Abramoff scandal has been spearheading former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum’s presidential campaign in South Carolina in advance of the state’s pivotal Jan. 21 primary.
James Hirni, a one-time K Street operative who in 2008 admitted buying World Series tickets for Congressional aides in exchange for work on legislation favorable to clients, has for months been drumming up support for Santorum in the Palmetto State. His Facebook profile shows photos of Hirni at Santorum events and well wishes from Santorum supporters. Hirni’s Twitter feed has been devoted almost exclusively in recent days to Santorum’s performance at the Iowa caucuses and the upcoming primary in South Carolina.

Saturday night's ABC/Yahoo debate got personal pretty quick, as Ron Paul explained, at the urging of moderator George Stephanopoulos, why he has accused former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum in ads of corruption.

“It was a quote,” explained Paul. “Somebody did make a survey and he came up as one of the top corrupt individuals because he took so much from lobbyists.”
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The left will try to make it an issue, just like you are right now. The difference is "open minded" voters that want the truth will listen to Santorums own words. Just like today on meet the press. He was quite clear that his own personal views are just that, personal views. He has 0 intention of trying to impose his personal views on everyone else. He is watching Obama do that right now and we've all seen the resulting reversal this week. This election will be a referendum on Obamas policies. Obama will try to divert to nonsensical issues like this one but will only be successful if he has help from our own party fighting amongst themselves. Besides that you know damn well that only congress can pass laws that further restrict abortion and that isn't going to happen.

Aim your fucking ammo where its needed. Don't like samtorum? Fair enough vote for Romney. Problem solved. I have yet to decide who I want to win but tearing one down to raise another is counter productive.

Abortion will only be an issue for the extremes of both parties.

IT IS AN ISSUE: Conservative candidates can be pro-life like many democrats are. But when they go OVER THE TOP--on things that the overwhelming majority of women including conservative pro-life women--THEY LOSE.

What part of his comment that its his personal belief and not his public policy stance did you not understand?

Well maybe you should ask Senate republican candidate Ken Buck who lost the conservative pro-life female vote that--because it was also his personal opinion?

THE POTUS chooses supreme court justices--based on his PERSONAL OPINION of the way things should be--DA--DUH--which makes it even worse than what Buck went through.

I think you've been on this board long enough to know that. Some debate is going to come up--where Santorum will be asked about what he would look for in a Supreme court justice--and at that time he is going to offend women all across this country. IOW--the only possibly way Santorum wins in this country--is if women can't vote.

I also don't think there are too many husbands or boyfriends in this country that would agree to their wives or girlfriends--(not taking the morning after pill) *if they were violently raped by some unknown monster. *So Rick Santorum's personal opinion--objecting to abortions--in cases of rape and incest--holds no water with men either.

Like I have repeatedly told you--CONSERVATIVE PRO-LIFE WOMEN--understand why a victim of a brutal rape or a young girl who has been assaulted by a relative should be able to get an abortion-aka (the morning after pill)----Rick Santorum doesn't. Maybe if he were beaten within an inch of his life--raped--and had something shoved up his behind--and a woman was telling him he had to keep it in for 9 months-because of her too far right religious beliefs---(while he was trying to put his life back in order) & then give birth to it--maybe he would understand?
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IT IS AN ISSUE: Conservative candidates can be pro-life like many democrats are. But when they go OVER THE TOP--on things that the overwhelming majority of women including conservative pro-life women--THEY LOSE.

What part of his comment that its his personal belief and not his public policy stance did you not understand?

Well maybe you should ask Senate republican candidate Ken Buck who lost the conservative pro-life female vote that--because it was also his personal opinion?

THE POTUS chooses supreme court justices--based on his PERSONAL OPINION of the way things should be--DA--DUH--which makes it even worse than what Buck went through.

I think you've been on this board long enough to know that. Some debate is going to come up--where Santorum will be asked about what he would look for in a Supreme court justice--and at that time he is going to offend women all across this country. IOW--the only possibly way Santorum wins in this country--is if women can't vote.

I also don't think there are too many husbands or boyfriends in this country that would agree to their wives or girlfriends--(not taking the morning after pill) *if they were violently raped by some unknown freak. *So Rick Santorum's personal opinion--objecting to abortions--in cases of rape and incest--holds no water with men either.

Like I have repeatedly told you--CONSERVATIVE PRO-LIFE WOMEN--understand why a victim of a brutal rape or a young girl who has been assaulted by a relative should be able to get an abortion-aka (the morning after pill)----Rick Santorum doesn't. Maybe if he were beaten within an inch of his life--raped--and had something shoved up his behind--and a woman was telling him he had to keep it in for 9 months-because of her too far right religious beliefs---(while he was trying to put his life back in order) & then give birth to it--maybe he would understand?

And like I have told you and everyone else on this board. I don't care about social issues. Our country needs leadership and some gay or abortion issue isn't going to prevent me from voting for a leader. Besides, as I mentioned santorum could believe in forced pregnancies and it wouldn't mater without a willing congress to approve his agenda or appointees.

Case closed in my book.

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