Santorum Blames Abortion for Social Security's Woes


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
In an interview with a New Hampshire radio station Tuesday, Rick Santorum suggested the nation's "abortion culture" is to blame for the Social Security program's financial problems.

Per The Hill's Shane D'Aprile, the former Pennsylvania senator and 2012 presidential hopeful told WEZS Radio that not enough children are being born to support the troubled entitlement system in part because of the rising number of abortions.

"The Social Security system, in my opinion, is a flawed design, period. But having said that, the design would work a lot better if we had stable demographic trends," Santorum said. "We don't have enough workers to support the retirees . . . . A third of the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion."

Santorum was responding to a caller, who suggested abortion was behind the nation's troubled Social Security and Medicare infrastructure. Per The Hill, the former senator said the caller was "absolutely right."

Santorum blames ‘abortion culture’ for Social Security woes - Yahoo! News
Abortion can be blamed for a lot.

It can also be blamed for why the percentage of blacks in America is at it's current level rather than higher. It's basically a genocide against blacks. Of course, liberal icon SCOTUS judge Ruth Ginsberg expressed her disappointment that abortion hadn't ridded society of even more undesireable populations. Haha, silly liberal!!!
Abortion can be blamed for a lot.

It can also be blamed for why the percentage of blacks in America is at it's current level rather than higher. It's basically a genocide against blacks. Of course, liberal icon SCOTUS judge Ruth Ginsberg expressed her disappointment that abortion hadn't ridded society of even more undesireable populations. Haha, silly liberal!!!

Black people choosing abortion are committing a genocide of themselves?

You need to turn off the radio.
Abortion can be blamed for a lot.

It can also be blamed for why the percentage of blacks in America is at it's current level rather than higher. It's basically a genocide against blacks. Of course, liberal icon SCOTUS judge Ruth Ginsberg expressed her disappointment that abortion hadn't ridded society of even more undesireable populations. Haha, silly liberal!!!

Black people choosing abortion are committing a genocide of themselves?

You need to turn off the radio.

No, but Planned Parenthood is. PP is the organization that Obama and Hillary PRAISED for their efforts. But if you read up on it, Planned Parenthood was founded in the early 1900's by a woman who wanted to "rid the world of negroes and morons" and has since been recommended to generations of black women as an option to having a baby. Told that their life will be easier, they won't spend so much money on an unwanted kid, etc, etc, etc. Basically leading sheep to slaughter. Well, the sheep's mothers anyhow.
Abortion can be blamed for a lot.

It can also be blamed for why the percentage of blacks in America is at it's current level rather than higher. It's basically a genocide against blacks. Of course, liberal icon SCOTUS judge Ruth Ginsberg expressed her disappointment that abortion hadn't ridded society of even more undesireable populations. Haha, silly liberal!!!

Black people choosing abortion are committing a genocide of themselves?

You need to turn off the radio.

No, but Planned Parenthood is. PP is the organization that Obama and Hillary PRAISED for their efforts. But if you read up on it, Planned Parenthood was founded in the early 1900's by a woman who wanted to "rid the world of negroes and morons" and has since been recommended to generations of black women as an option to having a baby. Told that their life will be easier, they won't spend so much money on an unwanted kid, etc, etc, etc. Basically leading sheep to slaughter. Well, the sheep's mothers anyhow.


The smallest households in the US, by race, are non-hispanic white. It's whites who are not reproducing in whatever numbers Santorum seems to think we ought to be.
In an interview with a New Hampshire radio station Tuesday, Rick Santorum suggested the nation's "abortion culture" is to blame for the Social Security program's financial problems.

Per The Hill's Shane D'Aprile, the former Pennsylvania senator and 2012 presidential hopeful told WEZS Radio that not enough children are being born to support the troubled entitlement system in part because of the rising number of abortions.

"The Social Security system, in my opinion, is a flawed design, period. But having said that, the design would work a lot better if we had stable demographic trends," Santorum said. "We don't have enough workers to support the retirees . . . . A third of the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion."

Santorum was responding to a caller, who suggested abortion was behind the nation's troubled Social Security and Medicare infrastructure. Per The Hill, the former senator said the caller was "absolutely right."

Santorum blames ‘abortion culture’ for Social Security woes - Yahoo! News

Why not blame the fluoridation of water?
Yes...all those unwanted Children would have contributed greatly to the tax base

They would have been on welfare from the time they were born. You can't play it both ways. If you don't want them aborted, you have to pay for them
Black people choosing abortion are committing a genocide of themselves?

You need to turn off the radio.

No, but Planned Parenthood is. PP is the organization that Obama and Hillary PRAISED for their efforts. But if you read up on it, Planned Parenthood was founded in the early 1900's by a woman who wanted to "rid the world of negroes and morons" and has since been recommended to generations of black women as an option to having a baby. Told that their life will be easier, they won't spend so much money on an unwanted kid, etc, etc, etc. Basically leading sheep to slaughter. Well, the sheep's mothers anyhow.


The smallest households in the US, by race, are non-hispanic white. It's whites who are not reproducing in whatever numbers Santorum seems to think we ought to be.

Wow, you're going there? Ok, fine. Yes, whites are reproducing far less than blacks or hispanics. But abortion rates amongst blacks are massively higher than any other race. Care to keep prying open this pandora's box?
Yes...all those unwanted Children would have contributed greatly to the tax base

They would have been on welfare from the time they were born. You can't play it both ways. If you don't want them aborted, you have to pay for them

Well, my choice is to allow God back in our schools, start teaching morality again, start valuing the role of a father in a home, and start moving the trend towards less out of wedlock pregnancies.

But thats blasphemy to a liberal, so I guess your choices are the only ones we have right?
Yes...all those unwanted Children would have contributed greatly to the tax base

They would have been on welfare from the time they were born. You can't play it both ways. If you don't want them aborted, you have to pay for them

Well, my choice is to allow God back in our schools, start teaching morality again, start valuing the role of a father in a home, and start moving the trend towards less out of wedlock pregnancies.

But thats blasphemy to a liberal, so I guess your choices are the only ones we have right?

God never left our schools

And I agree with you on the last three
Yes...all those unwanted Children would have contributed greatly to the tax base

They would have been on welfare from the time they were born. You can't play it both ways. If you don't want them aborted, you have to pay for them

Well, my choice is to allow God back in our schools, start teaching morality again, start valuing the role of a father in a home, and start moving the trend towards less out of wedlock pregnancies.

But thats blasphemy to a liberal, so I guess your choices are the only ones we have right?

Well, that, and its not 1905 anymore.
Yes...all those unwanted Children would have contributed greatly to the tax base

They would have been on welfare from the time they were born. You can't play it both ways. If you don't want them aborted, you have to pay for them

Well, my choice is to allow God back in our schools, start teaching morality again, start valuing the role of a father in a home, and start moving the trend towards less out of wedlock pregnancies.

But thats blasphemy to a liberal, so I guess your choices are the only ones we have right?

Yeah freedoms a b*tch isn't it?

We have tons of religious schools, home schooling options and government keeps the public school neutral so you can safely send your kid there without worry that they will be indoctrinated into the 'wrong' religion.

Individuals can teach their kids their version of morality without government interference.

Individuals choose how they value the role of the father.

Luckily the government doesn't crack down on out of wedlock pregnancies by implementing forced sterilizations and abortions.
Abortion can be blamed for a lot.

It can also be blamed for why the percentage of blacks in America is at it's current level rather than higher. It's basically a genocide against blacks. Of course, liberal icon SCOTUS judge Ruth Ginsberg expressed her disappointment that abortion hadn't ridded society of even more undesireable populations. Haha, silly liberal!!!

Your concern about the plight of black America is noted

When70% of black children are born to unwed mothers you are putting a greater stress on families that are already overwhelmed financially. To claim that they would be better off financially is a joke.
If you oppose abortion for ethical reasons, you are within your rights. Your mock concern over the financial position of black families is pathetic
In an interview with a New Hampshire radio station Tuesday, Rick Santorum suggested the nation's "abortion culture" is to blame for the Social Security program's financial problems.

Per The Hill's Shane D'Aprile, the former Pennsylvania senator and 2012 presidential hopeful told WEZS Radio that not enough children are being born to support the troubled entitlement system in part because of the rising number of abortions.

"The Social Security system, in my opinion, is a flawed design, period. But having said that, the design would work a lot better if we had stable demographic trends," Santorum said. "We don't have enough workers to support the retirees . . . . A third of the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion."

Santorum was responding to a caller, who suggested abortion was behind the nation's troubled Social Security and Medicare infrastructure. Per The Hill, the former senator said the caller was "absolutely right."

Santorum blames ‘abortion culture’ for Social Security woes - Yahoo! News

Santorum only scratches the surface of what's accepted...but he picked the correct one that cheapens LIFE as a whim.
Obviously the women's libbers forgot about birth control...
40% of pregnancies across USA unplanned, study finds
19 May`11 - At least 4 in 10 pregnancies in every state were unwanted or mistimed, according to the first-ever state-level analysis of unintended pregnancies.
According to the analysis released today, more than half of pregnancies in 29 states and the District of Columbia were unintended; 38% to 50% were unintended in the remaining states. Using another measure that calculates frequency of unintended pregnancies, the analysis by the nonprofit Guttmacher Institute found the highest rates of unintended pregnancy were in the South, Southwest and in states with large urban populations. Highest was Mississippi with 69 per 1,000 women ages 15-44; lowest was New Hampshire, with 36 per 1,000. "There are many, many reasons why people don't plan ahead, even when it's such a crucial decision," says Claire Brindis, director of the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health at the University of California-San Francisco, who was not involved in the analysis.

Brindis says difficulty in finding family-planning services and lack of access to birth control contribute to the high numbers of unintended pregnancies. There is "a very strong denial factor — (people think) 'this won't happen to me,'" she says. The analysis, based on 2006 data, the most recent available, used national and state surveys on pregnancy intentions, births, abortions and miscarriages, including data from 86,000 women who gave birth and 9,000 women who had abortions. It is published online in the journal Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. Guttmacher will release more details about unintended pregnancy in reports later this year, including nationally representative numbers based on a different set of data. The data in today's report "were designed to produce state-level data estimates, not a national estimate," says lead author Lawrence Finer.

In nearly every state, about 65% to 75% of unintended pregnancies were considered mistimed and 25% to 35% unwanted, according to Guttmacher, which studies reproductive issues. "We know we have very high levels of unintended pregnancy in the U.S., much higher than in most places around the developed world," says Kelly Musick, a sociologist at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., who was not involved in the analysis. The state breakdown was possible because additional state data became available in 2006, Finer says. Six states and the District of Columbia had no surveys; estimates were used. Among the 34 states that had data for 2002 and 2006, rates of unintended pregnancies increased in 23 states and decreased in eight; three had little or no change. "We do a better job of planning to buy tickets to see Lady Gaga than we do about being careful in planning for when we're going to have children, how many children and when in our lives we're going to have them," Brindis says.

Logically, Santorum should then support a more open expansive welcoming facilitating immigration policy.

Let the millions of Latin Americans who want to come here come here.

(I apologize for using logically and Santorum in the same sentence)

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