Sandy is Obama's Katrina: FEMA Response A Supply Chain Disaster That Fuels Growing An


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Massive FEMA supply chain failures have resulted in shortages of bottled water, food, gasoline, shelter,power and clothing across New Jersey and metropolitan New York, where victims of Hurricane Sandy are angrily calling President Obama's response no better--and in some regards worse--than President Bush's handling of Hurricane Katrina seven years ago.

The unfolding debacle, broadcast around the country and the world in graphic and compelling images, has swept away any political advantage the President may have received from his brief 90 minute photo op in New Jersey this past Wednesday, October 31, where he promised to deliver needed supplies and "cut the red tape."

Despite the President's promises, on the following day, Thursday, November 1, three days after Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey, New York City, and Long Island, a solitary FEMA employee strolled through stacks of bottled water stored in the vast FEMA warehouse in Atlanta, Georgia, (pictured above) located more than 800 miles from the Lakehurst, New Jersey Naval Air Station that had been designated as a FEMA "advance staging" location. These supplies, which included pre-packaged meals as well as bottled water, should have been delivered to New Jersey days before the storm, but three days after the storm they languished in FEMA's Georgia warehouse.

The Obama administration and FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate talked a good game in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, but their on-the-ground performance has failed to match their promises. Despite FEMA's highly publicized "lean forward" strategy, which claims the agency will "advance stage" needed inventory supplies near anticipated storm locations prior to the the storm's arrival, the agency failed to have bottled water or any emergency supplies positioned in Lakehurst, or any other "advance staging" locations until Tuesday, October 30, the day after Hurricane Sandy hit shore last Monday.

Fugate is offering no explanation why FEMA failed to take this critical preparation

More of this disgusting story @ Sandy is Obama's Katrina: FEMA Response A Supply Chain Disaster That Fuels Growing Anger of Victims

Mayor Bloomberg got verbally bitch-slapped today by some irate Brooklyn citizens, during one of his "good will" tours of a devastated Brooklyn neighborhood.

It was great watching that arrogant son-of-a-bitch squirm in his camel-hair trench coat.

I hope New Yorkers are taking notes on what political party is "in charge" of their post-Sandy health and well-being.

While Cuomo and Bloomberg and Napolitano are holding press conferences and patting themselves on the back, thousands in Staten Island and Brooklyn are suffering.
Mayor Bloomberg got verbally bitch-slapped today by some irate Brooklyn citizens, during one of his "good will" tours of a devastated Brooklyn neighborhood.

It was great watching that arrogant son-of-a-bitch squirm in his camel-hair trench coat.

I hope New Yorkers are taking notes on what political party is "in charge" of their post-Sandy health and well-being.

While Cuomo and Bloomberg and Napolitano are holding press conferences and patting themselves on the back, thousands in Staten Island and Brooklyn are suffering.

YEAH, the Democrats are in charge AND the Progressive( commie) Bloomberg, kick their asses OUT..
You people VOTED for him now deal with it
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Massive FEMA supply chain failures have resulted in shortages of bottled water, food, gasoline, shelter,power and clothing across New Jersey and metropolitan New York, where victims of Hurricane Sandy are angrily calling President Obama's response no better--and in some regards worse--than President Bush's handling of Hurricane Katrina seven years ago.

More of this disgusting story @ Sandy is Obama's Katrina: FEMA Response A Supply Chain Disaster That Fuels Growing Anger of Victims

Doing a heckuva Job, Barackie!

I bet those people who criticized Romney's call for food and stuff are feeling a bit stupid right about now.
Too funny how you all blamed the Governor for the Katrina delays.. But now Sandy is Obama's fault...what a double standard.
Romney just said 2 weeks before Sandy that we do not need FEMA, each state should care for its own..

This is a overwhelming horrible mess. I live 5 miles from the epic center of the 1989 earthquake of San Francisco. It took weeks to get electricity or get back to our homes. It looked like hurricane sandy around here. It was up to us to be prepared, or leave the area until things got better
...across New Jersey and metropolitan New York, where victims of Hurricane Sandy are angrily calling President Obama's response no better--and in some regards worse--than President Bush's handling of Hurricane Katrina seven years ago.

Considering New Jersey and New York made it through Katrina with no problems whatsoever that's not at all surprising.
I hope New Yorkers are taking notes on what political party is "in charge" of their post-Sandy health and well-being.

Bloomberg was elected mayor twice as a Republican and NEVER as a Democrat. Fuck you're a moron. IN FACT - New York hasn't a Democratic mayor in almost 20 years. So SHUT THE FUCK UP you IGNORANT TWAT.
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I hope New Yorkers are taking notes on what political party is "in charge" of their post-Sandy health and well-being.

Bloomberg was elected mayor twice as a Republican and NEVER as a Democrat. Fuck you're a moron. IN FACT - New York hasn't a Democratic mayor in almost 20 years. So SHUT THE FUCK UP you IGNORANT TWAT.

Bloomy is a wimp. He coward like a sissy behind a girl on national television.

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