Sanctuary Idealism Crashes into Reality


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Sanctuary Idealism Crashes into Reality

Politicians who benefited from sanctuary advocacy now admit the obvious truth: Sanctuary policies are unsustainable.
21 Dec 2022 ~~ By Brian Lonergan

The late, great Rush Limbaugh frequently opined on his radio show that progressivism’s appeal stems from the fact that its followers are required to do nothing but “care.” Simply vent empathy or outrage—especially on social media—on behalf of an approved left-wing cause, and your otherwise dreary life can seem meaningful in the belief you are both morally superior to your ideological opponents and also saving the world. It’s a seductive pitch that has been all too successful.
The political benefits of this ideology have not been lost on state and local elected leaders, many of whom are true believers anyway. They enthusiastically virtue signal on behalf of numerous issues, and one of their favorites is sanctuary policies as a purported act of mercy toward illegal aliens. For years this was populism on easy mode, as politicians basked in the approval from their activist base without having to do much hard work.
If migrants flooding a city is not workable for places like New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., why must it be forced upon McAllen, El Paso, and other border cities and towns? Their citizens have not asked for the current border policies, yet they have seen their communities overrun while the executive branch that created the situation is indifferent to their plight.
While America groans under the strain of the last two years, this time has served to debunk some bad ideas and confirm some hard truths. Politicians can broadcast their own compassion all they want, but that does not make for sound and effective leadership. Communities need leaders who will act in the best interests of the community first and foremost. There should be no points given to politicians who claim to be saving the world while imploding their communities in the process.

For the last two years under the auspices of the fraudulent Biden Maoist/DSA Democrat administration nearly 3 million illegal aliens have been dispersed throughout the U.S.
Oddly Mayors of these Blue Plantation ghetto cities did not complain until Gov. Abbott of Texas been shipping illegals to their cities.
Suddenly we're experiencing attacks on our food, petroleum, and electrical generation plants including mysterious forest fires and the list goes on.
To claim that Biden and his cabal of ideological cultists are a Clear and Present Danger to America is not an overt statement. Their actions have proved that fact hands down.
Today the U.S. Senate raised our $31 Trillion dollar debt by another $1.7 Trillion dollars with pork for their favorite boondoggles. Who pays for this?

Sanctuary Idealism Crashes into Reality

Politicians who benefited from sanctuary advocacy now admit the obvious truth: Sanctuary policies are unsustainable.
21 Dec 2022 ~~ By Brian Lonergan

The late, great Rush Limbaugh frequently opined on his radio show that progressivism’s appeal stems from the fact that its followers are required to do nothing but “care.” Simply vent empathy or outrage—especially on social media—on behalf of an approved left-wing cause, and your otherwise dreary life can seem meaningful in the belief you are both morally superior to your ideological opponents and also saving the world. It’s a seductive pitch that has been all too successful.
The political benefits of this ideology have not been lost on state and local elected leaders, many of whom are true believers anyway. They enthusiastically virtue signal on behalf of numerous issues, and one of their favorites is sanctuary policies as a purported act of mercy toward illegal aliens. For years this was populism on easy mode, as politicians basked in the approval from their activist base without having to do much hard work.
If migrants flooding a city is not workable for places like New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., why must it be forced upon McAllen, El Paso, and other border cities and towns? Their citizens have not asked for the current border policies, yet they have seen their communities overrun while the executive branch that created the situation is indifferent to their plight.
While America groans under the strain of the last two years, this time has served to debunk some bad ideas and confirm some hard truths. Politicians can broadcast their own compassion all they want, but that does not make for sound and effective leadership. Communities need leaders who will act in the best interests of the community first and foremost. There should be no points given to politicians who claim to be saving the world while imploding their communities in the process.

For the last two years under the auspices of the fraudulent Biden Maoist/DSA Democrat administration nearly 3 million illegal aliens have been dispersed throughout the U.S.
Oddly Mayors of these Blue Plantation ghetto cities did not complain until Gov. Abbott of Texas been shipping illegals to their cities.
Suddenly we're experiencing attacks on our food, petroleum, and electrical generation plants including mysterious forest fires and the list goes on.
To claim that Biden and his cabal of ideological cultists are a Clear and Present Danger to America is not an overt statement. Their actions have proved that fact hands down.
Today the U.S. Senate raised our $31 Trillion dollar debt by another $1.7 Trillion dollars with pork for their favorite boondoggles. Who pays for this?

Leftism as a whole is unsustainable.

Sanctuary Idealism Crashes into Reality

Politicians who benefited from sanctuary advocacy now admit the obvious truth: Sanctuary policies are unsustainable.
21 Dec 2022 ~~ By Brian Lonergan

The late, great Rush Limbaugh frequently opined on his radio show that progressivism’s appeal stems from the fact that its followers are required to do nothing but “care.” Simply vent empathy or outrage—especially on social media—on behalf of an approved left-wing cause, and your otherwise dreary life can seem meaningful in the belief you are both morally superior to your ideological opponents and also saving the world. It’s a seductive pitch that has been all too successful.
The political benefits of this ideology have not been lost on state and local elected leaders, many of whom are true believers anyway. They enthusiastically virtue signal on behalf of numerous issues, and one of their favorites is sanctuary policies as a purported act of mercy toward illegal aliens. For years this was populism on easy mode, as politicians basked in the approval from their activist base without having to do much hard work.
If migrants flooding a city is not workable for places like New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., why must it be forced upon McAllen, El Paso, and other border cities and towns? Their citizens have not asked for the current border policies, yet they have seen their communities overrun while the executive branch that created the situation is indifferent to their plight.
While America groans under the strain of the last two years, this time has served to debunk some bad ideas and confirm some hard truths. Politicians can broadcast their own compassion all they want, but that does not make for sound and effective leadership. Communities need leaders who will act in the best interests of the community first and foremost. There should be no points given to politicians who claim to be saving the world while imploding their communities in the process.

For the last two years under the auspices of the fraudulent Biden Maoist/DSA Democrat administration nearly 3 million illegal aliens have been dispersed throughout the U.S.
Oddly Mayors of these Blue Plantation ghetto cities did not complain until Gov. Abbott of Texas been shipping illegals to their cities.
Suddenly we're experiencing attacks on our food, petroleum, and electrical generation plants including mysterious forest fires and the list goes on.
To claim that Biden and his cabal of ideological cultists are a Clear and Present Danger to America is not an overt statement. Their actions have proved that fact hands down.
Today the U.S. Senate raised our $31 Trillion dollar debt by another $1.7 Trillion dollars with pork for their favorite boondoggles. Who pays for this?
Yeah, not a big fan of sanctuary cities myself but it is a constitutionally protected right.
It's like what happens here, we let you post here, so Russia and China benefit. Likewise a porous border allows for bad actors to enter into our country unmolested and undetected.
Porous borders are not what is being discussed. This is about sanctuary cities.

I am curious how those groups benefit from sanctuary cities.
An element of truth here … along with a sh*tload of rightwing propaganda …

Democrats squealed becauae Abbot bussed illegals on Christmas Eve to the VP's home for the holidays ... while the Biden administration moves them around the country every day of the week that ends with 'Y'.

And you have never seen a bunch of pro-Sanctuary City Democrats do a hypocritical '180' as when 50 or so illegals were dropped off in Martha's Vineyard.

Can you show me anywhere in the US Code where a City can ignore Federal Immigration Laws?
Yes, I can.

"In Printz v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government cannot force state or local officials to enforce federal law.

Therefore, sanctuary cities are constitutional. The Constitution does not require local law enforcement agencies to help deport undocumented immigrants."

Porous borders are not what is being discussed. This is about sanctuary cities.

I am curious how those groups benefit from sanctuary cities.
Lawlessness always profits The Enemies of Any Nation or People.
Porous Borders & Sanctuary Cities are inseparable.

One is a symptom of the other.

Like a cancer Lawlessness Spreads, and in a Nation that is based in The Rule of Law, Lawlessness is an Evil that will undermine our foundations.

If you really want to know how Lawlessness works, what happens when your Law Enforcement Agencies become corupt?

You have a COUP to remove a duly elected president ran by our own FBI and The Democrat Party called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

You have Illegal and Unconstitutional Secret Courts like FISA that are weaponized against American Citizens.

You have The Department of Justice declaring that Soccer Moms opposed to a racist revisionist indoctrination of our Children in History class in the form of CRT, and you have the Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby poisoning and corrupting our youth through their doctrine of gender fluidity. If you stand up against such corruption and Evil, you as a Parent are declared a Domestic Terrorist. Soccer Moms are now Domestic Terrorists because they demand transparency and accountability in our schools? That is Lawlessness.

You have women being abused by men and subjected to humiliation at the hands of biological men in athletics, when they have no business whatsoever being allowed to compete as a woman. let alone shower and use a restroom with women. That is a grave injustice.

You have The Government directly involved in Social Media, silencing Free Speech, and banning and censoring not just individuals who disagree with the Deep State Narrative but entire Newspapers being deplatformed, and Social Media like Parlor.

You have a government the governs by decree and mandate circumventing our legislature engaged in taxation without representation.

You have a government locking you in your homes, shutting down your businesses, restricting your travel, mandating that you be injected with poisons, and imposing martial law like The Redcoats imposed upon The Colonists.

When you allow such Lawlessness, The People Drown in a Deluge of Lies, and only The Wicked and Unrighteous Profit on the backs of such Misery.

When your leaders are lawless and there is NO JUSTICE in The Land, The People Suffer, and The People Groan, and The Wealthy Elite and Corrupt Politicians do not hear their cries.

This is the current state of affairs of the Once Great United States of America.
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Can you show me anywhere in the US Code where a City can ignore Federal Immigration Laws?
Can youshow me in tbe Constitution where the federal government can knowingly, intentionally endanger a state and its citizens, overwhelm bankrupt the state...through Constitutional and law violations, illegally transporting and dumping criminals / thieves / rapists / pedophiles / tradfickers / terrorists without informing local / state ifficials that they are coming?

If I am not mistaken PROTECTING states and their citizens from foreign violence / crime / invasion is one of the federal government's jobs.
Lawlessness always profits The Enemies of Any Nation or People.
Porous Borders & Sanctuary Cities are inseparable.

One is a symptom of the other.

Like a cancer Lawlessness Spreads, and in a Nation that is based in The Rule of Law, Lawlessness is an Evil that will undermine our foundations.

If you really want to know how Lawlessness works, what happens when your Law Enforcement Agencies become corupt?

You have a COUP to remove a duly elected president ran by our own FBI and The Democrat Party called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

You have Illegal and Unconstitutional Secret Courts like FISA that are weaponized against American Citizens.

You have The Department of Justice declaring that Soccer Moms opposed to a racist revisionist indoctrination of our Children in History class in the form of CRT, and you have the Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby poisoning and corrupting our youth through their doctrine of gender fluidity. If you stand up against such corruption and Evil, you as a Parent are declared a Domestic Terrorist. Soccer Moms are now Domestic Terrorists because they demand transparency and accountability in our schools? That is Lawlessness.

You have women being abused by men and subjected to humiliation at the hands of biological men in athletics, when they have no business whatsoever being allowed to compete as a woman. let alone shower and use a restroom with women. That is a grave injustice.

You have The Government directly involved in Social Media, silencing Free Speech, and banning and censoring not just individuals who disagree with the Deep State Narrative but entire Newspapers being deplatformed, and Social Media like Parlor.

You have a government the governs by decree and mandate circumventing our legislature engaged in taxation without representation.

You have a government locking you in your homes, shutting down your businesses, restricting your travel, mandating that you be injected with poisons, and imposing martial law like The Redcoats imposed upon The Colonists.

When you allow such Lawlessness, The People Drown in a Deluge of Lies, and only The Wicked and Unrighteous Profit on the backs of such Misery.

When your leaders are lawless and there is NO JUSTICE in The Land, The People Suffer, and The People Groan, and The Wealthy Elite and Corrupt Politicians do not hear their cries.

This is the current state of affairs of the Once Great United States of America.
I didn't invite this rant when I answered your question.

You may need help...just saying.
Can you show me anywhere in the US Code where a City can ignore Federal Immigration Laws?
It's not in the US Code, there is ample precedent over the last couple of decades of cities, counties and even states declaring that they will not cooperate with immigration or federal LEOs when the matter involves illegal immigrants.
Yes, I can.

"In Printz v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government cannot force state or local officials to enforce federal law.

Therefore, sanctuary cities are constitutional. The Constitution does not require local law enforcement agencies to help deport undocumented immigrants."

So a Sanctuary City and it's politicians who uphold such lawless policies can be held criminally negligent for damages due to their refusal to keep law and order and uphold Federal Law. That's called The Double Edged Sword of The Law. Fail to enforce The Law and someone gets hurt, you are liable.
Nice to know.

Also, you leftist crack me up. You say you can ignore Federal Law, yet on The Other Hand say People can be fired. lose their jobs, their homes, and their businesses for refusing to take an experimental gene therapy.

Your insanity has no limits.
The consequences of sanctuary policies. What you can do.

Military strategists understand the importance of denying an enemy geographic sanctuaries. Sanctuaries allow an enemy time to safely operate and build up defensive and offensive capabilities and hold and take ground. Sanctuaries for illegal aliens likewise provide an important strategic advantage over law enforcement and their ability to perform their law enforcement duties.

Sanctuary policies, official or de facto, result in safe havens (or safer havens) for illegal aliens involved in a variety of criminal enterprises. Sanctuary policies inhibit the ability of law enforcement officers to accurately identify foreign nationals which makes it more difficult to uncover their illegal activities. Illegal aliens face less risk of deportation too if caught by local law enforcement. Sanctuary policies also help shield the operations of Latin American drug cartels, gangs, and terrorist cells--since their activities are less likely to be detected and real identities uncovered by local, state, or federal law enforcement.

Some sanctuary cities (e.g., Chicago and San Francisco) even receive millions of dollars in federal State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) grants to compensate for the cost of jailing illegal alien criminals--even though their city sanctuary policies act to encourage illegal alien settlement.

According to Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeffrey Rosen, the Santa Clara County California's sanctuary policy has put its citizens at greater risk. District Attorney Rosen proposed that the County Board of Supervisors vote to ease its law baring local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration law enforcement. Rosen gave an example of a woman who was raped by an illegal alien who had been shielded from federal detention by the county's policy.

To learn more about the consequences of sanctuary policies and lax immigration law enforcement, visit the Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial and the
OJJPAC homepage.
An element of truth here … along with a sh*tload of rightwing propaganda …

Would you care to point out an untruth?

First of all, creating a “propaganda” piece does not necessarily require telling “untruths” … though this one certainly contains some.

In my opinion the propaganda buildup in the OP started with “The late, great Rush Limbaugh …” and continued with its every characterization of the deep — but resolvable — problems our immigration system faces.

It culminated with ridiculous “untruths” about Democrats being “Maoists,” etc. The Democratic leadership, like Wall Street and Uncle Sam’s “security state” itself, is no more “Maoist” than it is pro-Russian / pro-Putin — this should be obvious to all.

The “hypocrisy of Democrats” and liberals “wanting to do good” can certainly sometimes verge on the ridiculous, but they are not the real reason our complex immigration problems exist today.

Nor are Democrats alone responsible for these problems not being resolved. The Republican Party, under the influence of demagogues like Trump, have abandoned all Reagan-like rationality and willingness to seek a bipartisan compromise. The distinction between legal and illegal immigrants is not even made obvious in your OP propaganda post, nor is there any program whatever for actually resolving many existing immigration problems in a way that … Ronald Reagan might approve.

A while back I wrote an OP on this issue here:

Zone1 - DC Mayor Muriel Bowser declares emergency over migrant buses from Texas, Arizona
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