Sanctity of contracts: AIG (Wall Street) v Public Employee Benefits

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Sanctity of contracts: AIG (Wall Street) v Public Employee Benefits

It appears that many left wing moonbats and right wing wingnuts are all over the place when it comes to discussing the sanctity of defending contracts.

Many people who defended honoring contracts of Wall Street players seem to be saying the contracts public employees have with governments need NOT be honored...and people who were for abrogating the contracts of Wall Street players are playing up the sanctity of contracts while defending those of public employees. :eusa_shhh:
Wildcat sick-out strikes are breach of contract, numbnuts.

It's hard to know why Geithner changed his tune, but he doesn't have much say in the matter anyway. Kenneth Feinberg, the administration's pay czar who oversees payments made to companies still receiving federal support through the TARP, said that these payments are based on contractual obligations that AIG entered into years ago and must be fulfilled. As Feinberg told ABC, "We've got to abide by the law."

Like it or not, the sanctity of contracts rules the land. And, if AIG's contracts say that AIG's employees will receive $100 million in deferred compensation or that its counterparties will receive a $62 billion payment in full for their investments, then that's what the law says.
- AIG Bonuses: Why Those Pesky Contracts Can't Be Ignored
Wildcat sick-out strikes are breach of contract, numbnuts.


people arguing that state benefit contracts need to be thrown out because 'blah, blah, blah...'

so it figures USMB's Wingnut-in-Chief would come to the defense of the indefensible with a red herring in his slimy bucket.

Oddball Dude, thank you for being you :eusa_whistle:
They aren't teaching. Breach of Contract.

Maybe if you weren't lying to them in the first place and promising things that couldn't be fulfilled there wouldnt be an issue to begin with.

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