Saddam Hussein and 9/11 – The unexpected connection


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Before this narrative disappears off line without a trace, here is one of the more interesting testimonies on events surrounding 9/11, and subsequent war in Iraq, I have found anywhere:

Saddam Hussein and 9 11 - The unexpected connection

September 1, 2014 by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
. . .
In the first shock and grief following 9/11 millions around the world opened their hearts to America. It seemed as if the long ached for peace, bringing humanity together, was within our grasp.

The next week, touched by the memory of fear and hope I wrote this poem.

First Violet Series
No. 20 – Crimson Blossoms Sheer and Rend

Crimson Roses rent the sky; bringing down the autumn sun.
Fracturing the pillared towers;
Sudden death writ red as flowers.

My mind arrested; could not accept, the changes sudden that deformed
The world I knew was shattered there,
inside an autumn newly born.

The scenes surreal, the tears, the shock; the frantic search for those we love.
Trembled tones and dust choked eyes.
The fall of towers from the sky.

Deforming shock of memories, rescinding trends of history.
From grief surrendered; steel bent scope.
Was reborn an edge for hope.

Our courage spent as offered gift; lives to save mean more than risk.
A shroud of dust had cloaked the sky
A cloak of courage, death denied.

A thousand little moments bled, in mind made journey, our griefs unsaid.
As human actions moved our minds.
Ears heard echoes of the divine.

Erupting roses burned our eyes, remaking worlds we will not see.
Recasting all our best beliefs;
replacing them with soul seared grief.

Transforming death; unbending love; our undeflected will to hope.
These the gifts that roses brought
revealing need for truer scope.

We all felt the potential for coming together, I think. But time taught us how differently a small group of people viewed 9/11.

That outpouring of compassion from across the globe was transformed into the wet dream of NeoCon greed. Afghanistan was invaded. Harsh voices urged more violence based on what we now know were lies. The bipartisan trust according the White House was used with calloused disregard of the truth. Further events were manufactured to keep us in fear.

And the political operatives, masquerading as media, were accorded heady powers as the rush for death and profits began.

John Fund, whose speed dial’s first two numbers are Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, was doubtless briefed on the exciting opportunity 9/11 presented for carrying out the war against Iraq. Invading Iraq was in the plan when George W. Bush lied his way into the White House in 2000.

For Fund, 9/11 and its aftermath included the opportunity to evade charges of domestic violence. For Karl Rove and company, everything is political.

The next year and a half were surreal. It was as if the shock of falling towers continued as a psychic barrage. It was a time which changed me and my personal world, forever.

. . .

Part II
Why Saddam Hussein Had to Die

In November, 2002 I was asked, “Is Qusay something like E-Bay?” The query came from my daughter, Morgan. She and I are now estranged.

That November, Morgan was in hiding with a sympathetic family in Georgia, following an attempt on her life by John Fund, her former lover.

Although Fund was employed at the Wall Street Journal as a journalist, serving on their Editorial Board from 1995 – 2001, his real job was as a political operative. By the late 90s he was working for what would become the Bush Administration. His long career in the field of disinformation began with the Koch brothers in 1979. At the time he was claiming to be a Libertarian. He also claimed he had run for office. Both of these were lies according to Justin Raimondo in his article, John Fund vs. the Truth, published in Antiwar. Com April 27, 2006.
Lying to the public, manufacturing evidence, and destroying lives, was standard practice for the NeoCons in control of the Bush White House. Viewing themselves as possessing the right to rule they were following the political philosophy of Leo Strauss.

John came into his association with them already trained. As an operative, John Fund inserted fabricated information into public consciousness. I can say this with authority because he kept in touch with me, feeding me lies which included both Democrats and their political enemies within the Republican Party.

Protecting Fund was important to the NeoCon White House. Protecting their constructed scenario for the War in Iraq being sold to the public, was essential.

In the years leading up to the opening of the War in Iraq ordinary Americans still believed those in control of their government understood their obligation to act only on the facts and act justly. We were wrong.

This narrative uses one story, a minor one, involving one woman without a conscience, Morgan Pillsbury Gell, to illustrate the ruthlessness and lack of human values at the core of the Bush Administration. These policies continued with Obama without change.

Saddam Hussein and 9 11 - The unexpected connection
Obama's fucked up a bunch, but the Bush comparison is unwarranted. Bush was a disaster on a global scale. And that's how he wanted it.

It looks like Bush declared war on foreign soil.
While Obama declared war on his own people!
Bush reveled in American deaths overseas, and coincided that with the complete decimation of the U.S. economy.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about.
Obama's fucked up a bunch, but the Bush comparison is unwarranted. Bush was a disaster on a global scale. And that's how he wanted it.

It looks like Bush declared war on foreign soil.
While Obama declared war on his own people!
Bush reveled in American deaths overseas, and coincided that with the complete decimation of the U.S. economy.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about.
I think you are insane.
Complete bull sh*t
Obama's fucked up a bunch, but the Bush comparison is unwarranted. Bush was a disaster on a global scale. And that's how he wanted it.

It looks like Bush declared war on foreign soil.
While Obama declared war on his own people!
Bush reveled in American deaths overseas, and coincided that with the complete decimation of the U.S. economy.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about.
Obama's fucked up a bunch, but the Bush comparison is unwarranted. Bush was a disaster on a global scale. And that's how he wanted it.

It looks like Bush declared war on foreign soil.
While Obama declared war on his own people!
Bush reveled in American deaths overseas, and coincided that with the complete decimation of the U.S. economy.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about.
And Ogubuto fixed it? :laugh2:
Obama's fucked up a bunch, but the Bush comparison is unwarranted. Bush was a disaster on a global scale. And that's how he wanted it.

It looks like Bush declared war on foreign soil.
While Obama declared war on his own people!
Bush reveled in American deaths overseas, and coincided that with the complete decimation of the U.S. economy.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about.
I think you are insane.
That's what a lot of people thought about Jesus. :wink_2:
Before this narrative disappears off line without a trace, here is one of the more interesting testimonies on events surrounding 9/11, and subsequent war in Iraq, I have found anywhere:

Saddam Hussein and 9 11 - The unexpected connection

September 1, 2014 by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
. . .
In the first shock and grief following 9/11 millions around the world opened their hearts to America. It seemed as if the long ached for peace, bringing humanity together, was within our grasp.

The next week, touched by the memory of fear and hope I wrote this poem.

First Violet Series
No. 20 – Crimson Blossoms Sheer and Rend

Crimson Roses rent the sky; bringing down the autumn sun.
Fracturing the pillared towers;
Sudden death writ red as flowers.

My mind arrested; could not accept, the changes sudden that deformed
The world I knew was shattered there,
inside an autumn newly born.

The scenes surreal, the tears, the shock; the frantic search for those we love.
Trembled tones and dust choked eyes.
The fall of towers from the sky.

Deforming shock of memories, rescinding trends of history.
From grief surrendered; steel bent scope.
Was reborn an edge for hope.

Our courage spent as offered gift; lives to save mean more than risk.
A shroud of dust had cloaked the sky
A cloak of courage, death denied.

A thousand little moments bled, in mind made journey, our griefs unsaid.
As human actions moved our minds.
Ears heard echoes of the divine.

Erupting roses burned our eyes, remaking worlds we will not see.
Recasting all our best beliefs;
replacing them with soul seared grief.

Transforming death; unbending love; our undeflected will to hope.
These the gifts that roses brought
revealing need for truer scope.

We all felt the potential for coming together, I think. But time taught us how differently a small group of people viewed 9/11.

That outpouring of compassion from across the globe was transformed into the wet dream of NeoCon greed. Afghanistan was invaded. Harsh voices urged more violence based on what we now know were lies. The bipartisan trust according the White House was used with calloused disregard of the truth. Further events were manufactured to keep us in fear.

And the political operatives, masquerading as media, were accorded heady powers as the rush for death and profits began.

John Fund, whose speed dial’s first two numbers are Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, was doubtless briefed on the exciting opportunity 9/11 presented for carrying out the war against Iraq. Invading Iraq was in the plan when George W. Bush lied his way into the White House in 2000.

For Fund, 9/11 and its aftermath included the opportunity to evade charges of domestic violence. For Karl Rove and company, everything is political.

The next year and a half were surreal. It was as if the shock of falling towers continued as a psychic barrage. It was a time which changed me and my personal world, forever.

. . .

Part II
Why Saddam Hussein Had to Die

In November, 2002 I was asked, “Is Qusay something like E-Bay?” The query came from my daughter, Morgan. She and I are now estranged.

That November, Morgan was in hiding with a sympathetic family in Georgia, following an attempt on her life by John Fund, her former lover.

Although Fund was employed at the Wall Street Journal as a journalist, serving on their Editorial Board from 1995 – 2001, his real job was as a political operative. By the late 90s he was working for what would become the Bush Administration. His long career in the field of disinformation began with the Koch brothers in 1979. At the time he was claiming to be a Libertarian. He also claimed he had run for office. Both of these were lies according to Justin Raimondo in his article, John Fund vs. the Truth, published in Antiwar. Com April 27, 2006.
Lying to the public, manufacturing evidence, and destroying lives, was standard practice for the NeoCons in control of the Bush White House. Viewing themselves as possessing the right to rule they were following the political philosophy of Leo Strauss.

John came into his association with them already trained. As an operative, John Fund inserted fabricated information into public consciousness. I can say this with authority because he kept in touch with me, feeding me lies which included both Democrats and their political enemies within the Republican Party.

Protecting Fund was important to the NeoCon White House. Protecting their constructed scenario for the War in Iraq being sold to the public, was essential.

In the years leading up to the opening of the War in Iraq ordinary Americans still believed those in control of their government understood their obligation to act only on the facts and act justly. We were wrong.

This narrative uses one story, a minor one, involving one woman without a conscience, Morgan Pillsbury Gell, to illustrate the ruthlessness and lack of human values at the core of the Bush Administration. These policies continued with Obama without change.

Saddam Hussein and 9 11 - The unexpected connection


Thank you SO MUCH for that read, IT was at once scary, thrilling, terrifying, illuminating, and hopeful.

This really drives to the point of why I am a member of this forum. It is what I am always trying to get folks to understand about the elites that run this nation. Folks just don't get it, all the elites, the different politicians, it's a stage show and an act in front of the cameras. But when it comes to important matters, matters that concern enslaving the population and keeping them in the dark, and making multinational corporations billions of dollars, they psychopaths are all on the same page. They are all worse than serial killers. This lady has grown wise and has freed her mind. . .
When Morgan sent me the first email involving Saddam Hussein I had a friend, expert in computers, ascertain where the email sent to Blumenthal originated. The answer came back, the Emirates, likely Baghdad.

I knew perfectly well it was illegal for the Clintons, now private citizens, to manipulate policy. I still could not imagine a presidency which routinely manipulated events for their own profit as anything but treason. I also could not imagine this kind of cooperation between Bush and Clinton, given what the NeoCons had done to Bill during the Monica Lewinsky Debacle.

Republican, Democrat, there is no difference. We must lose our illusions and move past the barriers constructed to keep us divided.

Assholes, every last one of them. . .

But then, we need to pity them. If they didn't act the way they did, I'm sure they would wind up like JFK.
Obama's fucked up a bunch, but the Bush comparison is unwarranted. Bush was a disaster on a global scale. And that's how he wanted it.

It looks like Bush declared war on foreign soil.
While Obama declared war on his own people!
Bush reveled in American deaths overseas, and coincided that with the complete decimation of the U.S. economy.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about.

Hi TheOldSchool
When I talk to people about assessing the costs and demanding reimbursement blamed on Bush and corporate
finagling at public expense, most of the Democrats only cared about "getting Bush out of office" I finally had to give up and wait years for the Bush bashing to stop, before I could get anyone to listen to real solutions.

The only people who endorsed the idea of seeking reimbursements were progressives and independents,
who could see there was just as much dirt on Democrats as Republicans, but in different areas.

The Democrats were just as guilty of letting corporate corruption go on to try to benefit from blaming more on Bush WITHOUT seeking to correct any of it! When I bring this up with my own party members, most chicken out and shirk from any attempt to hold either Democrats or other party leaders accountable.

So I find the responsibility is shared, for letting abuses continue and not holding govt and party leaders to account.

If you allow people to rack up costs on your credit, and don't go after them but accept to pay the bill just so you can blame and trash other parties and candidates, how is THAT rebuilding the economy? It's still playing victim.

Again, I DO give credit to the people I can name on ONE HAND who have backed this idea of demanding payback, through a system of credit through the Federal Reserve (similar to how private investors lend money to govt for issuing currency, why not issue currency against property and programs held as collateral by the citizens if we are expected to bail out these debts and damages. Why can't we get credit for covering debts while the wrongdoers are charged with paying back whatever they got paid illicitly. Call those unauthorized expenditures "loans," and let the public claim collateral and/or interest if we are credited as the lenders backing these "loans.")

Most only are in the game to blame others, and have no clue or plan for how to assess the losses and demand credits back to invest in long term reforms and corrections to address the damages and turn the situation around.

When I wrote up and presented plans for doing this assessment and restitution work,
VERY VERY few will take that seriously. Most are too busy looking for an easy target to bash.

TheOldSchool if you and others here, maybe NYcarbineer are SERIOUS about
going after the 30 trillion in war spending, I am happy to work with you to organize
support behind a plan to assess these damages, and develop a plan for reclaiming
credits and investing in VA reform, rebuilding health care provisions in every district and state,
and also repairing civilian damages in Iraq that are also supposed to be covered in the military budget.

I have no problem doing that, but haven't found enough Democrats and liberals serious about this.
I mostly work with independent progressives who are able to initiate solutions independently,
and lead govt reform instead of following along like sheep. Some indy libertarians and constitutionalists
are able to think act and organize outside of govt boxes.

If you are not into following-the-sheep, but would be willing to push a citizen-led coalition movement to include members of all parties in reforms, let me know. I am happy to organize more people like that to take action
instead of whining in the background that nothing's changing or getting done to fix problems with govt and debts.

Let's create a system that will turn the debts around and charge them back to the wrongdoers.
Or else claim land, property and programs if the govt is shown to be unable to collect back on the abuses
to protect the people's interests and investment in our future.
Obama's fucked up a bunch, but the Bush comparison is unwarranted. Bush was a disaster on a global scale. And that's how he wanted it.

It looks like Bush declared war on foreign soil.
While Obama declared war on his own people!
Bush reveled in American deaths overseas, and coincided that with the complete decimation of the U.S. economy.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about.

Hi TheOldSchool
When I talk to people about assessing the costs and demanding reimbursement blamed on Bush and corporate
finagling at public expense, most of the Democrats only cared about "getting Bush out of office" I finally had to give up and wait years for the Bush bashing to stop, before I could get anyone to listen to real solutions.

The only people who endorsed the idea of seeking reimbursements were progressives and independents,
who could see there was just as much dirt on Democrats as Republicans, but in different areas.

The Democrats were just as guilty of letting corporate corruption go on to try to benefit from blaming more on Bush WITHOUT seeking to correct any of it! When I bring this up with my own party members, most chicken out and shirk from any attempt to hold either Democrats or other party leaders accountable.

So I find the responsibility is shared, for letting abuses continue and not holding govt and party leaders to account.

If you allow people to rack up costs on your credit, and don't go after them but accept to pay the bill just so you can blame and trash other parties and candidates, how is THAT rebuilding the economy? It's still playing victim.

Again, I DO give credit to the people I can name on ONE HAND who have backed this idea of demanding payback, through a system of credit through the Federal Reserve (similar to how private investors lend money to govt for issuing currency, why not issue currency against property and programs held as collateral by the citizens if we are expected to bail out these debts and damages. Why can't we get credit for covering debts while the wrongdoers are charged with paying back whatever they got paid illicitly. Call those unauthorized expenditures "loans," and let the public claim collateral and/or interest if we are credited as the lenders backing these "loans.")

Most only are in the game to blame others, and have no clue or plan for how to assess the losses and demand credits back to invest in long term reforms and corrections to address the damages and turn the situation around.

When I wrote up and presented plans for doing this assessment and restitution work,
VERY VERY few will take that seriously. Most are too busy looking for an easy target to bash.

TheOldSchool if you and others here, maybe NYcarbineer are SERIOUS about
going after the 30 trillion in war spending, I am happy to work with you to organize
support behind a plan to assess these damages, and develop a plan for reclaiming
credits and investing in VA reform, rebuilding health care provisions in every district and state,
and also repairing civilian damages in Iraq that are also supposed to be covered in the military budget.

I have no problem doing that, but haven't found enough Democrats and liberals serious about this.
I mostly work with independent progressives who are able to initiate solutions independently,
and lead govt reform instead of following along like sheep. Some indy libertarians and constitutionalists
are able to think act and organize outside of govt boxes.

If you are not into following-the-sheep, but would be willing to push a citizen-led coalition movement to include members of all parties in reforms, let me know. I am happy to organize more people like that to take action
instead of whining in the background that nothing's changing or getting done to fix problems with govt and debts.

Let's create a system that will turn the debts around and charge them back to the wrongdoers.
Or else claim land, property and programs if the govt is shown to be unable to collect back on the abuses
to protect the people's interests and investment in our future.
Alright I'll take the red pill! What do we do Morpheus/Emily? :eek:
Before this narrative disappears off line without a trace, here is one of the more interesting testimonies on events surrounding 9/11, and subsequent war in Iraq, I have found anywhere:

Saddam Hussein and 9 11 - The unexpected connection

September 1, 2014 by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
. . .
In the first shock and grief following 9/11 millions around the world opened their hearts to America. It seemed as if the long ached for peace, bringing humanity together, was within our grasp.

The next week, touched by the memory of fear and hope I wrote this poem.

First Violet Series
No. 20 – Crimson Blossoms Sheer and Rend

Crimson Roses rent the sky; bringing down the autumn sun.
Fracturing the pillared towers;
Sudden death writ red as flowers.

My mind arrested; could not accept, the changes sudden that deformed
The world I knew was shattered there,
inside an autumn newly born.

The scenes surreal, the tears, the shock; the frantic search for those we love.
Trembled tones and dust choked eyes.
The fall of towers from the sky.

Deforming shock of memories, rescinding trends of history.
From grief surrendered; steel bent scope.
Was reborn an edge for hope.

Our courage spent as offered gift; lives to save mean more than risk.
A shroud of dust had cloaked the sky
A cloak of courage, death denied.

A thousand little moments bled, in mind made journey, our griefs unsaid.
As human actions moved our minds.
Ears heard echoes of the divine.

Erupting roses burned our eyes, remaking worlds we will not see.
Recasting all our best beliefs;
replacing them with soul seared grief.

Transforming death; unbending love; our undeflected will to hope.
These the gifts that roses brought
revealing need for truer scope.

We all felt the potential for coming together, I think. But time taught us how differently a small group of people viewed 9/11.

That outpouring of compassion from across the globe was transformed into the wet dream of NeoCon greed. Afghanistan was invaded. Harsh voices urged more violence based on what we now know were lies. The bipartisan trust according the White House was used with calloused disregard of the truth. Further events were manufactured to keep us in fear.

And the political operatives, masquerading as media, were accorded heady powers as the rush for death and profits began.

John Fund, whose speed dial’s first two numbers are Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, was doubtless briefed on the exciting opportunity 9/11 presented for carrying out the war against Iraq. Invading Iraq was in the plan when George W. Bush lied his way into the White House in 2000.

For Fund, 9/11 and its aftermath included the opportunity to evade charges of domestic violence. For Karl Rove and company, everything is political.

The next year and a half were surreal. It was as if the shock of falling towers continued as a psychic barrage. It was a time which changed me and my personal world, forever.

. . .

Part II
Why Saddam Hussein Had to Die

In November, 2002 I was asked, “Is Qusay something like E-Bay?” The query came from my daughter, Morgan. She and I are now estranged.

That November, Morgan was in hiding with a sympathetic family in Georgia, following an attempt on her life by John Fund, her former lover.

Although Fund was employed at the Wall Street Journal as a journalist, serving on their Editorial Board from 1995 – 2001, his real job was as a political operative. By the late 90s he was working for what would become the Bush Administration. His long career in the field of disinformation began with the Koch brothers in 1979. At the time he was claiming to be a Libertarian. He also claimed he had run for office. Both of these were lies according to Justin Raimondo in his article, John Fund vs. the Truth, published in Antiwar. Com April 27, 2006.
Lying to the public, manufacturing evidence, and destroying lives, was standard practice for the NeoCons in control of the Bush White House. Viewing themselves as possessing the right to rule they were following the political philosophy of Leo Strauss.

John came into his association with them already trained. As an operative, John Fund inserted fabricated information into public consciousness. I can say this with authority because he kept in touch with me, feeding me lies which included both Democrats and their political enemies within the Republican Party.

Protecting Fund was important to the NeoCon White House. Protecting their constructed scenario for the War in Iraq being sold to the public, was essential.

In the years leading up to the opening of the War in Iraq ordinary Americans still believed those in control of their government understood their obligation to act only on the facts and act justly. We were wrong.

This narrative uses one story, a minor one, involving one woman without a conscience, Morgan Pillsbury Gell, to illustrate the ruthlessness and lack of human values at the core of the Bush Administration. These policies continued with Obama without change.

Saddam Hussein and 9 11 - The unexpected connection
"We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the Sept. 11 attacks." - George Bush
Obama's fucked up a bunch, but the Bush comparison is unwarranted. Bush was a disaster on a global scale. And that's how he wanted it.

It looks like Bush declared war on foreign soil.
While Obama declared war on his own people!
Bush reveled in American deaths overseas, and coincided that with the complete decimation of the U.S. economy.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about.

Hi TheOldSchool
When I talk to people about assessing the costs and demanding reimbursement blamed on Bush and corporate
finagling at public expense, most of the Democrats only cared about "getting Bush out of office" I finally had to give up and wait years for the Bush bashing to stop, before I could get anyone to listen to real solutions.

The only people who endorsed the idea of seeking reimbursements were progressives and independents,
who could see there was just as much dirt on Democrats as Republicans, but in different areas.

The Democrats were just as guilty of letting corporate corruption go on to try to benefit from blaming more on Bush WITHOUT seeking to correct any of it! When I bring this up with my own party members, most chicken out and shirk from any attempt to hold either Democrats or other party leaders accountable.

So I find the responsibility is shared, for letting abuses continue and not holding govt and party leaders to account.

If you allow people to rack up costs on your credit, and don't go after them but accept to pay the bill just so you can blame and trash other parties and candidates, how is THAT rebuilding the economy? It's still playing victim.

Again, I DO give credit to the people I can name on ONE HAND who have backed this idea of demanding payback, through a system of credit through the Federal Reserve (similar to how private investors lend money to govt for issuing currency, why not issue currency against property and programs held as collateral by the citizens if we are expected to bail out these debts and damages. Why can't we get credit for covering debts while the wrongdoers are charged with paying back whatever they got paid illicitly. Call those unauthorized expenditures "loans," and let the public claim collateral and/or interest if we are credited as the lenders backing these "loans.")

Most only are in the game to blame others, and have no clue or plan for how to assess the losses and demand credits back to invest in long term reforms and corrections to address the damages and turn the situation around.

When I wrote up and presented plans for doing this assessment and restitution work,
VERY VERY few will take that seriously. Most are too busy looking for an easy target to bash.

TheOldSchool if you and others here, maybe NYcarbineer are SERIOUS about
going after the 30 trillion in war spending, I am happy to work with you to organize
support behind a plan to assess these damages, and develop a plan for reclaiming
credits and investing in VA reform, rebuilding health care provisions in every district and state,
and also repairing civilian damages in Iraq that are also supposed to be covered in the military budget.

I have no problem doing that, but haven't found enough Democrats and liberals serious about this.
I mostly work with independent progressives who are able to initiate solutions independently,
and lead govt reform instead of following along like sheep. Some indy libertarians and constitutionalists
are able to think act and organize outside of govt boxes.

If you are not into following-the-sheep, but would be willing to push a citizen-led coalition movement to include members of all parties in reforms, let me know. I am happy to organize more people like that to take action
instead of whining in the background that nothing's changing or getting done to fix problems with govt and debts.

Let's create a system that will turn the debts around and charge them back to the wrongdoers.
Or else claim land, property and programs if the govt is shown to be unable to collect back on the abuses
to protect the people's interests and investment in our future.
Alright I'll take the red pill! What do we do Morpheus/Emily? :eek:

One step is forming teams and coalition/partnerships between
Green progressives, Libertarians, Tea Party and other Third Party groups.

Any members from any of these groups willing to take issues of govt/corporate abuses of public resources, and to form legal teams to assess costs and damages, and negotiate settlement plans for reimbursement, credit, or transfer of programs as collateral if private citizens and investors have to bail out the costs.

What issues can you find support for in your immediate network that you can rely on to build an ongoing team? Are you in contact with other anti-war groups or Libertarians against the war spending?

Not just lip service and propaganda, but really willing to follow up and do the work. Contacting local universities or legal advocacy willing to write out settlement plans with either the corporate or govt leaders responsible for the illicit spending and profits, or the Parties that elected and funded them and contributed indirectly.

If we can get teams of 3-5 people to commit to this campaign, similar to coalitions backing a local candidate,
then we connect city by city and ask other members of various parties to join in support on like issues..

TheOldSchool I will find the files I wrote up to share with the Greens progressives and Democrat Peace and Justice activists that were helping Occupy to organize around longterm projects. This was one of them.

The idea is to assess corporate corruption and abuse of govt, the damages and debts -- CASE by CASE --
and match the funds owed to the public with budgets needed for longterm reform or correction to the problem,
then hold that program as collateral against the debt. And whoever pays it back owns shares in the program.

The beauty behind this is people don't have to agree on all the cases.

The Greens can go after environment damage and costs owed to the public;
Libertarians can go after the drug war or other contested misspending and damages caused thereby.
but the grievances and costs have to be established by consensus, for there to be agreement on the credit.

If people don't recognize the debt, there is no commitment to back it and get it paid back.
so the key is to let people organize around an issue that is REAL to them, they are willing to back,.

[I am using Freedmen's Town as a model and also recommend the Headwaters Forest as a pilot model. If your issue is war spending, we can organize around VA reform and helping Veterans as the focus of redirecting funds that were misspent on illicit or contested war contracts. Vet care is a unifying issue!]

We need to stick to documented amounts and cases that can be objectively assessed,
start with those, get a system started of crediting that back to taxpayers. And then work from there to go after bigger cases.

Are there Vet groups or VA/health care facilities/medical schools near you? Any prison or university systems that could be the focal point for organizing teams around? If you can find one that is willing to work as a team to organize resources for developing public health programs, satellite campuses, or renovate housing or facilities into community centers, that can serve as the focal point to build a team around in your immediate area.

Again, where I live, there's Freedmen's Town where the entire historic district can be restored as a campus for helping Veterans (providing health care and public services to low income families in need, while training students as interns and future leaders in government management). Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

If there is a site near you where such a campus model can be replicated, what groups or schools in your area would be willing to partner on such a plan? Find the people in agreement first, that the trillions in war spending should have been spent on Vet care or medical programs, pick a site as the model and work out the budget it would take to convert that center into the public services needed by the local communities and organizations.

this general plan for creating sustainable community campuses can work for
* converting prisons into correctional schools and medical treatment facilities for prevention and rehab.
* renovating public housing or historic neighborhoods into campus districts to train interns in public service
* expanding existing hospital or VA programs into sustainable care by allowing residents to work off the costs of medical education by serving in public health

What programs or parties in your state or district could you see yourself building a team around?
And planning out a budget if you were to demand credit from war spending be reimbursed
and paid into developing accessible health care for Veterans and the general population in each state?

Forum List
