Sacramento City Schools Superintendent Aguilar Takes a Big Pay Increase While Schools Closed

Great example of what occurs frequently when Democrats are in charge.

“According to documents provided by the Sacramento School District, Superintendent Aguilar’s total compensation climbed from $380,692.47 to $414,818, an increase of $34,126 or 9.0% (see below). This does not include Mr. Aguilar’s second salary from UC Merced.”

The first people to lose paychecks should have been government employees. When your checks come from taxes and tax payers can’t work you shouldn’t be paid.

Such as Police Officers and Fire Fighters?
Great example of what occurs frequently when Democrats are in charge.

“According to documents provided by the Sacramento School District, Superintendent Aguilar’s total compensation climbed from $380,692.47 to $414,818, an increase of $34,126 or 9.0% (see below). This does not include Mr. Aguilar’s second salary from UC Merced.”

Well yeah... since they closed the schools the GPA is up and school violence is down! Success!
Teachers ARE underpaid. But administrators are superfluous and overpaid to the max. Too bad that administrators are politicians, Politicians can never, ever be overpaid for their service.
No they are not. The system has been milked bone dry. A collapse will be devastating in the short term, but in the long run will be beneficial.
Teachers ARE underpaid. But administrators are superfluous and overpaid to the max. Too bad that administrators are politicians, Politicians can never, ever be overpaid for their service.
About 10 years ago our high school had one opening for a teacher.

300 qualified applicants submitted their resumes.

Teachers are not overpaid.
$380.692? That's criminal. But being political, it is believable.
And remember- your taxes must rise because teachers are underpaid.

That's is California where a shack is $400,000. You must live in MS where a barn is sufficient for your kind of sheep

You don’t have to pay the damn thing off in one year.

What is the mortgage on $400,000? That will get you someone's old garage.
Teachers ARE underpaid. But administrators are superfluous and overpaid to the max. Too bad that administrators are politicians, Politicians can never, ever be overpaid for their service.
About 10 years ago our high school had one opening for a teacher.

300 qualified applicants submitted their resumes.

Teachers are not overpaid.

You keep telling this lie. Why do you do that?
Great example of what occurs frequently when Democrats are in charge.

“According to documents provided by the Sacramento School District, Superintendent Aguilar’s total compensation climbed from $380,692.47 to $414,818, an increase of $34,126 or 9.0% (see below). This does not include Mr. Aguilar’s second salary from UC Merced.”

The left coast State capitol school superintendent takes a huge pay increase on coronavirus funding days? What about the victims of CV-19?
Teachers ARE underpaid. But administrators are superfluous and overpaid to the max. Too bad that administrators are politicians, Politicians can never, ever be overpaid for their service.
About 10 years ago our high school had one opening for a teacher.

300 qualified applicants submitted their resumes.

Teachers are not overpaid.

You keep telling this lie. Why do you do that?
Poor underpaid teacher. How do you have electricity on your meager salary?

Same with Firemen. Friend was trying to get in and was friends with the Chief. ONE THOUSAND QUALIFIED APPLICANTS FOR THE ONE OPENING.

He didn’t get the job.
Teachers ARE underpaid. But administrators are superfluous and overpaid to the max. Too bad that administrators are politicians, Politicians can never, ever be overpaid for their service.
About 10 years ago our high school had one opening for a teacher.

300 qualified applicants submitted their resumes.

Teachers are not overpaid.

Which high school is that?
Great example of what occurs frequently when Democrats are in charge.

“According to documents provided by the Sacramento School District, Superintendent Aguilar’s total compensation climbed from $380,692.47 to $414,818, an increase of $34,126 or 9.0% (see below). This does not include Mr. Aguilar’s second salary from UC Merced.”

The first people to lose paychecks should have been government employees. When your checks come from taxes and tax payers can’t work you shouldn’t be paid.

Such as Police Officers and Fire Fighters?
If it gets bad enough yes. But before we do that let’s save what we can on the worthless ones and work our way down.
Great example of what occurs frequently when Democrats are in charge.

“According to documents provided by the Sacramento School District, Superintendent Aguilar’s total compensation climbed from $380,692.47 to $414,818, an increase of $34,126 or 9.0% (see below). This does not include Mr. Aguilar’s second salary from UC Merced.”

Guy make 400grand a year for ruining and indoctrinating children. Add that to the list of where this nation has gone horribly wrong
I have been teaching long enough to see this cycle around and back again. When times are great we never see the bonuses, raises, jump in salary. Teachers, I mean. But when the economy contracts suddenly, as it did in 2008 and again last month--here come all the cretins out of the woodwork crying about how we are not laid off, we are still getting paid.

Y'all can stuff it, seriously.

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