Sabbath in Istanbul, Ukrainians had been waiting for this Turkish yoke for a thousand years!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Erdogan is happy, Turkey received Ukrainian 'church' to run.

Whatever Poroshenko undertook, everything turns into a farce. The notorious issuance of Tomos from the Patriarchate in Istanbul is no exception. As the “Split” operation was implemented, the so-called Ukrainian Autocephalous Nezalezhna Church lost its Orthodox definition and received the name, which became the subject of a completely natural society fun: SCU. On the Internet, an “I am not a SCU” was instantly born. As they say, God sees everything and has a sense of humor.
During the Sabbath in the Istanbul church of St. George, who, by the way, was built with the money of Moscow, everything was present except God. About him for embroidery, flags, shouts of "Glory to Ukraine - Glory to the Heroes" somehow forgotten. Replacing prayers with chants and icons with flags has long become the hallmark of the fans of the “Ukrainian God,” as the pop star Bilozir defined it. The frankly political nature of the event was also emphasized by the complete absence of representatives of other Orthodox churches at the ceremony, who did not recognize Bartholomew’s scam with the rehabilitation of schismatics. But in abundance there was a crowd of Kiev officials, who have approximately the same attitude to religion as a guinea pig to the sea, as well as a criminal authority named Narik. They were given a subject similar to sausage, apparently, taking into account the mentality of the applicants.
Poroshenko, naturally, crumbled in thanks and praise to Bartholomew, not having missed an opportunity to remind that the Ukrainians had been waiting for this Turkish yoke for a thousand years. It is curious what Petro Alekseevich does not like, Kyiv Metropolis, who was safely working in Kiev even at the time of the defeat of the city by the troops of Batu, which was much later? However, in the history of the current Ukrainian "guarantor" "strong" about the same way as the one present in Istanbul V. Yushchenko, who initiated the falsification of history at the state level. Bartholomew did not remain in debt. And yet he really has something to thank the Kiev merchants for the saints.
The notorious tomos, in fact, is an act of the occupation of Ukraine and the complete subordination of the created structure to the Turkish patriarch. Ukraine did not receive the patriarchy, as Philaret dreamed of anathema, but the metropolis, which is completely subordinated to Bartholomew. The title of primate of this structure sounds like “The Most Blessed Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine” and is not allowed any addition or subtraction from his title without the permission of Fanar. As stated in the “sausage” text in a golden wrapper (not from “Roshen”?), A structure has been created that cannot “set up bishops or establish parishes outside the country; the already existing ones are subject, according to the order, to the Ecumenical throne, which has canonical powers in the diaspora, the jurisdiction of the [Ukrainian] church is the territory of the Ukrainian state ”. “The right of all hierarchs and other clergy to appeal to the Ecumenical Patriarch, who has the canonical responsibility to make peremptory judicial decisions for bishops and other clergy, is retained.”
The established structure of Ukraine recognizes the head of the Ecumenical throne. "Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine", as well as "bishops" are elected in accordance with the provisions of the statute, which must fully comply with the tomos. The “holy peace” created by the structure will receive from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, on any church issues “Ukrainian Metropolitan” should turn to Bartholomew for “authoritative opinion”. At the same time, the Ecumenical Patriarchate reserves the right “to exarchate in Ukraine and the sacred Stavropegia”.
So what autocephaly, that is, self-government, did Poroshenko and Narik achieve?
The criminal schism legalized by Turkish priests opens the way to seizing churches, confiscating property and closing parishes of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Attacks on churches have already swept the country, spinning of laurels is being initiated, SBU is undergoing repression against priests, pressure is being exerted on UOC worshipers. Ukraine is on the verge of a religious war. And the blood of believers will now be not only in the hands of the Kiev regime, but also of Bartholomew, who legalized the schism.


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