Ryan calls for ending oil subsidies

I guess we now know that Republicans were (once again) just bloviating about cutting off corporate welfare:

House GOP rejects effort by Democrats to vote on repealing oil industry tax subsidy - The Hill's E2-Wire

House GOP rejects effort by Democrats to vote on repealing oil industry tax subsidy
By Andrew Restuccia - 05/05/11 11:06 AM ET

House Republicans rejected an effort by Democrats Thursday to use a procedural maneuver to force a vote on a bill to repeal a key oil industry tax break.

From your link:
"Democrats sought to defeat a procedural motion to move forward on two GOP-backed offshore drilling bills. "

So they were trying to stop oil production.....Which the Republicans are in favor of. Drilling American Oil, what a concept, create jobs maybe? Help lower the cost of a gallon of gas? possibly, if they drill enough, and maybe add a refinery or two.....

But if the republicans show that they are not serious about lowering and indeed getting rid of the deficit, then we can always vote their asses out too.....
I guess we now know that Republicans were (once again) just bloviating about cutting off corporate welfare:

House GOP rejects effort by Democrats to vote on repealing oil industry tax subsidy - The Hill's E2-Wire

House GOP rejects effort by Democrats to vote on repealing oil industry tax subsidy
By Andrew Restuccia - 05/05/11 11:06 AM ET

House Republicans rejected an effort by Democrats Thursday to use a procedural maneuver to force a vote on a bill to repeal a key oil industry tax break.

From your link:
"Democrats sought to defeat a procedural motion to move forward on two GOP-backed offshore drilling bills. "

So they were trying to stop oil production.....Which the Republicans are in favor of.

No, the Dems were trying to get to a vote on subsidies. Republicans prevented it. This was Ryan and Boehner's chance to show they were serious...and they showed they weren't.
I guess we now know that Republicans were (once again) just bloviating about cutting off corporate welfare:

House GOP rejects effort by Democrats to vote on repealing oil industry tax subsidy - The Hill's E2-Wire

House GOP rejects effort by Democrats to vote on repealing oil industry tax subsidy
By Andrew Restuccia - 05/05/11 11:06 AM ET

House Republicans rejected an effort by Democrats Thursday to use a procedural maneuver to force a vote on a bill to repeal a key oil industry tax break.

From your link:
"Democrats sought to defeat a procedural motion to move forward on two GOP-backed offshore drilling bills. "

So they were trying to stop oil production.....Which the Republicans are in favor of.

No, the Dems were trying to get to a vote on subsidies. Republicans prevented it.

It's all in how you look at it isn't it..... I'll give this congress the 2 years they were elected for and see what they do with it. Then if they aren't moving forward on fixing the debt I'll vote against them.

From your link:
"Democrats sought to defeat a procedural motion to move forward on two GOP-backed offshore drilling bills. "

So they were trying to stop oil production.....Which the Republicans are in favor of.

No, the Dems were trying to get to a vote on subsidies. Republicans prevented it.

It's all in how you look at it isn't it..... I'll give this congress the 2 years they were elected for and see what they do with it. Then if they aren't moving forward on fixing the debt I'll vote against them.


I pretty much agree - it was certainly a bit of a gotcha stunt on the part of Dems, not at all unlike stunt votes by both parties. It's such a dog-bites-man event that I probably shouldn't even have posted it:eusa_angel::lol:
No I think he means it.

And good for him for raising the issue.

of oil subsidies? or medicare?

iirc, when he tried to shut down medicare, it was the dem's response that said, how do you do that while you're subsidizing oil companies. i think the backlash surprised them and ryan didn't expect to get lambasted by his constituents like he did.

i like that they've backed down off of their extreme lunacy. maybe they can come to a reasonable accord.

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