Russia's 'Low Quality' Troops See Spike in Losses: UK


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Russia's 'Low Quality' Troops See Spike in Losses: UK

30 Dec 2023 ~~ By James Bickerton

Russian personnel losses in Ukraine have increased by "almost 300 per day," compared to those in 2022, due to Moscow's growing reliant on a "lower quality, high quantity mass army." This comes from the latest intelligence update published by the British Ministry of Defense.
The analysis said that Russia is on track to suffer 500,000 killed and wounded by the beginning of 2025, a figure dwarfing Russian losses in any other conflict since World War II.
Russian troops have spent the past couple of months trying to seize the eastern Ukrainian town of Avdiivka, situated in Donetsk Oblast, though they have made only limited gains.
On Friday, the Russians launched one of the biggest aerial assaults on Ukrainian cities since the war began in February 2022, with at least 39 people killed by 120 missiles and 36 drones, according to Kyiv. On Saturday, 10 people were killed and 40 injured by missiles and drones in the Russian city of Belgorod, according to Russian authorities. They said they have shot down dozens of projectiles fired from Ukraine. Newsweek has not been able to verify these casualty figures independently.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the mobilization of 300,000 reservists in September 2022. This was to make up for heavy losses suffered by the regular military during the initial invasion of Ukraine.
However, the British update said that Russia is on track to suffer 500,000 casualties, adding: "If casualties continue at the current rate through the next year, by 2025 Russia will have sustained over half a million personnel killed and wounded over three years of war. This is compared to the Soviet Union's 70,000 casualties in the nine-year Soviet-Afghan War."

Russia has also lost over 500 vehicles mainly APC;s and tanks, so mush so that they are sending in troops without armored support.
The Russian people revolted with 70,000 men killed in Afghanistan there may soon be internal problems for Putin.
As it is, Putin has been forced to block his opponent for the time being.
See more:
How many casualties are Russian citizens willing to take? Half a million? One million?

The Russian military is diverse with Cossacks and Muslim minorities. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said last month that another 3,000 of his fighters were ready to go to fight in Ukraine as part of new units. Diversity is a strength in Russia.

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Blah , blah
Russian personnel losses in Ukraine have increased by "almost 300 per day," compared to those in 2022, due to Moscow's growing reliant on a "lower quality, high quantity mass army." This comes from the latest intelligence update published by the British Ministry of Defense. Blah blah
Wow .
I almost admire you for posting such low quality nonsense and also keeping a straight face .

Either a Nazi Winkle type Troll or just very Gullible .

As regularly mentioned several times in other threads , read Simplicious the Thinker and MoonofAlabama and then sit down , think and evaluate .

Suffice to say that Kyiv needs 20 000 fresh conscripts a month just to replace monthly losses .
On the other hand, Russia has barely used any of the 300 000 reservists from earlier this year, and having near obliterated four separate UAF armies , are now on the offensive right across the front line .
Also remember that the Mad Midget is handled directly by MI6, even though doubtless all details are shared with the USeLess .

Let's just be glad that the Russians are apparently so careless otherwise they would be in Berlin by now . rofl .
That racist-luiza was very busy spamming stupidity here on forums on Christmas eve, when it was weinnacht in her Germany.

Sad loser - she "it": will probably repeat the same tonight New Year's Eve.
That racist-luiza was very busy spamming here on forums on Christmas eve, when it was weinnacht in her Germany.

Caught you , Forum Nazi Outcast .

Whining and bleating when someone shows scum Racists in their true colours .

Does the nasty Recep scare the bully boys who love Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing ?

Well , ain't that a shame .

Are the Ethnic Cleansers and Women and Children murderers being shown as disgusating ?
Ain't that another shame .

Are you ashamed at being a paid Troll ?
Guess what?
OUT , Forum Outcast .
A Ukrainian barrier unit has shot a group of retreating AFU soldiers. A source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti. He also provided confirmation of the footage taken from a Russian drone: it shows AFU soldiers running back to the rear from their "stronghold", which is being stormed by Russian fighters, but in the end the Ukrainian military run into the fire of the barrier unit.
To the question of what methods are used to "motivate" ukrainians they capture on the streets.
How many casualties are Russian citizens willing to take? Half a million? One million? WTF Russkies, put down the vodka bottle and start marching on the Kremlin!

In a dictatorship which controls the media.... how many troops have died? Who's going to stand up to Putin and get cut down? They don't know what's going on, a lot won't want to know what's going on, they like living in Putin's fantasy world, it beats reality.
In a dictatorship which controls the media.... how many troops have died? Who's going to stand up to Putin and get cut down? They don't know what's going on, a lot won't want to know what's going on, they like living in Putin's fantasy world, it beats reality.
How does Russian media convince a Russian Mother her son wasn't killed in a futile war with Ukraine? There will soon be about a half million of them, maybe at some point they rise up with the support of what is left of the Russian Army and they form the new Russian rebellion. I know it's a pipe dream but who knows what a half million angry mothers could accomplish?
How does Russian media convince a Russian Mother her son wasn't killed in a futile war with Ukraine? There will soon be about a half million of them, maybe at some point they rise up with the support of what is left of the Russian Army and they form the new Russian rebellion. I know it's a pipe dream but who knows what a half million angry mothers could accomplish?

1) They don't tell them the war is futile. They send the message every day that the war is worth fighting for.

Just like the US said the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were worth fighting for.

2) They keep the number of deaths down, or they hide them. One mother with a dead son happens all the time, US soldiers get killed in random incidents and the mothers don't get any attention. Just their son or daughter died, get on with it.

3) Doubtful they'll rise up. The manipulation is so strong, and the way they keep people down is by making sure it's difficult to spread the message quickly, anyone who looks organized, you attack them and stop them way before it becomes an issue.

I'm assuming you've never lived under a dictatorship. I have. I've seen what goes on, the blatant lies, the police getting people for what seem like very small reasons, things disappearing as things that happened etc etc.
1) They don't tell them the war is futile. They send the message every day that the war is worth fighting for.

Just like the US said the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were worth fighting for.

2) They keep the number of deaths down, or they hide them. One mother with a dead son happens all the time, US soldiers get killed in random incidents and the mothers don't get any attention. Just their son or daughter died, get on with it.

3) Doubtful they'll rise up. The manipulation is so strong, and the way they keep people down is by making sure it's difficult to spread the message quickly, anyone who looks organized, you attack them and stop them way before it becomes an issue.

I'm assuming you've never lived under a dictatorship. I have. I've seen what goes on, the blatant lies, the police getting people for what seem like very small reasons, things disappearing as things that happened etc etc.
I'm thinking with the interweb, the word will get out and the Russian Moms will rise as one! Hey I can dream, can't I?
I'm thinking with the interweb, the word will get out and the Russian Moms will rise as one! Hey I can dream, can't I?

The internet... you mean the one that they can stop people seeing websites like Facebook and other social media and media outlets?

You think Russian mothers are on the BBC? No, they're watching TV and they're watching Putin's TV.
How many casualties are Russian citizens willing to take? Half a million? One million? WTF Russkies, put down the vodka bottle and start marching on the Kremlin!
Actually, their popular motto is "We can repeat, if necessary". Meaning, that even 40 million killed is pretty acceptable price for independence from their point of view.
Say nothing, that British "estimation" is nothing but delusional gibberish and wishful thinking.
The internet... you mean the one that they can stop people seeing websites like Facebook and other social media and media outlets?

You think Russian mothers are on the BBC? No, they're watching TV and they're watching Putin's TV.
They are talking with each other and know that real casualties are pretty low and insignificant. Hardly more than death toll from car accidents.

Russia's 'Low Quality' Troops See Spike in Losses: UK

30 Dec 2023 ~~ By James Bickerton

Russian personnel losses in Ukraine have increased by "almost 300 per day," compared to those in 2022, due to Moscow's growing reliant on a "lower quality, high quantity mass army." This comes from the latest intelligence update published by the British Ministry of Defense.
The analysis said that Russia is on track to suffer 500,000 killed and wounded by the beginning of 2025, a figure dwarfing Russian losses in any other conflict since World War II.
Russian troops have spent the past couple of months trying to seize the eastern Ukrainian town of Avdiivka, situated in Donetsk Oblast, though they have made only limited gains.
On Friday, the Russians launched one of the biggest aerial assaults on Ukrainian cities since the war began in February 2022, with at least 39 people killed by 120 missiles and 36 drones, according to Kyiv. On Saturday, 10 people were killed and 40 injured by missiles and drones in the Russian city of Belgorod, according to Russian authorities. They said they have shot down dozens of projectiles fired from Ukraine. Newsweek has not been able to verify these casualty figures independently.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the mobilization of 300,000 reservists in September 2022. This was to make up for heavy losses suffered by the regular military during the initial invasion of Ukraine.
However, the British update said that Russia is on track to suffer 500,000 casualties, adding: "If casualties continue at the current rate through the next year, by 2025 Russia will have sustained over half a million personnel killed and wounded over three years of war. This is compared to the Soviet Union's 70,000 casualties in the nine-year Soviet-Afghan War."

Russia has also lost over 500 vehicles mainly APC;s and tanks, so mush so that they are sending in troops without armored support.
The Russian people revolted with 70,000 men killed in Afghanistan there may soon be internal problems for Putin.
As it is, Putin has been forced to block his opponent for the time being.
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Muscovites dont want to die for this dying empire anymore


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