Russian space ship crashes


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Thanks Barry. The US has surrendered it's space technology to Russia with the grounding of the Space Shuttle fleet and the first (unmanned?) space ship Russia launches ends up crashing in Siberia. The (former) greatest Country in the world has to watch as Russia tries to get their hunks of junk off the ground to supply the "international" space station. We came a long way in the two years of B. Hussein Obama didn't we?
How are we going to supply the "international" space station that we gave up except for having a few people up there if the Russians can't get the rust buckets off the ground?
Gotta cut spending....

Obama's golf vacation probably cost more than the hunk of junk the Russians tried to send up. It ain't about spending. Sadly, it's about Barry showing the world that America is no longer willing to be a super-power in space or on the ground.
Gotta cut spending....

Except NASA is covered under the power of the Congress to fund via taxes. Unlike all the social programs.

You mean social programs like SS which has it's own seperate funding?
Meidcare even has some of it's own seperate funding.
I never saw a NASA tax on my paycheck nor did I ever write them a check.
Spending cuts are fine unless they are for something you like?
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Gotta cut spending....

Except NASA is covered under the power of the Congress to fund via taxes. Unlike all the social programs.

You mean social programs like SS which has it's own seperate funding?
Meidcare even has some of it's own seperate funding.
I never saw a NASA tax on my paycheck nor did I ever write them a check.
Spending cuts are fine unless they are for something you like?

Spending cuts need to occur in all the "illegal" services the Federal Government provides. There is absolutely no Constitutional power for any Federal Social programs. The only people programs they can legally spend our tax dollars on are for civilian Government and military personnel hired by the Government.

NASA is specifically covered by the Constitution. There does not have to be a special tax for it, anymore then there needs to be one for the Post Office, Highways or the Military.
Mexico is ready:

[ame=]Mexico Launches its First Space Shuttle! - YouTube[/ame]
Gotta cut spending....

Except NASA is covered under the power of the Congress to fund via taxes. Unlike all the social programs.

You mean social programs like SS which has it's own seperate funding?
Meidcare even has some of it's own seperate funding.
I never saw a NASA tax on my paycheck nor did I ever write them a check.
Spending cuts are fine unless they are for something you like?

I don't get the connection groucho cat. Were the Space shuttle Astronauts on social security?
The Federal Government has the power to regulate and promote Science.

Article 1 section 8.

Intrepretation. NASA is not spelled out in there anywhere any more than social programs are under "promote the general welfare".

Promote the general welfare does not mean what you retards on the left claim it means.

I have an idea, name for us a single bill passed that EVER claimed as justification the supposed General Welfare clause?
Thanks Barry. The US has surrendered it's space technology to Russia with the grounding of the Space Shuttle fleet and the first (unmanned?) space ship Russia launches ends up crashing in Siberia. The (former) greatest Country in the world has to watch as Russia tries to get their hunks of junk off the ground to supply the "international" space station. We came a long way in the two years of B. Hussein Obama didn't we?

The shuttle program, which was scheduled for mandatory retirement in 2011, saw the final launch with Atlantis launching on July 8, 2011, in accord with the directives President George W. Bush issued on January 14, 2004 in his Vision for Space Exploration

Space Shuttle program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'Nuff said! :cool:
Thanks Barry. The US has surrendered it's space technology to Russia with the grounding of the Space Shuttle fleet and the first (unmanned?) space ship Russia launches ends up crashing in Siberia. The (former) greatest Country in the world has to watch as Russia tries to get their hunks of junk off the ground to supply the "international" space station. We came a long way in the two years of B. Hussein Obama didn't we?

The shuttle program, which was scheduled for mandatory retirement in 2011, saw the final launch with Atlantis launching on July 8, 2011, in accord with the directives President George W. Bush issued on January 14, 2004 in his Vision for Space Exploration

Space Shuttle program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'Nuff said! :cool:

Really? Are you that ignorant?

Bush cancelled the shuttle program WITH A REPLACEMENT program called constellation to bring it into the future as the original shuttle program was becoming obsolete. Obama kept the termination and then CANCELLED the replacement program.
Constellation program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama killed our space capabilities. That science hating Bush was actually trying to improve it...

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