Russian Disinformation Teams Hit 126+ million Americans with computers


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.
They're lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

sure they are - and this board reeks with them.
There's a commie under your bed. Also, a Muslim terrorist. And they are both on food stamps.

OMG, the Russian's disinformation almost as bad as the American Press's disinformation.

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They're lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

sure they are - and this board reeks with them.
So you read the article, and your response is "Don't worry, be happy." I didn't write the article, sir.
There's a commie under your bed. Also, a Muslim terrorist. And they are both on food stamps.

The only reason that is untrue is because our military has done a stellar job on the front lines in nations that attack Americans to kill. I can see that foreign takeover is nothing that you would ever worry about, doll. ;)
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

From the link in the OP --

A Clemson University research team, not affiliated with either of the reports released Monday, found that the Russians tweeted about Mueller more than 5,000 times, including retweets first posted by others. Some called for his firing, while others mocked him as incompetent and still others campaigned for the end of his “entire fake investigation.”

The report by New Knowledge highlighted the focus on Mueller and fired FBI director James B. Comey, who was falsely portrayed as “a dirty cop.”

The Russian operatives often spread jokes to undermine the investigations into their disinformation campaign, the researchers found. One showed Democrat Hillary Clinton saying, “Everyone I don’t like is A Russian Hacker.” Another showed a woman in a car talking to a police officer, with the caption, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT OFFICER, THE RUSSIANS HACKED MY SPEEDOMETER.”

In perspective, this is not worth the attention it gets..

1) 5000 tweets about Mueller? We had just 2 REAL Russians post twice that in a couple months on USMB.

2) How did the researchers LOCATE the origin of these posts without getting IP or REGISTRATION DATA from Twitter, Instagram, others? I'm more concerned about that.

3) Not enough hard examples of ANY critical analysis that would sway opinions. Any "Russian propaganda" I've seen as examples are childish cartoons and trolling -- not persuasive political analysis or factual commentary.

It's all trolling. Lots of Russian trolls. Ain't nothing to prevent it.. They can't troll FREELY in their country. There's a lot of Troll Talent going to waste. Probably should air it out by having a TV series something like a world-wide trolling talent competition. Would outplay anything else on TV...
They're still doing it (and in fact increased the attacks after Trump got into the White House) and they're on this board
Russian Disinformation Specialists are lying about public figures on both sides.

They're here, there, and everywhere at American websites.

They hit not only us but also prey on careless journalists who do not validate their information with 100% reliable sources. And they prey on politicians at every level.

They have us at each other's necks, particularly politicians with an axe to grind, access to government money payouts and cutoffs, and careless speech based on absolutely false claims; judicial power; everyone.

The story that agrees with the Washington Post is here: Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate.

Do you think you have been victimized by careless journalists? Do you think a politician or judge might not be well-trained enough in the arts of espionage not to know when they've been had?

Let's discuss the ins and outs of political smarm and try to do it in a way that is civil to one another, if we still can.

Please read the article, even if it is limited to only one particular issue initially before it mentions how many of us may have been fooled by something arriving in our mailbox that may fall short of probity.

Once again I feel like I am in a twilight zone, so you think Russian memes are more powerful then your own propganda?

'Russian Disinformation Teams Hit 126+ million Americans with computers'

How many votes actually changed from 'Hillary' to 'Trump' as a result.....?

They're still doing it (and in fact increased the attacks after Trump got into the White House) and they're on this board

So once again I ask to you propaganda from Russia is more harmful then a SNL skit hurting the president, or bill Maher calling the president an asshole?

Or Jimmy Kimmel calling the president an asshole?

God damn...

They're still doing it (and in fact increased the attacks after Trump got into the White House) and they're on this board

So once again I ask to you propaganda from Russia is more harmful then a SNL skit hurting the president, or bill Maher calling the president an asshole?

Or Jimmy Kimmel calling the president an asshole?

God damn...

That is beyond fucking stupid
They're still doing it (and in fact increased the attacks after Trump got into the White House) and they're on this board

So once again I ask to you propaganda from Russia is more harmful then a SNL skit hurting the president, or bill Maher calling the president an asshole?

Or Jimmy Kimmel calling the president an asshole?

God damn...

That is beyond fucking stupid

No answer?

Once again you think Russian propaganda is worse then your propganda on the internet?

A simple question .


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