CDZ Russia Meddling: There's no There There


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Forget everything you have heard and read about Russia's "meddling" in the 2016 Presidential election, and consider things freshly.

Now think about the words and concept of meddling in an election. What comes to mind?

Let's see...ballot tampering. Playing with voting machines, bribing election officials, destroying ballots, having people vote more than once. "Voter suppression"?

None of this applies to anything Russia could do or tried to do.

Next, telling lies about a candidate, especially at the last minute, when the attacked candidate doesn't have time to respond adequately.

None of that applies to the presumed Russian activities in 2016. All the information that came out was TRUTHFUL, even assuming the Russians were behind the leaks.

Now, there is a separate question - in my mind it's a silly one - about whether the Trump Campaign colluded with "The Russians" to impact the election, but the underlying fact is that nothing the Russians or the Trump campaign did actually "tampered" with the vote or the result. If they had "tampered" there would be an army of angry citizens out there claiming that, if they had only known [something] they would have voted differently. But there is no such group of people. All the information that came out was truthful, even if The Russians caused it to come out, and no one is bothered that it did, except for HRC's partisans who would rather it had not come out until after the election.

"Russian tampering" is total B.S.
Forget everything you have heard and read about Russia's "meddling" in the 2016 Presidential election, and consider things freshly.

Now think about the words and concept of meddling in an election. What comes to mind?

Let's see...ballot tampering. Playing with voting machines, bribing election officials, destroying ballots, having people vote more than once. "Voter suppression"?

None of this applies to anything Russia could do or tried to do.

Next, telling lies about a candidate, especially at the last minute, when the attacked candidate doesn't have time to respond adequately.

None of that applies to the presumed Russian activities in 2016. All the information that came out was TRUTHFUL, even assuming the Russians were behind the leaks.

Now, there is a separate question - in my mind it's a silly one - about whether the Trump Campaign colluded with "The Russians" to impact the election, but the underlying fact is that nothing the Russians or the Trump campaign did actually "tampered" with the vote or the result. If they had "tampered" there would be an army of angry citizens out there claiming that, if they had only known [something] they would have voted differently. But there is no such group of people. All the information that came out was truthful, even if The Russians caused it to come out, and no one is bothered that it did, except for HRC's partisans who would rather it had not come out until after the election.

"Russian tampering" is total B.S.

So you are already making excuses for the Russian's tapering

Only a few weeks ago the righties refused to admit that it even happened and called it fake news or the democrats are a much of snowflakes and are lying because Trump won.

1. The DNC hack got people angry so many didn't vote or voted for someone else, even Trump

2. The fake news bot spread horrible Fake news in the faces of Americans every time they googled a triggered word.

3. The Russian's had reason to do this and they won what they set out to do

4. Putin has more credibility than the Democrat's as far as Republicans are concerned.

Forget everything you have heard and read about Russia's "meddling" in the 2016 Presidential election, and consider things freshly.

Now think about the words and concept of meddling in an election. What comes to mind?

Let's see...ballot tampering. Playing with voting machines, bribing election officials, destroying ballots, having people vote more than once. "Voter suppression"?

None of this applies to anything Russia could do or tried to do.

Next, telling lies about a candidate, especially at the last minute, when the attacked candidate doesn't have time to respond adequately.

None of that applies to the presumed Russian activities in 2016. All the information that came out was TRUTHFUL, even assuming the Russians were behind the leaks.

Now, there is a separate question - in my mind it's a silly one - about whether the Trump Campaign colluded with "The Russians" to impact the election, but the underlying fact is that nothing the Russians or the Trump campaign did actually "tampered" with the vote or the result. If they had "tampered" there would be an army of angry citizens out there claiming that, if they had only known [something] they would have voted differently. But there is no such group of people. All the information that came out was truthful, even if The Russians caused it to come out, and no one is bothered that it did, except for HRC's partisans who would rather it had not come out until after the election.

"Russian tampering" is total B.S.

So you are already making excuses for the Russian's tapering

Only a few weeks ago the righties refused to admit that it even happened and called it fake news or the democrats are a much of snowflakes and are lying because Trump won.

1. The DNC hack got people angry so many didn't vote or voted for someone else, even Trump

2. The fake news bot spread horrible Fake news in the faces of Americans every time they googled a triggered word.

3. The Russian's had reason to do this and they won what they set out to do

4. Putin has more credibility than the Democrat's as far as Republicans are concerned.


Right. Horrible fake news. Like this one?
Here's a news flash, all governments interfere in other countries elections and prop up their candidates to curry favour, Canada does it and America does it. I WANT America to engage in these activities as I prefer a pro-Western leader to a pro-Russian or pro communist leader. Call me all the names you want, I can take it. This is how the world works, and not one of us is so naive as to pretend it doesn't. I have read enough about the CIA to thank them for their activities on the global stage. We have avoided World War for 70 years because of this (among other reasons).

Uranium One was allowed to be purchased by Russia while the former conservative Canadian government was in power, and the far-left provincial liberals were running (and still are running) Ontario. I recall Clinton meeting with our current Premier Kathleen Wynne. Any there there? You be the judge...

Consider, once Uranium One was sold, many millions contributed to Clintons Foundation. Did the former Canadian government know this was happening? Of course. This is the smart way to meddle in the election and noone think Canada was doing anything to prop up Hillary. Cash is King, always. Even better when cash is transferred and noone suspects it is state sponsored.

Norway and Australia contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation. Ditto for the Saudi's and many others. They were more blunt and direct, presuming that their political cover of "helping a charity" would shield them from the ever suspicious and prying minds of the American voter and SOME in the media (thank you Fox News and others). They were wrong of course, they were grossly wrong once Clinton lost. If she had won, noone sees a thing. I hope the FBI uphold their reputation and investigate her. They have one of their informants testifying to Congress on Monday. Apparently according to some sites, he has video evidence of multiple briefcases of cash involved in the Uranium One deal, and this is a former Russian lobbyist.

Stay tuned...there is some there there alright, it isn't the Trump campaign that is guilty of this.
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Forget everything you have heard and read about Russia's "meddling" in the 2016 Presidential election, and consider things freshly.

Now think about the words and concept of meddling in an election. What comes to mind?

Let's see...ballot tampering. Playing with voting machines, bribing election officials, destroying ballots, having people vote more than once. "Voter suppression"?

None of this applies to anything Russia could do or tried to do.

Next, telling lies about a candidate, especially at the last minute, when the attacked candidate doesn't have time to respond adequately.

None of that applies to the presumed Russian activities in 2016. All the information that came out was TRUTHFUL, even assuming the Russians were behind the leaks.

Now, there is a separate question - in my mind it's a silly one - about whether the Trump Campaign colluded with "The Russians" to impact the election, but the underlying fact is that nothing the Russians or the Trump campaign did actually "tampered" with the vote or the result. If they had "tampered" there would be an army of angry citizens out there claiming that, if they had only known [something] they would have voted differently. But there is no such group of people. All the information that came out was truthful, even if The Russians caused it to come out, and no one is bothered that it did, except for HRC's partisans who would rather it had not come out until after the election.

"Russian tampering" is total B.S.

So you are already making excuses for the Russian's tapering

Only a few weeks ago the righties refused to admit that it even happened and called it fake news or the democrats are a much of snowflakes and are lying because Trump won.

1. The DNC hack got people angry so many didn't vote or voted for someone else, even Trump

2. The fake news bot spread horrible Fake news in the faces of Americans every time they googled a triggered word.

3. The Russian's had reason to do this and they won what they set out to do

4. Putin has more credibility than the Democrat's as far as Republicans are concerned.


2. The fake news bot spread horrible Fake news in the faces of Americans every time they googled a triggered word.

Spreading news of Hillary's and the DNC's corruption was fake news?
Forget everything you have heard and read about Russia's "meddling" in the 2016 Presidential election, and consider things freshly.

Now think about the words and concept of meddling in an election. What comes to mind?

Let's see...ballot tampering. Playing with voting machines, bribing election officials, destroying ballots, having people vote more than once. "Voter suppression"?

None of this applies to anything Russia could do or tried to do.

Next, telling lies about a candidate, especially at the last minute, when the attacked candidate doesn't have time to respond adequately.

None of that applies to the presumed Russian activities in 2016. All the information that came out was TRUTHFUL, even assuming the Russians were behind the leaks.

Now, there is a separate question - in my mind it's a silly one - about whether the Trump Campaign colluded with "The Russians" to impact the election, but the underlying fact is that nothing the Russians or the Trump campaign did actually "tampered" with the vote or the result. If they had "tampered" there would be an army of angry citizens out there claiming that, if they had only known [something] they would have voted differently. But there is no such group of people. All the information that came out was truthful, even if The Russians caused it to come out, and no one is bothered that it did, except for HRC's partisans who would rather it had not come out until after the election.

"Russian tampering" is total B.S.
You've done a very good job putting the things together according to the LOGIC, thank you. Too bad so many people believe false accusation without demanding at least some evidence.

Do you mind if I quote your post in my threads? It's too good not to.
Forget everything you have heard and read about Russia's "meddling" in the 2016 Presidential election, and consider things freshly.

Now think about the words and concept of meddling in an election. What comes to mind?

Let's see...ballot tampering. Playing with voting machines, bribing election officials, destroying ballots, having people vote more than once. "Voter suppression"?

None of this applies to anything Russia could do or tried to do.

Next, telling lies about a candidate, especially at the last minute, when the attacked candidate doesn't have time to respond adequately.

None of that applies to the presumed Russian activities in 2016. All the information that came out was TRUTHFUL, even assuming the Russians were behind the leaks.

Now, there is a separate question - in my mind it's a silly one - about whether the Trump Campaign colluded with "The Russians" to impact the election, but the underlying fact is that nothing the Russians or the Trump campaign did actually "tampered" with the vote or the result. If they had "tampered" there would be an army of angry citizens out there claiming that, if they had only known [something] they would have voted differently. But there is no such group of people. All the information that came out was truthful, even if The Russians caused it to come out, and no one is bothered that it did, except for HRC's partisans who would rather it had not come out until after the election.

"Russian tampering" is total B.S.
I don't think we disagree.

What I believe happened is:

-about half the senior Trump staff was ignorant of the reporting laws or to arrogant to believe they had to obey them and some are getting caught being friendly with monsters. Still supporting Trump after this removes anyone's right to post a picture of a Democrat standing next to a Black Panther or similar.

-Russia legally bought ads here and spread fake news to the easily confused. We advertise on Facebook, I know the easily confused. Its less hands on than the Brits and us were in the Russian Revolution almost a century prior at least lol.

In fairness, Trump needs to negotiate with some monsters. In fairness I can't go about killing people because ignorance of the law is not a legal excuse. So some staffers and favorite sons are gonna take the fall.

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