Russia Claims Nato Reports of Russia's Full Mobilization are False.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Which side is telling the truth? Is Russia in the process of full mobilization in the interest of attempting to win the war quickly and reduce losses? Or is the US/Nato right about it being a false alarm?

The reason POSPOTUS just sent his bitch to Romania is because Poland's Duda laid claim to parts of Ukraine on 3 May. The US-assisted dismemberment of Ukraine is underway which will include Ukraine's eventual loss of statehood
The reason POSPOTUS just sent his bitch to Romania is because Poland's Duda laid claim to parts of Ukraine on 3 May. The US-assisted dismemberment of Ukraine is underway which will include Ukraine's eventual loss of statehood
Without something to back up that speculation, it's hardly worth taking seriously. Where did you get the story?

Is it even on topic here? I suggest that it's close enough for now at least.

Which side is telling the truth? Is Russia in the process of full mobilization in the interest of attempting to win the war quickly and reduce losses? Or is the US/Nato right about it being a false alarm?


Why do you hate America so much while being active on a U.S Message Board?

I'm all for free speech, I just want you to finally answer this question.

Without America, Canada would be eating popsickles and buffalo for dinner every night.
Why do you hate America so much while being active on a U.S Message Board?
What could that question have to do with this thread? Are you afraid to say if you agree with Russia or not. I didn't suggest either way.
I'm all for free speech, I just want you to finally answer this question.
You're a silly bozo. I've never failed to answer questions that are asked of me in a proper way. Do you still beat your wife?
If you have a question for me to answer, state the question appropriately.
Without America, Canada would be eating popsickles and buffalo for dinner every night.
Your personal problem with the law doesn't interest me. Smarten up if you don't want to be ignored.

If you have a question for me on my opinion of what America is doing in the Ukraine, ask it and I'll get back to you when I have the time. Otherwise, get lost.
What could that question have to do with this thread? Are you afraid to say if you agree with Russia or not. I didn't suggest either way.

You're a silly bozo. I've never failed to answer questions that are asked of me in a proper way. Do you still beat your wife?
If you have a question for me to answer, state the question appropriately.

Your personal problem with the law doesn't interest me. Smarten up if you don't want to be ignored.

If you have a question for me on my opinion of what America is doing in the Ukraine, ask it and I'll get back to you when I have the time. Otherwise, get lost.

I support the West obviously and those who believe in liberty. That has never been the issue. This could end up becoming a long term proxy war, or an East/West Berlin situation and it is important that the best decisions are made along the way (quite a number of loose lips are already harming the West, what a surprise).

Putin believes in his interests, just as China and the West do the same accordingly. As long as I live in the West (even though Canada is a serial violator of my rights and is a clearly not an ally to America and their principles in my opinion), I will support Western interests as well

Now, all of your posts always criticize America or undermine the reality.

Now that I answered your question, have some character and answer mine, "why do you hate America?"
Does it matter?

Yesterday the pentagon was saying that Russian gains toward their eastern and southern objectives were substantial and all but a given to be fulfilled.

There will be partition with western Ukraine agreeing never to seek NATO entrance. Hell, that was a given since day 1.
Does it matter?

Yesterday the pentagon was saying that Russian gains toward their eastern and southern objectives were substantial and all but a given to be fulfilled.

There will be partition with western Ukraine agreeing never to seek NATO entrance. Hell, that was a given since day 1.
You have a link for that?

That would be a complete reversal of what the Pentagon has been saying. Not that Kirby isn't an idiot.

Pentagon press briefings are a joke. This was yesterday:

"In the Donbas region we would still assess that the Ukrainians are putting up a very stiff resistance and that the Russians have not made the progress that we believe they expected to make by this point.

That's not to say they haven't made any progress. I think we would continue assess it as incremental and uneven, but not non-existent. And again we think that that's partly -- a big part of it is the Ukrainian resistance but also partly through their own uneven efforts to fix the challenges that they had north around Kyiv.

I can't say that looking at the -- looking at what we can see that we can say definitively that there's a change in behavior or aggressive or momentum based on the coming day of May ninth. And what they plan to do or say on Victory Day, that's really up to them. I don’t think we have a perfect sense.

But I can't sit here honestly and tell you that we -- that we're seeing a correlation between the looming deadline of the ninth and the way they're behaving in the Donbas. It's still uneven plotting, incremental but they have made some small progress particularly in the north part of the Donbas. So I think I'd leave it at that."

There's a lot he leaves out-

Ukraine has cleared the villages around Kharkiv and pushed the Russians either across the border towards Belgorod, or to the eastern bank of the Donets. Kharkiv is finally out of conventional artillery range.

Ukraine has also made gains in the Kherson area and has taken several villages.

Ukraine is offensive in posture on each end of the line of contact, and defensive in the center. There is no real expectation that Russia will be making large territorial advances with the forces they have in Ukraine.

The Russian forces defending west of Mariupol and from Kharkiv SE to Izium are militia units from the DNR/LNR, mostly poorly trained and equipped conscripts. They are opposed by Ukrainian territorial militia brigades- who are also not very well trained and equipped, so it's kind of a wash.

Bottom line, it's a stalemate for now.

Best channel I've found for daily updates with troop formations:

Even if Russia conquers Ukraine it's lost the war. Russia now has the entire West against it, and more European countries are clamoring to join NATO.

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