Russia Agrees to Move Naval Exercized at Ireland Fishermen's Request.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

A very revealing strategic compromise by Russia. Most will know by now that this standoff to develop was being used as a talking point by Maddow and others, against Russia.

This agreed change of location can only be seen as cooperation with Ireland's interests.
Now the question will be on how far the Irish fishermen will follow Russia's move, so as to interfere?
More horrible news!

Vladimir Putin's saber-rattling over Ukraine negates all our chances of contact with aliens, a UFO expert has warned.

Nick Pope, who has researched flying saucers for the Ministry of Defense, believes that aliens closely watching the earth will view the escalation of tensions in Russia's relations with its neighbor as "primitive behavior."

And the UFO expert says that complex alien civilizations, which, in his opinion, will be ahead of us by several light-years, may see this as a reason not to visit us and not get in touch.

Nick said: "Highly developed aliens probably consider war to be something that only primitive civilizations do, so the situation in Ukraine means that we are unlikely to receive an invitation to join the Galactic Federation at the moment."

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