Rush Interviews Rubio re: Immigration

This is what rush really said;

So we have to accept the fact that a large percentage of Hispanics think that Republicans want to deport them, when nobody's ever talked about deportation! Nobody's ever advocated it. All the Republicans have advocated is fealty to the law. There's a way to become a citizen, and why should certain people be exempted from it while the rest of the world is in line following the law? And so when they say that, the Democrats say, "See? They're biased against Hispanics. See? They're biased against Latinos."

Once again limbaugh has proved to be a LIAR and a fake phoney fraud. "I mean, thanks to Obama you have amnesty unless you get convicted of a major felony. So I don't know that there's any stopping this. It's up to me and Fox News, and I don't think Fox News is that invested in this. I don't think there's any Republican opposition to this of any majority consequence or size. We'll have to wait and see and find out. But this is one of those, just keep plugging away, plugging away, plugging away until you finally beat down the opposition. "


RUSH: Here's Brock in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Glad you waited. Welcome to the EIB Network, sir.

CALLER: Thank you, professor. I'm a pupil since 1988. You know, Senator McCain was at a forum, kind of a town hall meeting, and he expressed the complete futility in arresting and deporting 12 million illegal aliens. In other words, by his logic, we should not even try to arrest and deport a few. So I would ask him to introduce some legislation to stop IRS audits. After all, we can't find all tax cheats. The whole point, Rush, is, with the IRS, by their own admission, when they audit a few people, it creates deterrence, when you hear about a neighbor getting audited. Should we stop arresting people for running a stop sign because we can't arrest everybody that runs stop signs?

RUSH: Exactly right. You've hit on something. They don't want to deport them. I mean, the INS, or ICE, whatever they're called now, they proudly announced they've deported, what is it, 200,000 or 300,000 in the last 12 months. Okay, you can do that. Nobody is saying do 12 million tomorrow. But if you can deport 'em, if you round up that many in a year, at least it's a start. It can be done. It just may not be able to done overnight. But they don't want to do it. That's what this is all about. They don't want to deport them."

Pretty interesting hearing Rush interviewing Rubio on immigration today. I was surprised that Rush took a more moderate tack, and there were callers who did the same. They were effusive in their praise of Rubio.

Holy crap, are we seeing cracks in the wall for the hardliners?


I didn't hear the interview, in part, because I don't listen to Rush. However, my car radio was tuned to the station that Rush broadcasts on when I got in, and I heard Rush's effusive praise for Rubio after the interview. As ridiculous (and hilarious) as it sounds, Rush has essentially informed his listeners how to perceive the bill. So, now most of his listeners will likely conclude that supporting the bill is a perfectly viable course of action. However, IF Rush had condemned the bill (which I believe Rush could and would have done without any qualms whatsoever, since I don't think he really cares about individual issues at all; he only cares about his ability to influence other people and events), I honestly believe his listeners would have lined up against the bill as if doing so was the moral equivalent of common decency.

If that's the case, then every time chris matthews or rachel madcow or some other garden variety liberal comments on their party's actions it's assumed that all the liberals will follow what these morons say to them. Is that right???

This could just be wishful thinking -- we need two strong national parties and I'd hate to see the GOP become just regional -- but the Rush/Rubio interview did give me hope. Rubio did his thing, Rush stayed moderate :)shock:), and maybe more than anything else, Rush's dittohead callers didn't jump all over the kid. Holy shit, one caller said something like "maybe this is the way the party needs to go." That by itself was huge.

Is it possible that at least some of the hardliners are seeing the writing on the wall, are they seeing the damage the absolutists have done?


Pretty interesting hearing Rush interviewing Rubio on immigration today. I was surprised that Rush took a more moderate tack, and there were callers who did the same. They were effusive in their praise of Rubio.

Holy crap, are we seeing cracks in the wall for the hardliners?


Not really.

If there is one issue that shows the modern hypocrisy of the modern conservative movement, it's immigration.

The question is, WHY do we have an illegal alien problem? We have a problem because there are people who want to pay shit wages to a workforce with no power. And by extention, everyone else's wages are driven down. So the wealty want illegals, and they want to keep Americans angry about it.

Like most master magicians, they are masters of misdirection.

Now this is where Uncle Joe is getting a bit old, but I remember these same arguments being made when Ronald Reagan signed off on Amnesty in the 1980's, and we ended up with more illegals, not less.

The GOP has deluded itself into believing that the reason why 71% of Hispanics who are here legally voted against Romney was because of the immigration hard line Romney took. Forgetting the fact that 69% of them voted against John McCain, who was actually much more reasonable on the issue of immigration.

So you have Limbaugh, whose main function is to keep the rabble roused, being told by his corporate masters, "hey, back down on the immigration issue. We are trying to make a profit here!" And Limbaugh complies, because hey, Huckabee is looking covetously as his spot.

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