Rumsfeld about to set the record straight.


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2009
conservative hell california
For the first time since John McPhee's last book I am excited about a book.

Rumsfeld is about to release his memoir, I can not wait.
Rumsfeld was the best man in the Bush administration, by a factor of about a 100:1.
Rumsfeld should of been President, oh well, I can not wait for the book.


Wed Feb 02 2011 17:37:08 ET

Long-awaited, from-the-hip memoir offers raw, unvarnished look at eight decades of history

"If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much."

So declares former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in his news book 'KNOWN AND UNKNOWN'.

In the book, which streets next week, Rumsfeld details his half-century career in and around the ring -- and West Wing.

It is based not only on Rumsfeld's memory but also on hundreds of previously unreleased documents from throughout his career.

Now only the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal:

Rumsfeld warned in 2001 of Afghan “swamp” and “not to make a career out of transforming Afghanistan;” parts ways with neocons on use of military to spread democracy around the world
Lashes out at Clinton, Kerry, Biden for flip-flops on Iraq: “You wouldn’t want to be in a foxhole with them.”
Disputes Powell’s claim that he was “duped” by administration on Iraq WMD, says Powell was no Bush administration “maverick”
Bashes CNN for concealing Saddam's crimes against humanity prior to start of war
Document: Rumsfeld pressed for more troops in Tora Bora to get bin Laden in 2001
Says biggest regret not insisting on resigning after Abu Ghraib
Says McCain had “hair-trigger temper” and “a propensity to shift his positions to appeal to the media”
Shares his side of a decades long feud with Bush 41
Aide tells Rumsfeld on 9/11: “You’re a son of a bitch.” Lives to tell the tale
Had young Geraldo Rivera arrested in 1970s student protest, when he was known as Jerry Rivers
Describes surprising encounter with Elvis in The King’s Las Vegas dressing room
Recounts weird meetings with a confused President-elect Jimmy Carter
Kissinger during last days of Watergate: “Rummy, we don’t even argue with Nixon anymore”

You need professional help.

Political worship is not a healthy thing.
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Will it be listed as fiction or non fiction?

Given that it is about Rumsfeld...maybe list it as a crime drama
Rumsfeld was perhaps the worst Defense Secretary in our country's history.

I would hope others would also see the hypocrisy of a man who back in October of 2001 criticized those who leaked classified documents while his own memoirs will have a document dump of their own.
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"Rummy" Rumsfeld's appointment as Defense Secretary was a perfect example of someone rising to their peak level of complete incompetence. :cuckoo:
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We already have the record. Rummy is directly responsible for the occupying force's inablibity to secure the Iraq nation after the military's victory and overthrow of Saddam Husseins governement. The buck stops at Rummy desk for the civil war that is still smoldering over there too.
For the first time since John McPhee's last book I am excited about a book.

Rumsfeld is about to release his memoir, I can not wait.
Rumsfeld was the best man in the Bush administration, by a factor of about a 100:1.
Rumsfeld should of been President, oh well, I can not wait for the book.
Uhhhhhh.....yeahhhhhhhh.....riiiiiiiiiiiiight........ :eusa_eh:




How comical.....watching the Bush Legacy (even when that stupid S.O.B. Dumbya tries to tap-dance around it)......


......"....slip into the sea....eventually." - Jimi Hendrix
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I was a big fan of Rumsfeld for a time...then he ran into Iraq. :redface:

For the first time since John McPhee's last book I am excited about a book.

Rumsfeld is about to release his memoir, I can not wait.
Rumsfeld was the best man in the Bush administration, by a factor of about a 100:1.
Rumsfeld should of been President, oh well, I can not wait for the book.


Wed Feb 02 2011 17:37:08 ET

Long-awaited, from-the-hip memoir offers raw, unvarnished look at eight decades of history

"If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much."

So declares former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in his news book 'KNOWN AND UNKNOWN'.

In the book, which streets next week, Rumsfeld details his half-century career in and around the ring -- and West Wing.

It is based not only on Rumsfeld's memory but also on hundreds of previously unreleased documents from throughout his career.

Now only the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal:

Rumsfeld warned in 2001 of Afghan “swamp” and “not to make a career out of transforming Afghanistan;” parts ways with neocons on use of military to spread democracy around the world
Lashes out at Clinton, Kerry, Biden for flip-flops on Iraq: “You wouldn’t want to be in a foxhole with them.”
Disputes Powell’s claim that he was “duped” by administration on Iraq WMD, says Powell was no Bush administration “maverick”
Bashes CNN for concealing Saddam's crimes against humanity prior to start of war
Document: Rumsfeld pressed for more troops in Tora Bora to get bin Laden in 2001
Says biggest regret not insisting on resigning after Abu Ghraib
Says McCain had “hair-trigger temper” and “a propensity to shift his positions to appeal to the media”
Shares his side of a decades long feud with Bush 41
Aide tells Rumsfeld on 9/11: “You’re a son of a bitch.” Lives to tell the tale
Had young Geraldo Rivera arrested in 1970s student protest, when he was known as Jerry Rivers
Describes surprising encounter with Elvis in The King’s Las Vegas dressing room
Recounts weird meetings with a confused President-elect Jimmy Carter
Kissinger during last days of Watergate: “Rummy, we don’t even argue with Nixon anymore”
I are in need of professional assistance:cuckoo:

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