Rubio Slaps Down Newt


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Newt Gingrich is as clueless as he is presumptuous. Yesterday, he trekked around Florida comparing himself to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Mitt Romney to the party-switching milquetoast Charlie Crist. Rubio was having none of it and in a rare moment decide to intervene in the GOP presidential race. He put out a statement: “Mitt Romney is no Charlie Crist. Romney is a conservative. And he was one of the first national Republican leaders to endorse me. He came to Florida, campaigned hard for me, and made a real difference in my race.” Boom. ...

Gingrich’s misstep — in essence, forcing Rubio to comment on the race, in which he pledged neutrality — is not unlike Gingrich’s suck-uppery regarding former U.N. ambassador John Bolton. Gingrich declared Bolton to be his choice for secretary of state; Bolton shortly thereafter robustly endorsed Romney, citing his “executive temperament.” Gingrich apparently overestimates his appeal among named conservatives.

A prudent, well-organized candidate would reach out to figures in advance of his statements to make sure he’s not going to get embarrassed. But Gingrich is neither prudent nor well organized. Moreover, he believes his own spin and assumes others share his distorted view of himself and reality.

It is not unexpected to the political astute that Rubio would lend Romney a hand. Romney was the first (and only among presidential contenders) to publicly defend Rubio from press attacks that he had somehow falsified his family immigration story.

It remains to be seen whether Romney can capitalize on Rubio’s comments. What we do know is that even before the Crist diversion, Gingrich had been forced to spend a great deal of time denying he lobbied for Freddie Mac, arguing that he left Congress “voluntarily,”stomping his foot about debate rules stifling his cheering section and trying to fend off attacks on his character and erratic leadership. Has he lost a positive message? We'll find out more in tomorrow’s debate. For now, however, Gingrich remains his own worst enemy. ...

Sen. Marco Rubio scolded Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign over a Spanish-language radio ad that accuses rival Mitt Romney of being “anti-immigrant”

“This kind of language is more than just unfortunate. It’s inaccurate, inflammatory, and doesn’t belong in this campaign,” Rubio told The Miami Herald when asked about the ad.

“The truth is that neither of these two men is anti-immigrant,” Rubio said. “Both are pro-legal immigration and both have positive messages that play well in the Hispanic community.”

Rubio rebuffs Gingrich: Romney is no Charlie Crist - Right Turn - The Washington Post
I like Rubio. I absolutely respected his decision to remain neutral in the race. I thought it was very wise. But it is hysterically entertaining that Newt has forced his hand... and it backfired on the slimeball.

I am highly amused.

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