Rrwe; “guns don’t kill”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Not unless they are in the hands of “Fast and Furious.” No matter where the guns originate from, Government sting or the streets or gun shows it was the drug cartel that killed the border patrol agent. This is why gun control laws are needed because guns do fall into the wrong hand and they are killing Americans. RRWE (Radical Right Wing Extremists) want less government control and involvement . Well, you got it now what? You want more government involvement in investigating who concocted a stupid plan and it was not Holder and his head is not rolling. Many who were involved have already resigned. This is one instance where Holder and Obama was not involved and was not needed to be. Holder said that the operation had been organized by ATF in Phoenix and did not originate out of Washington or from orders out of the Justice Department headquarters. Fast and Furious run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
ATF Gun Scandal: Holder Declared Hostile Witness Before Congress - ABC News

Not unless they are in the hands of “Fast and Furious.” No matter where the guns originate from, Government sting or the streets or gun shows it was the drug cartel that killed the border patrol agent. This is why gun control laws are needed because guns do fall into the wrong hand and they are killing Americans. RRWE (Radical Right Wing Extremists) want less government control and involvement . Well, you got it now what? You want more government involvement in investigating who concocted a stupid plan and it was not Holder and his head is not rolling. Many who were involved have already resigned. This is one instance where Holder and Obama was not involved and was not needed to be. Holder said that the operation had been organized by ATF in Phoenix and did not originate out of Washington or from orders out of the Justice Department headquarters. Fast and Furious run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
ATF Gun Scandal: Holder Declared Hostile Witness Before Congress - ABC News


If you make it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns that just gives the criminals more power as they wont follow the gun laws.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsKzdKNAmo]Criminals For Gun Control 1 Home Invasion - YouTube[/ame]

Not unless they are in the hands of “Fast and Furious.” No matter where the guns originate from, Government sting or the streets or gun shows it was the drug cartel that killed the border patrol agent. This is why gun control laws are needed because guns do fall into the wrong hand and they are killing Americans. RRWE (Radical Right Wing Extremists) want less government control and involvement . Well, you got it now what? You want more government involvement in investigating who concocted a stupid plan and it was not Holder and his head is not rolling. Many who were involved have already resigned. This is one instance where Holder and Obama was not involved and was not needed to be. Holder said that the operation had been organized by ATF in Phoenix and did not originate out of Washington or from orders out of the Justice Department headquarters. Fast and Furious run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
ATF Gun Scandal: Holder Declared Hostile Witness Before Congress - ABC News


If you make it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns that just gives the criminals more power as they wont follow the gun laws.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsKzdKNAmo]Criminals For Gun Control 1 Home Invasion - YouTube[/ame]

Sure don't help the innocent Mexicans that have been killed. Or the innocent American that have been accidently shot because of law abiding citizens possessing guns.
Guns accidently kill 500 children a year.:eusa_hand:
Are you bleepin thick or something? Eric Holder and his cronies sold the guns to the Mexican Cartels that were used to murder Brian Terry and countless others. So stop with the shameless cheerleading for your Democrat team and see reality. Holder will be held accountable so it doesn't matter how much you cheerlead and deflect for him. I hope they arrest the S.O.B.
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Should we be banned from automobiles since they kill people? How bout riding in planes that obviously kill. How bout banning nightclubs since shootings occur there. What about inprisoning people who jaywalk to prevent deaths? Should we ban people from living on the coasts to avoid hurricanes. Or the Midwest from tornadoes?

Maybe we should all be confined to padded cells to prevent us from EVERYTHING. Until its time to vote for Obama of course.
This is why gun control laws are needed because guns do fall into the wrong hand and they are killing Americans. RRWE (Radical Right Wing Extremists) want less government control and involvement.
Gov't put those guns into the wrong hands. So in this case yes, less gov't control would have saved that Border Agents' life.

Not unless they are in the hands of “Fast and Furious.” No matter where the guns originate from, Government sting or the streets or gun shows it was the drug cartel that killed the border patrol agent. This is why gun control laws are needed because guns do fall into the wrong hand and they are killing Americans. RRWE (Radical Right Wing Extremists) want less government control and involvement . Well, you got it now what? You want more government involvement in investigating who concocted a stupid plan and it was not Holder and his head is not rolling. Many who were involved have already resigned. This is one instance where Holder and Obama was not involved and was not needed to be. Holder said that the operation had been organized by ATF in Phoenix and did not originate out of Washington or from orders out of the Justice Department headquarters. Fast and Furious run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
ATF Gun Scandal: Holder Declared Hostile Witness Before Congress - ABC News

This is why gun control laws are needed because guns do fall into the wrong hand and they are killing Americans.

By all means let's restrict the governments access to guns it has shown it's not responsible enough to have control over one.
Yeah let's make it harder for law abiding citizens to own guns in order to keep guns out of non law abiding citizens hands. I mean after all its not like criminals can make there own guns or anything.

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