Royal Absolutism


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Please read the following excerpt with the voice of one of those ‘Animal Planet’ narrators talking about the life and times of some cute family of creatures…

During the age of royal absolutism, the European Nations intensified their competition for overseas possessions and commerce. They were spurred on in large part by the riches that flowed to Europe from these possessions, but also by a conviction that overseas possessions enhanced the power of nations. Whereas Spain and Portugal had led the way beyond the Atlantic frontier during the 16th century, England, France and the Netherlands threw themselves vigorously into colonizing and commercial expansion in various quarters of the globe during the 17th and 18th centuries. The newcomers indeed outstripped their older rivals and established themselves as the leading European colonial powers.

As large as the world beyond western Europe was, the competition for it led to struggles among the leading European powers; the outcome of these struggles decisively affected the power relationships among the competing nations. And while the Europeans colonized, traded, and competed around the globe, European civilization spread with them, impacting with varying results on the native populations encountered by the Europeans. The 17th and 18th centuries marked a decisive turning point in the establishment of western European domination over much of the world. No less significantly, European expansion laid the basis for a global economy.

The chapter goes on:

…The northern European nations had their appetites whetted by the fabulous profits reaped from the New World by the Spanish and the Portuguese during the 16th century…

… But the days of vast gold and silver hauls were soon over, and the Spanish and the Portuguese turned their energies toward creating large plantations worked by oppressed natives and imported African slaves to produce products marketable in western Europe…

… The English were the most successful colonizers in North America. The initial ventures were undertaken by joint stock companies specifically chartered by the royal government to plant settlements in the New World….

…It soon attracted a large population and developed a thriving economy based on tobacco growing…

Shall we sue the Spanish or the English for all our problems?

Let’s do the French!! Everyone hates them, and they were just as brutal colonialists!

As beautiful as life and living on this planet can be…

A simple fact that we can agree on is that brutal people using the sweat and blood of weaker groups of people built our civilization and much of our infrastructure. Our choices are two: dwell on the past or get over it and look to the future.

When are we going to look forward instead of back? We, The People, of Planet Earth, as led by The People of Alaska, The People of Florida, The People of Hawaii and The People of 47 other Independent Nation States can bitch and moan and leave a mess for our kids to clean up, or we can build a planet that reminds us old-timers of “The Jettsons”.

When history speaks so blithely of “…the European Nations intensified their competition for overseas possessions…” why do we fail to remember that in the 16th, 17th & 18th centuries the “Nations” in Europe were families. Specifically, they were the families that were brutal enough to land on the top of the “haves” pile in their geographic region at the end of the 15th century. That is what ‘Royal Absolutism’ is. The family with the most resources to pay for the best military gets to call the shots.

Does anyone out there believe that the wealth collected by very specific families over the last 400 years is not being used today to control the resources of this planet, as best it can? What is the price of gas these days?

The wealthiest Earthlings are not going to give up their cash-flow without a struggle. It has never happened and it never will. It has been a while since the last big revolt on this planet because The People get a little more control over their own lives with every one. So far, the culmination of civilizations struggle between the profits of brutality and the rights of individuals has been in the American Experiment.

As good as it is on paper, is anyone out there naïve enough to believe that the wealth born from the European domination of this planet during the 17th and 18th centuries was just handed over to the masses as a result of the American Experiment?

The difference in the American Experiment is that for the first time in Western history some wealth has been spread to many families. The resource controlling wealth from the last 400 years is not going to just give control of the government, even in America, to the people they consider their subjects… Would any of us in the same position?

When will We, The People Of The USA and The People of Europe successfully reign in our wealthiest citizens in their desire to control the world’s resources?

American history is point by point coverage of wealth trying to build wealth with varying degrees of success. Government has ALWAYS been a tool of the wealthy to make and keep wealth. The “purchased and paid-for” democratic and republican political parties that keep us squabbling over the passionate but pointless issues instead of discussing a fair way for us to tax all Americans are proof of this.

Will either Obama or Big John have the stones to send troops to the first state where 55% of the population learns the definition of the word “State”?


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