Round up time


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Round up time for illegal aliens are need now more than ever. They have got out of hand demanding from our government rights they do not have and getting violent, calling for killing of policemen and burning down Phoenix. Those are the hard working peaceful people Obama want us to welcome into our country. Time is ripe for round up and send them home to protest against their own government for their civil rights.
Give these people an inch and they want a mile.
Give them a slice of the pie and they want the whole pie.
Hi Lady:


Round up time for illegal aliens are need now more than ever. They have got out of hand demanding from our government rights they do not have and getting violent, calling for killing of policemen and burning down Phoenix...

If Obama began rounding up the Illegal Aliens working for the U.S. Federal Govt (never gonna happen), then Illegals everywhere would get the message and begin finding their own way back home. However, Obama (like Clinton/Bush) is here to destroy America using Illegal Aliens that 'displace' our workers and erode away the Consumer/Tax Base. What is happening in Arizona is too little too late and all we can do is sit back and watch America burn.

Just take a good look around. America is not America anymore.


Add to the mix that it's just been announced that the US has been publicly condemned of human rights violations by the UN. According to the newscast, the US provides 24-26% of the UN's funding. It was also said that the AZ governor is more of a threat to human rights than Qadafi. The UN has also asked an Iranian to be on the Human Rights Committee.

Ladies, we could be looking at burkas as the new fashion trend. Hope all you guys are into wearing "billowing" britches and turbans.
Add to the mix that it's just been announced that the US has been publicly condemned of human rights violations by the UN. According to the newscast, the US provides 24-26% of the UN's funding. It was also said that the AZ governor is more of a threat to human rights than Qadafi. The UN has also asked an Iranian to be on the Human Rights Committee.

Ladies, we could be looking at burkas as the new fashion trend. Hope all you guys are into wearing "billowing" britches and turbans.

I'm proud that we violate 'human rights' because our country wasn't founded on 'human rights' but on natural rights witch is a diffirent concept.

BTW, we should just pull out of that stupid organization. It does nothing to protect my liberty from my neighbor and fills its 'human right' board with communist and dictators. I would say that, as an American, I am ashamed that my country is a part of that organization.
Does the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act violate civil rights? The Arizona law don't even go that far and it mirrors the FINA. It actually racial profile illegal aliens.

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