ROTFLMFAO...Watch These Snowflakes Immediately Get Arrested For MAGA Assault

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Aw...the little bitch is CRYING once in handcuffs. ....makes a patriots heart smile!

Four arrested after student’s MAGA hat is stolen

Four Texas State University students were arrested after a conservative student says one of them grabbed a “Make America Great Again” hat off his head and later kicked it as it lay on the ground.

Tyler M., a Texas State University freshman, told Campus Reform by phone that he was the one wearing the MAGA hat as the incident, captured on video, unfolded. Tyler M. asked that his last name not be revealed out of fear that he could be doxxed or otherwise targeted.

Tyler M. told Campus Reform that just before the incident took place, he and some friends had walked over to an area on campus where a leftist group was counter-protesting the anticipated protest of a conservative biker group. The biker group, named Texas Nomads SAR, states that it “believe in protecting those attacked and targeted for expressing their God-given rights guaranteed by the constitution…in charities and giving back to those in need. We believe our veterans and warriors should come before refugees and illegal criminals. As Americans, we know radical Islam and sharia law have no place in this country.”

The biker group had planned a protest at Texas State University over the student government’s failed attempt in April to ban the conservative group Turning Point USA from campus, the Austin Statesman reported.

“Again, none of our conservative people were ever instigating anything,” Tyler M. said. “I can guarantee that. No one was ever yelling or shouting over people. We were all very patient.”

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- DO NO use entire articles for cut/paste.. The Purge

Texas State University released a statement Wednesday afternoon, which stated that four students were arrested “on various charges.” The Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter at Texas State tweeted shortly after the arrests, “don’t cuff students, cuff the haters.”

Bwahaha, Watch These Snowflakes Immediately Get Arrested For MAGA Assault… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

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Aw...the little bitch is CRYING once in handcuffs. ....makes a patriots heart smile!

Four arrested after student’s MAGA hat is stolen

Four Texas State University students were arrested after a conservative student says one of them grabbed a “Make America Great Again” hat off his head and later kicked it as it lay on the ground.

Tyler M., a Texas State University freshman, told Campus Reform by phone that he was the one wearing the MAGA hat as the incident, captured on video, unfolded. Tyler M. asked that his last name not be revealed out of fear that he could be doxxed or otherwise targeted.

Tyler M. told Campus Reform that just before the incident took place, he and some friends had walked over to an area on campus where a leftist group was counter-protesting the anticipated protest of a conservative biker group. The biker group, named Texas Nomads SAR, states that it “believe in protecting those attacked and targeted for expressing their God-given rights guaranteed by the constitution…in charities and giving back to those in need. We believe our veterans and warriors should come before refugees and illegal criminals. As Americans, we know radical Islam and sharia law have no place in this country.”

The biker group had planned a protest at Texas State University over the student government’s failed attempt in April to ban the conservative group Turning Point USA from campus, the Austin Statesman reported.

“Again, none of our conservative people were ever instigating anything,” Tyler M. said. “I can guarantee that. No one was ever yelling or shouting over people. We were all very patient.”

At another point, he said that he “just wanted to talk” with the protesters. Tyler M. said that as bystanders tried to quell the tension, “that’s when I felt someone kind of come up behind me and kind of grab my hat, lift it up, and try to run away.”

Police later approached the student who was holding his hat and asked her to give it back. Tyler M. said she “hesitated at first but then she did drop it and as soon as the hat fell on the floor [sic] she kicks it.”

That’s the moment when Tyler M. said he began recording — footage he shared exclusively with Campus Reform.

Tyler M. said that as he was picking his hat up off the ground, he saw police placing the student who grabbed and kicked his hat, as well as a masked person, whom he referenced as “Antifa,” into handcuffs.

Texas State University released a statement Wednesday afternoon, which stated that four students were arrested “on various charges.” The Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter at Texas State tweeted shortly after the arrests, “don’t cuff students, cuff the haters.”

Bwahaha, Watch These Snowflakes Immediately Get Arrested For MAGA Assault… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS


After four years of this crap, society has become weary of looking the other way on these Leftist Snowflake Thugs anymore, screaming in temper tantrums wearing their thug hoodies and thug-covered faces.

The Left isn't funny anymore.

People can't explain away their violent tantrums and assaults anymore over a simple ballcap supporting a political party or president simply because it reminds them they've got nothing to show for their side and it reminds them of 2016's loss.

There is something seriously wrong with these people, they've got no respect for others and it is long past time to start giving them criminal records to let them know it is NOT OK to attack people just because you don't agree with their views.

America is tired of the domestic terrorism that the democratic party encourages and condones.
It used to be in Texas they would shoot people for such disrespect. Getting soft I guess.

"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men not to shoot fuckers when they get out of line."

Fenton Q. Shanklin
The simplest rules of a civilized society, such as "keep your hands to yourself", are too complicated for leftists.

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