Ron Paul puts some perspecive on the Swine Flu

You Dumbass (yes, capitalized on purpose) Republicans had your chance with Ron Paul.

Yep, you could have picked him in the primaries and totally destroyed Obama in the general election.

But you rejected Ron Paul because your controllers, your puppet masters (Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter and Weiner, aka Jichael Javage) told you he was a whacko.

They also told you that the Fair Tax supporter and REAL Christian Mike Huckabee was not your choice.

So now you are SCREWED.

Hey, Republicans: I know it's against your natural ability, but please THINK FOR YOURSELF once in awhile.

Ron Paul is the best Republican in the entire lot. He is a REAL conservative. He actually talks the talk AND walks the walk.

So, again, I'll capitalize Dumbass, because that's what most so-called conservatives are.

I can't believe that given two good choices (Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee) that you guys chose McCain.

Oh, wait. I forgot. It was liberals like me who chose McCain in the primaries. Let's call it Operation Backfire Chaos in Reverse (or something like that).

I am a life-long Democrat who has always wanted to vote Republican.

The problem is, however, is that I'm kind of a conservative, and there's no room for real conservatives in the Republican Party.
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