Ron Paul Can't Get Any Respect


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Texas Congressman Ron Paul is running within two points of Barack Obama in this week’s Gallup poll. In a Rasmussen survey, he trails by one. He’s rising against his primary rivals and raking in money, netting $1.8 million in a trademark “money bomb” over the weekend to mark his 76th birthday. And yet, as I write in a story for this week’s magazine (available to subscribers on tablets and the web), his candidacy isn’t earning plaudits from the pundit class, whose virtual coverage blackout of Paul’s second-place finish in Ames prompted Jon Stewart to wonder why the media was treating Paul’s campaign like “the 13th floor of a hotel.”

On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Paul harvests these slights as fuel for the revolution. “The media coverage on Sunday morning was less than perfect for us,” he told the crowd last week at the opening of his campaign headquarters in Concord, griping about how he was stonewalled from speaking slots on the morning news shows after Ames. “But you know what, in this day and age, they just aren’t as relevant as they think they are.” The Rodney Dangerfield routine in a crowd pleaser; the media makes a reliable target. And in some ways he has a valid complaint.

Ron Paul Can’t Get Any Respect | Swampland
There is a good reason he can't get any respect. He is a nutball and a racist.

Ron Paul's Racism | The New Republic
Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters Revealed | News One

Ruthless Reviews » FUCK RON PAUL
Life Under the Ron Paul RLOVEUTION

Paul Policy: Pulls troops out of Korea, Japan and Europe, pulls US out of NATO, UN, WTO, NAFTA.
What People See: America is great.
Reality: China is great.

Paul Policy: Pulls out of International Criminal Court completely.
What People See: Don’t let my son be tried for war crimes.
Reality: War crimes.

Paul Policy: Pulling out of Iraq completely and immediately.
What People See: Less Iraq, More Britney!
Reality: Good idea, but war crimes and a destroyed Iraq ripe for the mullahs.

Paul Policy: Let Iran have the bomb.
What People See: No interference in international affairs.
Reality: Iran does the Kid-n-Play dance.

Paul Policy: Sending nothing but a ‘moral statement’ to Darfur instead of money and troops.
What People See: More money for Bush bonuses.
Reality: Darfur officially renamed ‘The Badlands’.

Paul Policy: End to Free Trade Agreements.
What People See: They’re taking our jobs!
Reality: They are taking your jobs anyway.

Paul Policy: Tighter border security.
What People See: A way to be racist without, ya know, being racist.
Reality: A shitty benefit concert with Gloria Estefan.

Paul Policy: Lower taxes / small government.
What People See: Little House on the Prairie.
Reality: Salute of the Jugger.

Paul Policy: No Department of Education.
What People See: A way to stop liberals from killing Christ in schools.
Reality: Salute of the Jugger, Blu-Ray Collector’s Edition.

Paul Policy: No Federal Emergency Management of any kind.
What People See: Freedom to drive around on quad-bikes.
Reality: To [email protected], attachment: Katrina.jpg

Paul Policy: Return to the gold standard.
What People See: Confused by the word ‘gold’, believe it to be good.
Reality: Switzerland begins minting dubloons again.

Paul Policy: Freedom of religion (but not to be free from religion)
What People See: Christ is coming.
Reality: Cheap real estate in Utah.

Paul Policy: Bearing arms largely unregulated.
What People See: Red Dawn trailer.
Reality: Red Dawn.

Paul Policy: ‘Unshakable foe of abortion’; would let states decide (read: wants it banned but doesn’t have the balls)
What People See: Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Reality: “the falcon cannot hear the falconer”, etc.

Paul Policy: Unworkable Constitution returned to its Articles of Confederation heyday.
What People See: A chance to start over?
Reality: Instead of large-scale corruption, all-encompassing corruption.
There is a good reason he can't get any respect. He is a nutball and a racist.

Ron Paul's Racism | The New Republic
Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters Revealed | News One

Ruthless Reviews » FUCK RON PAUL
Life Under the Ron Paul RLOVEUTION

Paul Policy: Pulls troops out of Korea, Japan and Europe, pulls US out of NATO, UN, WTO, NAFTA.
What People See: America is great.
Reality: China is great.

Paul Policy: Pulls out of International Criminal Court completely.
What People See: Don’t let my son be tried for war crimes.
Reality: War crimes.

Paul Policy: Pulling out of Iraq completely and immediately.
What People See: Less Iraq, More Britney!
Reality: Good idea, but war crimes and a destroyed Iraq ripe for the mullahs.

Paul Policy: Let Iran have the bomb.
What People See: No interference in international affairs.
Reality: Iran does the Kid-n-Play dance.

Paul Policy: Sending nothing but a ‘moral statement’ to Darfur instead of money and troops.
What People See: More money for Bush bonuses.
Reality: Darfur officially renamed ‘The Badlands’.

Paul Policy: End to Free Trade Agreements.
What People See: They’re taking our jobs!
Reality: They are taking your jobs anyway.

Paul Policy: Tighter border security.
What People See: A way to be racist without, ya know, being racist.
Reality: A shitty benefit concert with Gloria Estefan.

Paul Policy: Lower taxes / small government.
What People See: Little House on the Prairie.
Reality: Salute of the Jugger.

Paul Policy: No Department of Education.
What People See: A way to stop liberals from killing Christ in schools.
Reality: Salute of the Jugger, Blu-Ray Collector’s Edition.

Paul Policy: No Federal Emergency Management of any kind.
What People See: Freedom to drive around on quad-bikes.
Reality: To [email protected], attachment: Katrina.jpg

Paul Policy: Return to the gold standard.
What People See: Confused by the word ‘gold’, believe it to be good.
Reality: Switzerland begins minting dubloons again.

Paul Policy: Freedom of religion (but not to be free from religion)
What People See: Christ is coming.
Reality: Cheap real estate in Utah.

Paul Policy: Bearing arms largely unregulated.
What People See: Red Dawn trailer.
Reality: Red Dawn.

Paul Policy: ‘Unshakable foe of abortion’; would let states decide (read: wants it banned but doesn’t have the balls)
What People See: Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Reality: “the falcon cannot hear the falconer”, etc.

Paul Policy: Unworkable Constitution returned to its Articles of Confederation heyday.
What People See: A chance to start over?
Reality: Instead of large-scale corruption, all-encompassing corruption.


Ron Paul wants to go back to the Articles, huh? I think that'd be a great idea, but Ron Paul has never said that.
Ron Paul wants to go back to the Articles, huh? I think that'd be a great idea, but Ron Paul has never said that.

Its the argument of anyone who looks to revert all powers back to the states and leave the Federal government as an empty shell. In other words, pretty much the entire TP.

This is the same idiot who rails against the Civil Rights Act because it is the federal government telling businesses what to do.

And yes those links about his racism use his own writings as their source.
Ron Paul wants to go back to the Articles, huh? I think that'd be a great idea, but Ron Paul has never said that.

Its the argument of anyone who looks to revert all powers back to the states and leave the Federal government as an empty shell. In other words, pretty much the entire TP.

This is the same idiot who rails against the Civil Rights Act because it is the federal government telling businesses what to do.

And yes those links about his racism use his own writings as their source.

Well those aren't his writings, so I'm afraid they don't. It's 2011, people are on to the race baiting game.
Ron Paul wants to go back to the Articles, huh? I think that'd be a great idea, but Ron Paul has never said that.

Its the argument of anyone who looks to revert all powers back to the states and leave the Federal government as an empty shell. In other words, pretty much the entire TP.

This is the same idiot who rails against the Civil Rights Act because it is the federal government telling businesses what to do.

And yes those links about his racism use his own writings as their source.

Well those aren't his writings, so I'm afraid they don't. It's 2011, people are on to the race baiting game.

Well then it makes Ron Paul a master baiter.

The problem with your whining about "playing the race card" here is that its his own writings. Check out my prior link with the quotes from his newsletter.
Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters Revealed | News One
Its the argument of anyone who looks to revert all powers back to the states and leave the Federal government as an empty shell. In other words, pretty much the entire TP.

This is the same idiot who rails against the Civil Rights Act because it is the federal government telling businesses what to do.

And yes those links about his racism use his own writings as their source.

Well those aren't his writings, so I'm afraid they don't. It's 2011, people are on to the race baiting game.

Well then it makes Ron Paul a master baiter.

The problem with your whining about "playing the race card" here is that its his own writings. Check out my prior link with the quotes from his newsletter.
Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters Revealed | News One

Again, not his words.
There is a good reason he can't get any respect. He is a nutball and a racist.

Ron Paul's Racism | The New Republic
Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters Revealed | News One

Ruthless Reviews » FUCK RON PAUL
Life Under the Ron Paul RLOVEUTION

Paul Policy: Pulls troops out of Korea, Japan and Europe, pulls US out of NATO, UN, WTO, NAFTA.
What People See: America is great.
Reality: China is great.

Paul Policy: Pulls out of International Criminal Court completely.
What People See: Don’t let my son be tried for war crimes.
Reality: War crimes.

Paul Policy: Pulling out of Iraq completely and immediately.
What People See: Less Iraq, More Britney!
Reality: Good idea, but war crimes and a destroyed Iraq ripe for the mullahs.

Paul Policy: Let Iran have the bomb.
What People See: No interference in international affairs.
Reality: Iran does the Kid-n-Play dance.

Paul Policy: Sending nothing but a ‘moral statement’ to Darfur instead of money and troops.
What People See: More money for Bush bonuses.
Reality: Darfur officially renamed ‘The Badlands’.

Paul Policy: End to Free Trade Agreements.
What People See: They’re taking our jobs!
Reality: They are taking your jobs anyway.

Paul Policy: Tighter border security.
What People See: A way to be racist without, ya know, being racist.
Reality: A shitty benefit concert with Gloria Estefan.

Paul Policy: Lower taxes / small government.
What People See: Little House on the Prairie.
Reality: Salute of the Jugger.

Paul Policy: No Department of Education.
What People See: A way to stop liberals from killing Christ in schools.
Reality: Salute of the Jugger, Blu-Ray Collector’s Edition.

Paul Policy: No Federal Emergency Management of any kind.
What People See: Freedom to drive around on quad-bikes.
Reality: To [email protected], attachment: Katrina.jpg

Paul Policy: Return to the gold standard.
What People See: Confused by the word ‘gold’, believe it to be good.
Reality: Switzerland begins minting dubloons again.

Paul Policy: Freedom of religion (but not to be free from religion)
What People See: Christ is coming.
Reality: Cheap real estate in Utah.

Paul Policy: Bearing arms largely unregulated.
What People See: Red Dawn trailer.
Reality: Red Dawn.

Paul Policy: ‘Unshakable foe of abortion’; would let states decide (read: wants it banned but doesn’t have the balls)
What People See: Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Reality: “the falcon cannot hear the falconer”, etc.

Paul Policy: Unworkable Constitution returned to its Articles of Confederation heyday.
What People See: A chance to start over?
Reality: Instead of large-scale corruption, all-encompassing corruption.

Paul sounds pretty good to me, and I don't think your list leads to the conclusions you think it does? IMO The guy isn't a warmonger, and if you have been to Arlington lately, it is getting pretty crowded with this ME bullshit. We are spending 54% of our budget in a war machine overseas, so how does that equate to a good idea?
On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Paul harvests these slights as fuel for the revolution.

This is another problem he has, IMO. Revolution? Really? He sounds like a Marxist nutjob.


Has nothing to do with Marxism as anybody who knows anything about Ron Paul would see as being obvious.
Texas Congressman Ron Paul is running within two points of Barack Obama in this week’s Gallup poll. In a Rasmussen survey, he trails by one. He’s rising against his primary rivals and raking in money, netting $1.8 million in a trademark “money bomb” over the weekend to mark his 76th birthday. And yet, as I write in a story for this week’s magazine (available to subscribers on tablets and the web), his candidacy isn’t earning plaudits from the pundit class, whose virtual coverage blackout of Paul’s second-place finish in Ames prompted Jon Stewart to wonder why the media was treating Paul’s campaign like “the 13th floor of a hotel.”

On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Paul harvests these slights as fuel for the revolution. “The media coverage on Sunday morning was less than perfect for us,” he told the crowd last week at the opening of his campaign headquarters in Concord, griping about how he was stonewalled from speaking slots on the morning news shows after Ames. “But you know what, in this day and age, they just aren’t as relevant as they think they are.” The Rodney Dangerfield routine in a crowd pleaser; the media makes a reliable target. And in some ways he has a valid complaint.

Ron Paul Can’t Get Any Respect | Swampland

Why should he? He will never win the nomination.
Texas Congressman Ron Paul is running within two points of Barack Obama in this week’s Gallup poll. In a Rasmussen survey, he trails by one. He’s rising against his primary rivals and raking in money, netting $1.8 million in a trademark “money bomb” over the weekend to mark his 76th birthday. And yet, as I write in a story for this week’s magazine (available to subscribers on tablets and the web), his candidacy isn’t earning plaudits from the pundit class, whose virtual coverage blackout of Paul’s second-place finish in Ames prompted Jon Stewart to wonder why the media was treating Paul’s campaign like “the 13th floor of a hotel.”

On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Paul harvests these slights as fuel for the revolution. “The media coverage on Sunday morning was less than perfect for us,” he told the crowd last week at the opening of his campaign headquarters in Concord, griping about how he was stonewalled from speaking slots on the morning news shows after Ames. “But you know what, in this day and age, they just aren’t as relevant as they think they are.” The Rodney Dangerfield routine in a crowd pleaser; the media makes a reliable target. And in some ways he has a valid complaint.

Ron Paul Can’t Get Any Respect | Swampland

Why should he? He will never win the nomination.

Why should a candidate who is essentially running even with the current President of the United States get some respect? Well, it's hard to say...

Why should a candidate who is essentially running even with the current President of the United States get some respect? Well, it's hard to say...

You take too much stock in the polls.

Face the fact. Ron Paul will not get the nomination.

Ron has been my representive for longer than I care to remember and the only reason he gets re-elected is because no other republican worth their salt challenges him.
Why should he? He will never win the nomination.

Why should a candidate who is essentially running even with the current President of the United States get some respect? Well, it's hard to say...

You take too much stock in the polls.

Face the fact. Ron Paul will not get the nomination.

Ron has been my representive for longer than I care to remember and the only reason he gets re-elected is because no other republican worth their salt challenges him.

Ron Paul supporters made the mistake of disregarding the polls in 2008, and it turned out the polls were right. Ron Paul might not get the nomination, but it shouldn't be up to the media to decide the nominee now. Especially when the polling shows Ron Paul is clearly still in this race.

If a Republican worth their salt thought they could win then they would challenge him, but the seat's open now so good luck with that.

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