Romney’s ‘Gross’ Exaggeration on ‘Obamacare’


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Mitt Romney falsely claims government will “constitute … almost 50 percent” of the U.S. economy when the new federal health care law takes full effect. But Romney gets to 50 percent by erroneously counting all health care spending — private and public — as “effectively under government control once Obamacare is fully implemented,” as his spokesman put it.

That’s nonsense — just as it was two years ago, when Rep. Michele Bachmann made a similar bogus claim. The fact is that the nation’s health care system will be no more under federal control than Massachusetts’ fell under state control after Romney signed a similar health care law as governor. Both Obama and Romney expanded the private insurance market by mandating that individuals purchase health care coverage.

Besides, contrary to years of constantly repeated Republican rhetoric, the health care law (if allowed to stand) will constitute a relatively minor expansion of the government’s share of health care spending, which was already large and rising due to the aging population.

More: : Romney’s ‘Gross’ Exaggeration on ‘Obamacare’

The truth is a complete stranger to Romney.
Besides, contrary to years of constantly repeated Republican rhetoric, the health care law (if allowed to stand) will constitute a relatively minor expansion of the government’s share of health care spending, which was already large and rising due to the aging population.

Bull Crap......

"Gruber now: Obamacare will increase premiums by 19-30 percent"

"But Gruber, in a span of two years, has gone from claiming that the law would reduce non-group premiums by 13 to 31 percent, to estimating that they will increase those premiums by 19 to 30 percent. "

How Obamacare Dramatically Increases the Cost of Insurance for Young Workers - Forbes

"Finally, there are the omitted costs. CBO admits that a lot of the costs for administering Obamacare aren’t counted in the original cost estimate. There’s at least $5 billion to $10 billion in Health and Human Services (HHS) spending, and another $5 billion to $10 billion for the IRS. Just this year, HHS asked for an additional $850 million to pay for setting up a federal backup exchange in 2013. None of these costs are counted in the original cost estimate. Further, there’s the $300 billion in physician fees."


And direct from the Horse's Mouth as they say.... Estimates.pdf

Overall costs to taxpayer will be more than double from what Obama told they time Obama is implemented, I would not surprised if the actual cost is 350-400% of what Obama promised...... :mad:

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Besides, contrary to years of constantly repeated Republican rhetoric, the health care law (if allowed to stand) will constitute a relatively minor expansion of the government’s share of health care spending, which was already large and rising due to the aging population.

Bull Crap......

"Gruber now: Obamacare will increase premiums by 19-30 percent"

"But Gruber, in a span of two years, has gone from claiming that the law would reduce non-group premiums by 13 to 31 percent, to estimating that they will increase those premiums by 19 to 30 percent. "

How Obamacare Dramatically Increases the Cost of Insurance for Young Workers - Forbes

"Finally, there are the omitted costs. CBO admits that a lot of the costs for administering Obamacare aren’t counted in the original cost estimate. There’s at least $5 billion to $10 billion in Health and Human Services (HHS) spending, and another $5 billion to $10 billion for the IRS. Just this year, HHS asked for an additional $850 million to pay for setting up a federal backup exchange in 2013. None of these costs are counted in the original cost estimate. Further, there’s the $300 billion in physician fees."


And direct from the Horse's Mouth as they say.... Estimates.pdf

Overall costs to taxpayer will be more than double from what Obama told they time Obama is implemented, I would not surprised if the actual cost is 350-400% of what Obama promised...... :mad:


Pure fictitious bullshit, and has no direct relation to the thread topic about Romney's lie.
Bull Crap......

"Gruber now: Obamacare will increase premiums by 19-30 percent"

"But Gruber, in a span of two years, has gone from claiming that the law would reduce non-group premiums by 13 to 31 percent, to estimating that they will increase those premiums by 19 to 30 percent. "

How Obamacare Dramatically Increases the Cost of Insurance for Young Workers - Forbes

"Finally, there are the omitted costs. CBO admits that a lot of the costs for administering Obamacare aren’t counted in the original cost estimate. There’s at least $5 billion to $10 billion in Health and Human Services (HHS) spending, and another $5 billion to $10 billion for the IRS. Just this year, HHS asked for an additional $850 million to pay for setting up a federal backup exchange in 2013. None of these costs are counted in the original cost estimate. Further, there’s the $300 billion in physician fees."


And direct from the Horse's Mouth as they say.... Estimates.pdf

Overall costs to taxpayer will be more than double from what Obama told they time Obama is implemented, I would not surprised if the actual cost is 350-400% of what Obama promised...... :mad:


Pure fictitious bullshit, and has no direct relation to the thread topic about Romney's lie.

All you have to do it read the links and get your Calculator out and you will know Romney was not exaggerating ......... are all Liberals this dumb? Rhetorical Question

Pure fictitious bullshit, and has no direct relation to the thread topic about Romney's lie.

All you have to do it read the links and get your Calculator out and you will know Romney was not exaggerating ......... are all Liberals this dumb? Rhetorical Question


Sooo, you're also claiming that government will “constitute … almost 50 percent” of the U.S. economy when the new federal health care law takes full effect?
All you have to do it read the links and get your Calculator out and you will know Romney was not exaggerating ......... are all Liberals this dumb? Rhetorical Question


Sooo, you're also claiming that government will “constitute … almost 50 percent” of the U.S. economy when the new federal health care law takes full effect?

This is from your own posted Link "
All government spending on health care amounted to 43.6 percent of total spending in 2009, before the new law was enacted in March 2010. And by 2020, after several years of full implementation, it will still account for just 49.2 percent — according to the most recent annual projections by the acknowledged authority on the subject, the Office of Actuary in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. "

49.2% from the link to Romney's claim of 50% .... I was wrong ..... sorry....

All government spending on health care amounted to 43.6 percent of total spending in 2009, before the new law was enacted in March 2010. And by 2020, after several years of full implementation, it will still account for just 49.2 percent — according to the most recent annual projections by the acknowledged authority on the subject, the Office of Actuary in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. "

49.2% from the link to Romney's claim of 50% .... I was wrong ..... sorry....

If Romney's claim was that federal spending would account for 50% of health expenditures (which, obviously, we're close to now), he'd have a case. However, he's quoted multiple times as saying government spending would constitute 50% of the American economy.

These are radically different statements.
Bull Crap......

"Gruber now: Obamacare will increase premiums by 19-30 percent"

"But Gruber, in a span of two years, has gone from claiming that the law would reduce non-group premiums by 13 to 31 percent, to estimating that they will increase those premiums by 19 to 30 percent. "

How Obamacare Dramatically Increases the Cost of Insurance for Young Workers - Forbes

"Finally, there are the omitted costs. CBO admits that a lot of the costs for administering Obamacare aren’t counted in the original cost estimate. There’s at least $5 billion to $10 billion in Health and Human Services (HHS) spending, and another $5 billion to $10 billion for the IRS. Just this year, HHS asked for an additional $850 million to pay for setting up a federal backup exchange in 2013. None of these costs are counted in the original cost estimate. Further, there’s the $300 billion in physician fees."


And direct from the Horse's Mouth as they say.... Estimates.pdf

Overall costs to taxpayer will be more than double from what Obama told they time Obama is implemented, I would not surprised if the actual cost is 350-400% of what Obama promised...... :mad:


Pure fictitious bullshit, and has no direct relation to the thread topic about Romney's lie.

FACT: Obama actual words:
When he says "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” Barack Obama on single payer in 2003

So Obamacare right now is forcing employers to drop employee insurance and they are paying the penalty!
What happens then to the insurance companies that were providing employers coverage?
They stop selling health insurance. What replaces it?

MORE importantly all you single payer advocates.. WHO's going to pay for it?
1,400 health insurance companies with 500,000+ employees that pay over $100 billion a year in federal,state,local and local property taxes will go out of business!
500,000 unemployed @ $300 a week for 99 weeks is $14 billion where will that money come from for unemployment checks since the 1,400 companies won't be paying FUTA?
So Obamacare right now is forcing employers to drop employee insurance and they are paying the penalty!
What happens then to the insurance companies that were providing employers coverage?
They stop selling health insurance. What replaces it?

So Obamacare right now is forcing employers to drop employee insurance and they are paying the penalty!
What happens then to the insurance companies that were providing employers coverage?
They stop selling health insurance. What replaces it?


Well you can be like an ostrich burying your head in the sand but your ASS is exposed!
The facts are the FACTS!
30% of employers are planning to drop their plans and what did DE LEADA say...

He promised In June 2009, Obama said. "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period.

I love it when you idiots KEEP making these totally inane juvenile comments because YOU CAN"T REFUTE THE FACTS!!!
Sooo, you're also claiming that government will “constitute … almost 50 percent” of the U.S. economy when the new federal health care law takes full effect?

This is from your own posted Link "
All government spending on health care amounted to 43.6 percent of total spending in 2009, before the new law was enacted in March 2010. And by 2020, after several years of full implementation, it will still account for just 49.2 percent — according to the most recent annual projections by the acknowledged authority on the subject, the Office of Actuary in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. "

49.2% from the link to Romney's claim of 50% .... I was wrong ..... sorry....


Romney said almost 50%, so 49.2% definitely qualifies as "almost". It's no wonder they wouldn't let anyone read the bill before shoving it through. And it's amazing that even now some libs still repeat the same talking points instead of actually reading it for themselves. Obama and the Dems lied about the cost to everyone, including the CBO, so all the numbers they claimed to sell this thing get thrown out. It's a mess and I sure hope it gets shot down. It's a job killing bill that has so little to do with health care. Higher insurance rates, waiting lists, doled out care and government having the ability to see how much money you have at any time by having real time access to all your accounts.

The policies of these wanna be dictators gives me the creeps.
Well you can be like an ostrich burying your head in the sand but your ASS is exposed!
The facts are the FACTS!
30% of employers are planning to drop their plans and what did DE LEADA say...

He promised In June 2009, Obama said. "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period.

I love it when you idiots KEEP making these totally inane juvenile comments because YOU CAN"T REFUTE THE FACTS!!!
Forgive Pinkbeard...He's a paid flack for the regime.
Pure fictitious bullshit, and has no direct relation to the thread topic about Romney's lie.

FACT: Obama actual words:
When he says "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” Barack Obama on single payer in 2003

So Obamacare right now is forcing employers to drop employee insurance and they are paying the penalty!
What happens then to the insurance companies that were providing employers coverage?
They stop selling health insurance. What replaces it?

MORE importantly all you single payer advocates.. WHO's going to pay for it?
1,400 health insurance companies with 500,000+ employees that pay over $100 billion a year in federal,state,local and local property taxes will go out of business!
500,000 unemployed @ $300 a week for 99 weeks is $14 billion where will that money come from for unemployment checks since the 1,400 companies won't be paying FUTA?

What does Single-Payer have to do with this thread? Hint: NOTHING. We don't have Single-Payer. We don't even have a Public Option.
Sooo, you're also claiming that government will “constitute … almost 50 percent” of the U.S. economy when the new federal health care law takes full effect?

This is from your own posted Link "
All government spending on health care amounted to 43.6 percent of total spending in 2009, before the new law was enacted in March 2010. And by 2020, after several years of full implementation, it will still account for just 49.2 percent — according to the most recent annual projections by the acknowledged authority on the subject, the Office of Actuary in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. "

49.2% from the link to Romney's claim of 50% .... I was wrong ..... sorry....


Yes, you are wrong - because like Romney, you're also including all health care spending — private and public -- to get to 50%.

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