Romney's Campaign Strategy: Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Dave Johnson

The Romney camp is boldly lying because they are making a calculation that it will work! We better hope it doesn't.

The Romney campaign has turned to a strategy of swamping the public with flat-out, blatant lies, one after another, again and again, endlessly and lavishly repeated. They do this because they are making a calculation that it will work! So what is going on? And can democracy survive this assault?

The Growing List Of Lies

This week's lie is the "Obama gutted welfare reform" nonsense. See Bill Scher's must-read response, Romney's Welfare Lie: A Betrayal Of Conservatism. The reporting conveys the Romney message, like this: Romney accuses Obama of dismantling welfare reform. The lie is driven home by a massive $$-driven carpet bombing of ads.

The next-most recent lies was the "Obama is trying to keep military families from voting" lie. This lie, repeated over and over, coordinated with outside groups, reinforces the "Democrats are anti-military" narrative.

Before that was the "You didn't build that" lie, where the Romney campaigndoctored audio to make it sound as though President Obama said something he didn't say. (And got away with it.) This lie, repeated over and over, reinforces the "Democrats are anti-business" narrative.

This one on welfare reinforces the "Democrats take your money and give it to black people" narrative. "We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work," said Romney, promising to make them work good and hard.

Rachel Maddow's blog has been keeping track of the Romney lies, and it is a loooooong list.

How It Is Done

Much More: Romney's Campaign Strategy: Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More -- Can Democracy Survive with 0% Media Accountability? | Alternet

NOTE: The above link contains many live source links.
Ah the Blind Partisan hacks, So fun to watch, So Intensely Aware of the Faults of the Other side, and so willfully Blind to the Faults on their own Side.
Congratulation, Dr.House. You were first to neg the OP. Wingnuts don't care about Romney lies - even when provided overwhelming proof.
Yes, facts would likely cause you great harm. Sunlight kills vampires.

Listen Cochise, you wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on your ass.

Okay, I invite you to read the OP and Maddow's list of Romney lies - and prove to us that any of them are untrue. Good luck...

You are a useless hack... The planet would be better off without you....

You get paid for posting links and drawing traffic to leftist sites...

Fuck you very much...
Listen Cochise, you wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on your ass.

Okay, I invite you to read the OP and Maddow's list of Romney lies - and prove to us that any of them are untrue. Good luck...

You are a useless hack... The planet would be better off without you....

You get paid for posting links and drawing traffic to leftist sites...

Fuck you very much...

I think there is more than one poster here who has an agenda other than just posting for pleasure. She's probably is a paid hack but we'll likely never know.

Fucking Rachel've got to be kidding.
Okay, I invite you to read the OP and Maddow's list of Romney lies - and prove to us that any of them are untrue. Good luck...

Why don't you tell me in your own words, Shitting Bull.

If you're such a Romney/Ryan fan, one would think that YOU would be interested in the truth. Are you afraid to read...?

I'm not interested in anything she, err... he, err... whatever it has to say.

What's the matter, you can't put it into your own words?

I remain amazed at how so many people are so quick to follow and quote and refer to folks like Maddow, Schultz, O'Donnell, Hannity, Levin and Limbaugh.

Here's what I'd love to know, but I'd never be able to trust the answer: When you're reading or watching and listening to these people, do you ever ask yourself whether they're distorting the facts to match their agenda? Do you ever wonder what pertinent facts they're leaving out so that they can more effectively push their agenda? Do you realize that the "story" you're getting is really just an ideologically-slanted manipulation of the facts?

Do these questions ever cross your mind, or do you just happily jump on the roller coaster and go along for the ride?

I'd love to get answers to these questions after these "fans" had consumed about a quart of truth serum.

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