Romneycare is vote for Romney


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Really.....this is why you must NOT vote for Obama.....

Obamacare is patterned after Romneycare and Romneycare is failing miserably in Massachusetts......costs are way up and now under a newly passed bill signed by Govenor Patrick Massachusetts is going to dictate medical care....

Massachusetts spends more per capita on health care than any other state and therefore more than anywhere else in the industrialized world. Costs are 27% higher than the U.S. average...

Under the plan, all Massachusetts doctors, hospitals and other providers must register with a new state bureaucracy as a condition of licensure—that is, permission to practice. They'll be required to track and report their financial performance, price and cost trends, state-sanctioned quality measures, market share and other metrics.

Review & Outlook: RomneyCare 2.0 -
Romneycare has loads of Federal, i.e. taxpayer dollars, backing it up. Believe me if the people in MA had to make up that difference they'd be screaming like stuck pigs.

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