Romney Super Pac: Federal Contractors' Future Restored

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Romney Super Pac: Federal Contractors' Future Restored

The GOP Standard Bearer is also the Standard Bearer of Federal Contractors looking for a pay day at tax payers' expense.

Oxbow Carbon, a major coal and petroleum supplier that gave Restore Our Future $750,000 last year, now says its contracts to sell fuel to the federal government are through a sister company that is a separate legal entity — an arrangement that allows it to skirt the prohibition on federal contractors making political expenditures....Oxbow Carbon & Minerals, controls the firms that have sold coal to the Air Force and the Tennessee Valley Authority, said spokesman Brad Goldstein. According to federal contracting records, the company received at least $21 million to provide the fuel....most major super PACs explicitly warn donors on their websites that federal contractors cannot give. But Restore Our Future took a different posture, soliciting money from companies that work for the government.

Restore Our Future 'super PAC' rethinks donations from federal contractors -



Top Organizations Donating to Restore Our Future, 2012


Donors to Restore Our Future, 2012
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Romney Corruption and Money

Will Romney bring back the good old days of Watergate?

"...rulings, including the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United case, have turned back laws that were intended to shine a light on who was paying for elections – and put limits on how much they can donate – in the wake of the Watergate fundraising scandal of the 1970s. In the current campaign, most donors identify themselves, but in some cases corporate donors are able to disguise their names using limited liability partnerships."

Restore Our Future Says It Provided Wrong Address For Mystery $400,000 Donation

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