Romney plans Navy buildup

Right now, the US has a larger Navy than the next four countries combined

Total Navy Ship Strength by Country

When you look at numbers of Supercarriers, nuclear subs, ballistic missile surface ships, light carriers

We have a more powerful Navy than the rest of the world combined
Right now, the US has a larger Navy than the next four countries combined

Total Navy Ship Strength by Country

When you look at numbers of Supercarriers, nuclear subs, ballistic missile surface ships, light carriers

We have a more powerful Navy than the rest of the world combined

Not according to Romney and the Romneybots. Weez Weak cuz there iz a dark skinned guy in the white house.

Katz just "misspoke". AKA lied. He'll say heez sorry later.
They don't need any more money.

[ame=""]Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon[/ame]
U.S. Navy Fleet Continues to Shrink with Defense Budget

Military-Crippling Sequester Must Be Stopped | Budget.House.Gov

Navy since 1916 – Londonderry News

We currently have 283 naval ships, which is the smallest U.S. Navy since 1916, and it is 17 ships short of the recognized minimum of 300 ships. It is a woefully inadequate number of ships.

Smallest Navy since 1916.

You really are an idiot aren't you. We went from nearly 2,400 navel vessels in 2011 to 283 in 2012?

Astonishingly stupid. What happened to 2,100 navel vessels Einstein?
U.S. Navy Fleet Continues to Shrink with Defense Budget

Military-Crippling Sequester Must Be Stopped | Budget.House.Gov

Navy since 1916 – Londonderry News

We currently have 283 naval ships, which is the smallest U.S. Navy since 1916, and it is 17 ships short of the recognized minimum of 300 ships. It is a woefully inadequate number of ships.

Smallest Navy since 1916.

Its not the number of ships but their capabilities. One ship today could wipe out the entire fleet in 1916

Our ships, along with electronic capabilities and control of airspace are unmatched by anything in the world

Throwing out arbitrary numbers is meaningless
I'm all for building up the military. The time is fast approaching when we are going to need a very strong military.
"The current level of ships, 285 in fiscal 2011, is actually not even the lowest since 1916. The historical list shows that the lowest ship force was reached during the Bush administration, when the number of ships fell to 278 in 2007. Given the change over time in the composition of the naval force, that probably is the most relevant comparison — and the trend line is up.

Romney’s pledge to build 15 more ships per year, including three submarines, also is less than meets the eye. The current Navy plan is to build 34 ships over the next four years — 10 in 2013 — including seven submarines as part of its goal to reach at least 300 ships by 2019. (The Congressional Budget Office, however, has raised questions about whether this plan is feasible.)"
Mitt Romney’s claim that the Navy is as small as in 1916 - The Washington Post

It's all about Boooosh!
Yep, we had better spend that money that we don't have.
Below; what the US spends and what the other four other top spending countries spend on defense.


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Romney plans Navy buildup

By Michael Hoffman Tuesday, October 9th, 2012 12:49 am

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wants to buy three more submarines over the next three years as part of his plan to boost shipbuilding to 15 ships per year, he said Monday in a speech at the Virginia Military Institute.

Romney also plans to add an 11th aircraft carrier wing, build more Marine Corps amphibious ships, F/A-18 Super Hornets, a missile defense ship and a frigate.

The Republican spoke in detail about his plans to grow the Navy while adding few details about the other services in his speech to VMI Keydets billed as a national security address. Chris Cavas, Defense News’ naval ace, broke the story of Romney’s naval plans following an interview with John Lehman, a top Romney national security adviser and former Navy secretary.

On the campaign trail, Romney has promised to build up the Navy fleet to 350 ships by increasing annual shipbuilding from nine to 15 vessels. Until Monday, he had not provided details to what he wanted to build.

The Pentagon is preparing for a potential $500 billion cut to planned defense spending over the next decade should Congress not reach a compromise by Jan. 2 to avoid sequestration. Romney has placed blame on Obama for not showing more leadership toward ending the cuts.

Romney explained how he’d more actively use the American military to influence events in the Middle East during his speech Monday. He said increasing the Pentagon’s budget is part of that as a strong military prevents war.

Romney criticized Obama for his handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya. He said it was wrong for the president to blame the attack at first on an anti-Islamic You tube video that unleashed large scale protests across the Middle East.

“This latest assault cannot be blamed on a reprehensible video insulting Islam, despite the administration’s attempts to convince us of that for so long,” Romney said.

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Good. And he'll repeal that gay-shit too.
If we build a huge navy way before there is a need for one, then it will be out dated & obsolete by the time we need it.

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