Romney paid 178,136.9% more in taxes then average American!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
For 2011, he'll pay about $3.2 million with an effective tax rate of about 15.4 percent, the campaign said. Those returns haven't yet been filed yet with the Internal Revenue Service.
Romney paid about 14 percent income tax in 2010 -

In 2008 taxpayers with adjusted taxable income under $50,000 paid $1,796 in taxes.

That means Romney paid 178,136.9% MORE in taxes then the the above.
What's this got to do with anything?

What good is bragging about how much he pays?
Probably because he made 178,136.9% more than the average American.

So? Do you have penis envy as well as wealth envy?

YOU should be happy being on the dole, not paying any taxes that Romney MADE enough to pay enough equal to what 1,781 americans paid!
Wow just think if these 1,781 Americans paid what Romney paid that would be
$5.7 billion in additional tax revenue...
BUT of course wealth envy people like YOU NEVER think in those terms.. it's beyond your comprehension that more people would RATHER be like Romney then like YOU!!
Instead of being petty, jealous of Romney as you are I am happy and want to emulate him!

I am truly sorry for people like you without any HOPE because after all that's what Obama was suppose to bring!!! Where's your HOPE you could be like Romney??
Probably because he made 178,136.9% more than the average American.

So? Do you have penis envy as well as wealth envy?

YOU should be happy being on the dole, not paying any taxes that Romney MADE enough to pay enough equal to what 1,781 americans paid!
Wow just think if these 1,781 Americans paid what Romney paid that would be
$5.7 billion in additional tax revenue...
BUT of course wealth envy people like YOU NEVER think in those terms.. it's beyond your comprehension that more people would RATHER be like Romney then like YOU!!
Instead of being petty, jealous of Romney as you are I am happy and want to emulate him!

I am truly sorry for people like you without any HOPE because after all that's what Obama was suppose to bring!!! Where's your HOPE you could be like Romney??

Ah, the old class envy argument. Round and round goes the Republican talking points.

Don't get mad because this person explained to you why he paid so much more in taxes. He has a quarter of a billion dollars you house slave fool. Fact is, Romney aint paying his fair share in taxes. Yes he pays more in taxes than you will ever see in your life, but so what? He's got more money than God. Stop worrying about him and stop thinking you will ever be rich because you are just too dumb to be rich. Stick with being anti abortion or anti gays. That's your sweetspot dummy. :eusa_shhh:
Probably because he made 178,136.9% more than the average American.

So? Do you have penis envy as well as wealth envy?

YOU should be happy being on the dole, not paying any taxes that Romney MADE enough to pay enough equal to what 1,781 americans paid!
Wow just think if these 1,781 Americans paid what Romney paid that would be
$5.7 billion in additional tax revenue...
BUT of course wealth envy people like YOU NEVER think in those terms.. it's beyond your comprehension that more people would RATHER be like Romney then like YOU!!
Instead of being petty, jealous of Romney as you are I am happy and want to emulate him!

I am truly sorry for people like you without any HOPE because after all that's what Obama was suppose to bring!!! Where's your HOPE you could be like Romney??

I pay more in taxes in a year than you make. Therefore, based on your thinking, I should be able to pay only 12% and you should pay 35% of your income in taxes. Is that correct? Because that's how it works for Romney and Buffett.
Probably because he made 178,136.9% more than the average American.

So? Do you have penis envy as well as wealth envy?

YOU should be happy being on the dole, not paying any taxes that Romney MADE enough to pay enough equal to what 1,781 americans paid!
Wow just think if these 1,781 Americans paid what Romney paid that would be
$5.7 billion in additional tax revenue...
BUT of course wealth envy people like YOU NEVER think in those terms.. it's beyond your comprehension that more people would RATHER be like Romney then like YOU!!
Instead of being petty, jealous of Romney as you are I am happy and want to emulate him!

I am truly sorry for people like you without any HOPE because after all that's what Obama was suppose to bring!!! Where's your HOPE you could be like Romney??

We as a society a long time ago agreed on what was fair as far as taxing the extreme rich. Back when our politicians represented We the People, our politicians decided what was fair, and for 50 years it worked. The rich did just fine too. Don't know why you cry for them.

But the rich weren't happy and in the last 30 years they have taken over our government. It no longer works for We the People but instead works for the rich. At first the tax rate was 90% on extreme wealth, then 80, then 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and now its between ZERO and 12%.

Now I can understand why 90% might be too high, but you can't even admit that 12% is too low. Even though the country is broke.

What works dummy? Seems like if we had more revenue, we might not be so broke. But the rich have convinced you if we raise their taxes at all, its class warfare and/or envy. You stupid house slave. So cute. You are like a dog who's master treats him like shit but he would still die for his master.
Probably because he made 178,136.9% more than the average American.

So? Do you have penis envy as well as wealth envy?

YOU should be happy being on the dole, not paying any taxes that Romney MADE enough to pay enough equal to what 1,781 americans paid!
Wow just think if these 1,781 Americans paid what Romney paid that would be
$5.7 billion in additional tax revenue...
BUT of course wealth envy people like YOU NEVER think in those terms.. it's beyond your comprehension that more people would RATHER be like Romney then like YOU!!
Instead of being petty, jealous of Romney as you are I am happy and want to emulate him!

I am truly sorry for people like you without any HOPE because after all that's what Obama was suppose to bring!!! Where's your HOPE you could be like Romney??

I pay more in taxes in a year than you make. Therefore, based on your thinking, I should be able to pay only 12% and you should pay 35% of your income in taxes. Is that correct? Because that's how it works for Romney and Buffett.

AH FAIRNESS at play eh??

This will be WAY WAY OVER YOUR head..
BUT historically WHO would be most likely to be the WEALTHY person in a civilization?
The head of the govt. that provided protection.
IT WAS ONLY with the USA with Democratic principles of Freedom that individuals were FREE to own properties start businesses and guess what..
THE MOST wealthy people ARE NOT the heads of Government in the USA!
BUT private individuals.
AGAIN this will go over your head of course
....BUT in 1890 there were only 4,000 millionaires
In 2007 there were over 16 million millionaires.

WHY??? Certainly wasn't due to the government tax policies but the individuals had more freedom to start businesses, grow businesses make those "EVIL profits"!!!
And don't say it was due to "inflation".. because a $1 in 1890 is worth 28 cents today..
but there are 4,150 times the number of millionaires so it is NOT due to inflation!

But to those that these concepts go way over your head...
Consider this:
1) you are using a computer -- UNHEARD of by King George at birth of USA!
2) Communicating freely with anyone in the world.. Only MAGIC could explain that in the 1800s

YET even the poorest person in the USA has access to :
free computer...
free cell phone!

This was totally considered MAGIC by people in the 1800s!

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