Romney overseas


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
The last few days have not been kind to the presumptive Republican nominee; first in the UK, now in Israel, he continues to blurt out insults to various nations, worldwide. What is the source of this series of unforced errors? Is Romney in reality not ready for the world stage, or could these bizarre events be isolated mistakes?
The last few days have not been kind to the presumptive Republican nominee; first in the UK, now in Israel, he continues to blurt out insults to various nations, worldwide. What is the source of this series of unforced errors? Is Romney in reality not ready for the world stage, or could these bizarre events be isolated mistakes?

I don't think Romney is ready for the world stage. And he appears to want to head into more war.
The last few days have not been kind to the presumptive Republican nominee; first in the UK, now in Israel, he continues to blurt out insults to various nations, worldwide. What is the source of this series of unforced errors? Is Romney in reality not ready for the world stage, or could these bizarre events be isolated mistakes?

I don't think Romney is ready for the world stage. And he appears to want to head into more war.
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What was his mistake in England giving a honest answer to a question about the Olympics? And saying something that honked off the Arabs big deal saying anything other than death to Israel honks them off. Much to do about nothing.
What was his mistake in England giving a honest answer to a question about the Olympics? And saying something that honked off the Arabs big deal saying anything other than death to Israel honks them off. Much to do about nothing.

He did not just criticize the Olympics in Britain, he also spoke about his "meeting" with MI6, off limits in the UK. Then, in Israel, he declared Israeli culture superior to that of Palestinians. That encompasses several countries to which he flipped the bird. Added to that was his campaign's "Anglo Saxon heritage" bash at Native Americans, Greeks, every Hispanic nation on earth, the continent of Africa, and the rest of the world.
What was his mistake in England giving a honest answer to a question about the Olympics? And saying something that honked off the Arabs big deal saying anything other than death to Israel honks them off. Much to do about nothing.

He did not just criticize the Olympics in Britain, he also spoke about his "meeting" with MI6, off limits in the UK. Then, in Israel, he declared Israeli culture superior to that of Palestinians. That encompasses several countries to which he flipped the bird. Added to that was his campaign's "Anglo Saxon heritage" bash at Native Americans, Greeks, every Hispanic nation on earth, the continent of Africa, and the rest of the world.

Really looking forward to seeing a pic of Mittens flipping off the world!!
Obama trots the globe sticking his foot in his mouth and his thumb up his ass, and voters want more of his bullshit? I wouldn't give a fuck if they thew out the Cheney/Palin ticket again.
Screw that goofball excuse of a United States President.
Still no answers as to whether the recent egregious errors were a lapse of judgement, or a sign of inability to function on the world stage. A reference to the "Anglo Saxon" heritage of the US insults those not Anglo Saxon by birth. Think about it.
Here is a link, and Obama has said or done nothing that can compare with Romney's recent implosion:

Adviser touts Romney's ?Anglo-Saxon heritage? to UK paper - New York Daily News

No answers, no thought, just the usual hate brigade; I posted this in the clean debate section, but some posters cannot comprehend actual debate. Nothing is written but tired cliches.

"We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the unnamed adviser told the British newspaper. “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”

That's a fail.
Anything else?
The last few days have not been kind to the presumptive Republican nominee; first in the UK, now in Israel, he continues to blurt out insults to various nations, worldwide. What is the source of this series of unforced errors? Is Romney in reality not ready for the world stage, or could these bizarre events be isolated mistakes?

It really doesn’t make any difference, he’s unprepared, ill-at-ease, and trying too hard not to upset The Base, hence the idiocy in Israel.
The chain of fiascoes in London suggest that Mr. Romney was precisely on target with his "not ready" question. Let's hope it gets no worse! It must be tough being a real-live prophet.
Still no answers as to whether the recent egregious errors were a lapse of judgement, or a sign of inability to function on the world stage. A reference to the "Anglo Saxon" heritage of the US insults those not Anglo Saxon by birth. Think about it.

I already gave you a answer this is much to do about nothing it's a one day story if that oh and Obama's Poland Nazi concentration camp remark was pretty good size one that seemed to piss Poland off pretty good. On the whole I would rank that a bit higher than anything Romney has said but at the end of the day none of it really matters other countries will work with the U.S. if they feel it's in their best interest both security wise and financially comments like these won't even factor into it.
Still no answers as to whether the recent egregious errors were a lapse of judgement, or a sign of inability to function on the world stage. A reference to the "Anglo Saxon" heritage of the US insults those not Anglo Saxon by birth. Think about it.

Still waiting for links proving the statements you attributed to Romney...

  • criticize the Olympics in Britain
  • spoke about his "meeting" with MI6, off limits in the UK
  • declared Israeli culture superior to that of Palestinians

The rest was your opinion. Unless you can provide evidence of the statements above, they also are your opinion, and as such, do not compromise an actual debate stance.
Here is a link, and Obama has said or done nothing that can compare with Romney's recent implosion:

Adviser touts Romney's ?Anglo-Saxon heritage? to UK paper - New York Daily News

No answers, no thought, just the usual hate brigade; I posted this in the clean debate section, but some posters cannot comprehend actual debate. Nothing is written but tired cliches.

"We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the unnamed adviser told the British newspaper. “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”

That's a fail.
Anything else?

It wasn't even a direct Romney quote, but a quote from 'an unnamed adviser'?


IMHO you have not proven thru any sources or links that any of the alleged statements by Romney were errors, let alone egregious.

I suggest you research the specific comments made and then attempt to put them in context.

You need to also realize that many in the media, particularly the Daily Mail, make a habit of twisting words to their own agenda. A review of the Daily Mail's attacks on other world notables, including US presidents, I believe will bear this out.

And do you not think that no matter what Romney said in Israel that the Palestinians would simply be waiting to find something they could be "offended" about?

None of the incidents you've mentioned would come even close to proving he's incapable of functioning on the "world stage."
The last few days have not been kind to the presumptive Republican nominee; first in the UK, now in Israel, he continues to blurt out insults to various nations, worldwide. What is the source of this series of unforced errors? Is Romney in reality not ready for the world stage, or could these bizarre events be isolated mistakes?

I thought the idea here was to support your position.

Considering that he was well received in Isreal and got an endorsement from Lech Walesa I think the trip turned out pretty good for him.
What was his mistake in England giving a honest answer to a question about the Olympics? And saying something that honked off the Arabs big deal saying anything other than death to Israel honks them off. Much to do about nothing.

He did not just criticize the Olympics in Britain, he also spoke about his "meeting" with MI6, off limits in the UK. Then, in Israel, he declared Israeli culture superior to that of Palestinians. That encompasses several countries to which he flipped the bird. Added to that was his campaign's "Anglo Saxon heritage" bash at Native Americans, Greeks, every Hispanic nation on earth, the continent of Africa, and the rest of the world.

He pointed out the differences between the economies of the two cultures, just like Obama pointed out to his rich audience in California how the economy and culture in rural America leads people to cling bitterly to guns and religion. Strange how a black Democarat can say that and not be a racist, but a White Republican is.

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