Romney lies to get elected


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama never held a real jobs. Unemployment rate is 20%. He created 100,000 jobs. All lies. How many Americans were fired from Bain?

12.5 million unemployed and unemployment rate 8.1%.
Employment Situation Summary

Staples, Sports Authority, Gartner Group, Steel Dynamics had over 6,000 employees. These four companies alone employed almost 125,000 total employees.
Overall, then, the companies Bain Capital funded under Romney have created tens of thousands of jobs using any measure.
What happened to the companies that went bankrupt, particularly the companies Bain Capital supposedly “looted”?
How many jobs did Romney and Bain Capital destroy?
American Pad & Paper (Ampad), Dade Behring, DDI, and Stage Stores—that Bain Capital made very profitable investments in and took money out of; later, the companies went bankrupt. While we will probably never be able to measure the true numbers, it seems pretty clear that “looting” is an inaccurate description of what happened with these companies
How Many Jobs Did Romney Create at Bain? — The American Magazine

President Obama has never held a private sector job. For example, in 2001, the future president witnessed the 9/11 attacks from his offices at the Chicago law firm Miner, Barnhill and Galland. That sounds like a private sector job to us.
Mitt Romney Says Obama’s ‘A Nice Guy, But He

at least three of the jobs he held as a young man were in the private sector: his first job after obtaining his bachelor's degree was at Business International Corporation and he held summer jobs at Sidney Austin, LLP and at Hopkins & Sutter.

Barack Obama worked at Baskin-Robbins during his teen years.
What jobs did Barack Obama have as a teenager

Is his job as a community organizer a real job. Like the job of the mayor of a city is a community organizer. Romney never worked with the working class and he cannot possible know their needs. What did he do as a teenager. Cut hair?
‘Job Creator’ Mitt Romney Has Created 1.33% as Many Jobs as Obama
By: RmuseMay 22, 2012

In Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany, his minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, said, “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth,” and as Americans witnessed for the past decade, Republicans have had a measure of success transforming unbelievable drivel into the truth. Goebbels would be proud of Willard Romney…

It is unclear if the Romney campaign is populated with pathological liars or just fact-challenged sycophants, but if Mr. Romney did create 30 – 40 thousand jobs while serving as Massachusetts’s governor, then he created far fewer jobs than President Obama did in his first two years in office.
'Job Creator' Mitt Romney Has Created 1.33% as Many Jobs as Obama
How Many Jobs Has Obama Created or Lost?
(April 2012 update)

How many more people reported they were working since the "trough" of the recession in late 2009/early 2010 to now, May 2011?
In seasonally adjusted numbers, 1,819,000 more people are working since the trough of the recession in December 2009.
In "raw" unadjusted numbers, 3,219,000 more people are working since the trough of the recession in January 2010.

Molly's Middle America: How Many New Jobs Has Obama Lost or Created?
How Many Jobs Has Obama Created or Lost?
(April 2012 update)

How many more people reported they were working since the "trough" of the recession in late 2009/early 2010 to now, May 2011?
In seasonally adjusted numbers, 1,819,000 more people are working since the trough of the recession in December 2009.
In "raw" unadjusted numbers, 3,219,000 more people are working since the trough of the recession in January 2010.

Molly's Middle America: How Many New Jobs Has Obama Lost or Created?

I would bet if Romney had almost a Trillion dollars he could do better than 3 million Jobs.... Obama's stimulus averaged paying over 265,000.00 per job (if it really created 3 million :lol: ), that is good economic sense paying 5 times the average salary for a job :cuckoo:


Obama never held a real jobs. Unemployment rate is 20%. He created 100,000 jobs. All lies. How many Americans were fired from Bain?

12.5 million unemployed and unemployment rate 8.1%.
Employment Situation Summary

Staples, Sports Authority, Gartner Group, Steel Dynamics had over 6,000 employees. These four companies alone employed almost 125,000 total employees.
Overall, then, the companies Bain Capital funded under Romney have created tens of thousands of jobs using any measure.
What happened to the companies that went bankrupt, particularly the companies Bain Capital supposedly “looted”?
How many jobs did Romney and Bain Capital destroy?
American Pad & Paper (Ampad), Dade Behring, DDI, and Stage Stores—that Bain Capital made very profitable investments in and took money out of; later, the companies went bankrupt. While we will probably never be able to measure the true numbers, it seems pretty clear that “looting” is an inaccurate description of what happened with these companies
How Many Jobs Did Romney Create at Bain? — The American Magazine

President Obama has never held a private sector job. For example, in 2001, the future president witnessed the 9/11 attacks from his offices at the Chicago law firm Miner, Barnhill and Galland. That sounds like a private sector job to us.
Mitt Romney Says Obama’s ‘A Nice Guy, But He

at least three of the jobs he held as a young man were in the private sector: his first job after obtaining his bachelor's degree was at Business International Corporation and he held summer jobs at Sidney Austin, LLP and at Hopkins & Sutter.

Barack Obama worked at Baskin-Robbins during his teen years.
What jobs did Barack Obama have as a teenager

Is his job as a community organizer a real job. Like the job of the mayor of a city is a community organizer. Romney never worked with the working class and he cannot possible know their needs. What did he do as a teenager. Cut hair?

Yes he did. Romney worked as night security guard while attending Stanford University.
Then for 2 1/2 years did missionary work in France. He lived in cramped quarters with other missionaries for the first 2 years.
Obama lied to elected :cuckoo:

Obama never held a real jobs. Unemployment rate is 20%. He created 100,000 jobs. All lies. How many Americans were fired from Bain?

12.5 million unemployed and unemployment rate 8.1%.
Employment Situation Summary

Staples, Sports Authority, Gartner Group, Steel Dynamics had over 6,000 employees. These four companies alone employed almost 125,000 total employees.
Overall, then, the companies Bain Capital funded under Romney have created tens of thousands of jobs using any measure.
What happened to the companies that went bankrupt, particularly the companies Bain Capital supposedly “looted”?
How many jobs did Romney and Bain Capital destroy?
American Pad & Paper (Ampad), Dade Behring, DDI, and Stage Stores—that Bain Capital made very profitable investments in and took money out of; later, the companies went bankrupt. While we will probably never be able to measure the true numbers, it seems pretty clear that “looting” is an inaccurate description of what happened with these companies
How Many Jobs Did Romney Create at Bain? — The American Magazine

President Obama has never held a private sector job. For example, in 2001, the future president witnessed the 9/11 attacks from his offices at the Chicago law firm Miner, Barnhill and Galland. That sounds like a private sector job to us.
Mitt Romney Says Obama’s ‘A Nice Guy, But He

at least three of the jobs he held as a young man were in the private sector: his first job after obtaining his bachelor's degree was at Business International Corporation and he held summer jobs at Sidney Austin, LLP and at Hopkins & Sutter.

Barack Obama worked at Baskin-Robbins during his teen years.
What jobs did Barack Obama have as a teenager

Is his job as a community organizer a real job. Like the job of the mayor of a city is a community organizer. Romney never worked with the working class and he cannot possible know their needs. What did he do as a teenager. Cut hair?

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