Romney Is Winning Bankers' Dollars


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Dan Froomkin is awesome! One of the best political people who nobody knows.

First, are these donations from individual bankers or the institutions themselves?

Second, whats the problem with the bankers?

Third, if this is true, is it really that shocking that they are not funding people who demonize them as much as those that believe in the free market?
Romney will be the Republican nominee.

And he'll lose to Obama bigger than McCain did.

With Romney it will be a squeaker, but Obama will still come out on top. If it is any of the other candidates we are talking a Goldwater type defeat for the GOP.

Go Perry! :lol:

You see, I don't buy that. I think Perry would be vastly more formidable than Romney, if he ever gets his act together. The things that are brought up as strikes against Perry are only important to the people who would never vote for a Republican, anyway.

Romney will perform badly with Evangelicals (because of the Mormon thing) Working people (because of his business practices) Hispanics (because of his race-baiting) Women (because of his flip-flops and Mormonism, again) and Tea Partiers. These are all components the GOP must do well in to win.

Perry could do much stronger with all these groups.

I think the best thing that both Perry and Cain have over Romney is that they come from humble backgrounds. Romney was born rich, which makes his greed even more venal. Perry grew up on a farm in Texas where they had a very hard time making a go of it. Cain grew up poor, and worked his way up through his own skill. Romney was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

Obama's strategy this time has to be playing the class warfare card. (He certainly can't run on his performance, which has been dismal.) Romney is a pretty easy foil for that kind of thing.
Keep telling yourself that Barry will win.

If the economy doesn't improve Barry and his oh so imcompetant posse will be gone.
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Imagine that! People donate money to that candidate they believe will benefit them! The horror of it all. So why was it such a good thing when those bankers donated to obama last time around?
Imagine that! People donate money to that candidate they believe will benefit them! The horror of it all. So why was it such a good thing when those bankers donated to obama last time around?

Yep. As I recall these same outfits donated heavily to Barry in 2008.

Guess they think Romney is a surer thing than Barry in 2012.
First, are these donations from individual bankers or the institutions themselves?

Second, whats the problem with the bankers?

Third, if this is true, is it really that shocking that they are not funding people who demonize them as much as those that believe in the free market?

Bankers supported Obama in 2008 in much the same respect. Our government is bought and paid for people. You are not free. This is not democracy or a republic. This is an oligarchy ran by a banking cartel. This is insanity.

Here get yourself educated on our money system, how it works, and why it is set up the way it is. It is time to end the federal reserve and this bull shit debt based money.

[ame=]The Money Masters - Full - YouTube[/ame]
Imagine that! People donate money to that candidate they believe will benefit them! The horror of it all. So why was it such a good thing when those bankers donated to obama last time around?

Yep. As I recall these same outfits donated heavily to Barry in 2008.

Guess they think Romney is a surer thing than Barry in 2012.

Obama raised 76 million in the last quarter. Romney raised 14 million.

People are putting their money where their mouth is.
Imagine that! People donate money to that candidate they believe will benefit them! The horror of it all. So why was it such a good thing when those bankers donated to obama last time around?

Exactly. There is no difference between either political party. You think you have control at the voting booth?? You dont when every candidate is already bought and paid for.
The donation reports come from the DNC so first off, you gotta trust what they say. Since obama had to drop the donation request for dinner with the president down to three dollars I doubt the truthfullness of the claimed amount.
Imagine that! People donate money to that candidate they believe will benefit them! The horror of it all. So why was it such a good thing when those bankers donated to obama last time around?

Yep. As I recall these same outfits donated heavily to Barry in 2008.

Guess they think Romney is a surer thing than Barry in 2012.

Obama raised 76 million in the last quarter. Romney raised 14 million.

People are putting their money where their mouth is.

Those people are large wall street based corporations consisting of banks, insurance companies, and military contractors. They institutions erected and maintained for the sole purpose of generating as much profit as they can for there owners, which is primarily consisted of our biggest bank.

If you want to see a candidate that doesnt get any corporate money and that gets his money from the population then take a look at Ron Paul.
Imagine that! People donate money to that candidate they believe will benefit them! The horror of it all. So why was it such a good thing when those bankers donated to obama last time around?

Yep. As I recall these same outfits donated heavily to Barry in 2008.

Guess they think Romney is a surer thing than Barry in 2012.

Obama raised 76 million in the last quarter. Romney raised 14 million.

People are putting their money where their mouth is.

Yep your right Joe but as soon as the GOP picks a candidate I think the money will come rolling into whoever that is.

I still think that Barry will be gone. Whens the last time someone gained re-election when the economy and jobs were in the toilet. FDR perhaps??
Obama received the highest contributions from Wall Street firms in history.
Romney's collection is a mere pittance compared to Obama's financial campaign empire.
First, are these donations from individual bankers or the institutions themselves?

Second, whats the problem with the bankers?

Third, if this is true, is it really that shocking that they are not funding people who demonize them as much as those that believe in the free market?

Are you trying to say that our banking system is a free market system?

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