Romney is luring Obama into a false sense of security.


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
Alot of Republicans on this message board were not only predicting a Romney win, but a Romney LANDSLIDE. Romney must be luring Obama into a false sense of security right? Only that could explain how well Obama is doing tonight.

Lady Gunslinger come out to plaaaay!!!

I hope she is okay. She is a hateful woman, but I would hate to see her turn that gun on herself. Mostly likely just drinking herself into a stupor though.
Alot of Republicans on this message board were not only predicting a Romney win, but a Romney LANDSLIDE. Romney must be luring Obama into a false sense of security right? Only that could explain how well Obama is doing tonight.

It's not over, and Romney is winning the popular vote.
I just hope the Congress makes it so Obama can't pass anything or vice-versa if Romney somehow squeaks it out.

You likely do not care.....but I am glad that you have decided to show up.

*puts defenses up to deflect incomming vollys*

I'll give it to you. One of the few with balls to show up during the thick of it.

It's amazing that the rest scattered like roaches when the lights go on.

I think I appear far more partisan on here than I actually am. Sometimes I just get caught up in the banter and just can't resist pulling out the stick to poke someone.

As the results are coming in it appears I may be the one getting poked.

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